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For whoever knows me personally knows that I try to avoid conflict as much as possible. I don't like to cause any problems or be taken advantage of.

This book is what I'm most proud of. It isn't the most popular book, it isn't the most diverse, or out standing, but its my book. For the first time in a long time I felt completed when I ended this book. It brought me so much joy when I would see a vote or a comment for this book. I truly do love this book. This might sound so cheesy and annoying but this is my safe place. This is the book where I feel myself.

I am in NO WAY saying I'm a big account have a have authority. If I did say that it would be a lie. I am Sam, just plain Sam. I am a simple girl who has a love for writing my heart out on a small account with just 300 followers.

I've seen plagurism everywhere. On TV, at school with essays, On wattpad, etc. Plagurism is a terrible thing and I do believe its illegal (correct me on that if I'm wrong.) I have dealt with someone stealing a whole chapter from my other book and placing it in their horrendous work, but I have never experienced someone stealing a whole book.

For those who don't know, it feels absolutely horrible. Too me its the worst feeling in the world. Picture this, the best thing in your mind that you have ever created being stole from you. I'm not talking just a little piece of something. I'm talking about a WHOLE CONCEPT of a book.

Inspiration hits you everywhere. Inspiration strikes you anywhere. I totally get that. I got the idea from this book from Ric's and Charlotte's segment and the song named Daddy Issues by the neighborhood. Its okay to get inspired by a book and place credit to the person that inspired you in the description.


to copy the same storyline, the same concept, and almost the same cover mood is completely something different.

Suzanne Collins (the author of the Hunger Games series) got inspired by I believe it is Japanese, movie called Battle Royal. Did she use the exact same setting and characters? No. She made it her own.

So for anyone who hasn't got the point yet, My story DADDY ISSUES was stolen by a person.

I am in no way trying to cause anymore drama or hate towards this person. I am just simply addressing what happened.

Daddy Issues was first published in I believe back in early December and finished in early February. So in no way I was copying anyone. This was my name idea.

So the mortal of me talking about this is don't steal people's hard work. Whether its a school work, a book, a movie, a song, or anything, do not steal. I know its hard to find ideas and such, trust me we have all been there but stealing another person's work is NOT the answer.

To this person who did this. I do forgive you and thank you for taking the book down. If you are reading this, then I hope you don't steal anymore works. I bet you can write a good entertaining story on your own. Just trust yourself and just go for it.

Well I'm done with this. I hope you guys are having a wonderful day or night. I'm gonna go back to doing my work before my teacher kills me.

Xoxo, Sam.

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