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( we aren't in love, we just have a strong friendship )

Roman's music boomed through out the arena getting a huge pop of boos and a faint sound of cheers.

"Dose it bother you?" I ask him.

"Nah, I don't mind them booing me as long as I get a reaction." He says throw his championship over his shoulder.

"I guess you're right."

We both walk out of the curtain and those boos turn into cheers. Roman and I stand tall on the ramp staring at each other then finally Seth's music plays. Seth and Roman are schedule to have a tag team match against Kevin and Chris while I am supposed to be on commentary.
Seth walks out with both arms spread open. I shake my head at his Seth freakin Rollins shirt. Got to get myself one of those.

Seth throws his arms over both mine and Roman's shoulders. "Let's get this show on the road then."

I smirk, "Good luck you two." With that I walk towards the announced table. Corey pushes Byron off his chair and offer it to me.

"Move out of the way for the real Queen." I chuckle and take a seat.

"Hello boys." I say to Michael, Corey, and Byron with a smile.

"It is always good to have you here Charlotte! How are you?" Corey asks enthusiastically.

"I'm doing good."

"What a week it was for you last week. You are going to be in the first ever Woman's Hell in a Cell match." Michael says.

"Yes I am and I am looking forward to it."

Kevin's theme plays and both him, Chris, and Sasha walk out. My eyes go straight to the title wrapped around Sasha's waist. Corey told Byron to shut up when he started cheering for Sasha.

The match started with Roman starting off against Chris. I took my bottom lip between my teeth. I watched as Romans muscles flexed and how powerful he was. He brought a strong presence to the atmosphere.

"Charlotte, when has this little alliance started between you and Roman?" Michael asks.

"I don't know. We just started becoming friends. He stands up for things that aren't right and I do the same. We are very similar in different things. We both have the same approach in the ring when it comes to fighting. We both are some of the tallest in our division. We just work so well with each other." Roman threw Chris over the top rope and held out his arms. I smiled widely at him. I loved the cocky side of Roman.

"Well according to social media people have been saying you too have gotten some strong feelings for each other and I do believe that. It's so noticeable. You always stare at him like he's your prince charming. He is always there to protect you. You guys are in love!" Byron exclaims.

I scoff rolling my eyes. Great Charlotte, their on to you.

"We aren't in love, we just have a strong friendship."

"Shut up Byron, you're acting like one of those stupid fangirls." Corey said. Roman just tagged in Seth and they did a double team on Chris. So far they were dominating.

"Boys, boys, boys, contain yourselves." Michael said to Corey and Byron as they bickered among each other.
"Charlotte what in your mind made you want a match inside Hell in a Cell?"

"I don't know if you have noticed, but Sasha and I have gotten quite violent in the past weeks. We both want to conflict pain on each other. We hate each other's guts. I can hate Sasha but I do respect her. We crashed the main roster from NXT. We brought done the barriers of the woman's division. We have made history plenty of time together. Breaking down walls isn't something new for us. So why not break down one more wall."

Just then Sasha started walking up the ramp, eyes locked on me.

"See ya later boys, seems like I have to take care of some unwanted business." I took off my headset and stood up.

Sasha and I came face to face seconds after that. She held up her title high and proud. "You see this? This means I'M the champion, not you. You're time is done. You don't deserve this anymore." Sasha told me. From the corner of my eye I saw Roman knock Kevin over the top rope as Seth and Chris fought their way up the ramp. The ref was calling for them to get back in the ring.

"I don't deserve this?" I said pointing to the belt. "You don't deserve it. You're just a sellout who bought in to the fraudulent. You aren't no champion, you're just a phony."

I received a hard slap to the face. I licked my lips and chuckled loudly. I turned my face slowly to look at Sasha who had wide eyes.

Within a blink of an eye, I grab her by the hair whipped her back, sending her to the ground. I got on top of her and gave her punches to her think headed skull. The bell rang, I guess Seth and Chris didn't make the ten count.

I grabbed Sasha by the hair and stood up, bit got distracted when Roman threw Chris against the announced table. Sasha took the opportunity to give me a vicious chop to my chest.

I ignored the stinging sensation on my chest and managed to knee her in the ribs. She bent over in pain and I made the mistake of getting close to her. She gave me double knees to my chin making me wobble.
She gave me a drop kick and stood over me like a vulture.

She faced the crowd throwing her hands up taking trash. I sweaped my leg from under her making her fall. I pounded on her, crawling whatever I could get a hold of. She then made a coward move.
She jabbed me in the eye.

I held my face in pain, tears fell down my eyes from them being jabbed at. My vision got blurry and uncomfortable.

Her shadowy figure held up her championship, ready to knock me back down.
I slowly got on my feet, what was a innocent commentary became a violent mess.

At the last second, I dodged her and speared her off the stage.

I was in a complete daze. The world around me became blurry. I couldn't focus straight. It seemed like I was in a different world.
Suddenly I was pulled out of my dazed world by no other than Roman Reigns.

He lifted me up and looked me deeply in my eyes. My fingers tagled through is wavy wet hair.

"Took a page out of my book?" Roman asked with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes as he set me on my feet.

"You filthy scumbag!" Seth screamed as he threw Chris against the screen causing it to glitch.
Roman and I looked at each other went over to pull Seth away.

His touch lingered on my skin, causing goosebumps. I ached so terribly for his touch again.

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