1.my saturday

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Wake up in the mornin feeling like p-diddy, put my glasses,am at the door,am gonna hit this city..

Kesha was blarring through the speakers, and I had nothing beter to do than wait for my oh so gorgeous best friend to stop dancing so that we could leave as early as possible.

I don't even know why I am here cuz they bribed me with pizza? I am really not a party person as you can already see me standing away from everyone ew all the stinking bodies and trying my level to keep it low.

But with the stupid dress which reveals too much skin for my liking is definitely attracting unwanted attention. Blame Mallory to make me were something like this.

Honestly, we don't even know whose party it is. Some stupid rich brat throwing useless parties just because his parents ain't home. So cliche. Unlike me, my best friends Mallory and Trevor are total party freaks. And this is what I get for befriending them.

These are a few situations where I doubt my decisions. They take me to random parties where people attend from different schools most of the time. And trust me when I say it is infuriating to be left out. No one wants a normal company here. Either they want to snog or shag people out of their minds.

And me being the anti-touchy feely person usually avoid all the awkwardness around. I get all awkward and well...totally klutz around people on the move. I am good till they are only friendly, but avoid them like plague once it is something else.

Mal and Trev find their own fun by dancing and drinking till they get wasted. And as you can see, I am the designated driver if course.

Cue for an eye roll

"Mal! Just stop dancing already. It's getting very late! Mom's gonna lash me out."

"Just loosen up a bit girlie. And as for your mom, I have all the rights in the world to loosen you up,remember?"

Yea, you heard right. My mom's weird that way. She actually forces me to the parties to loosen up and shit. Can you believe her?!

"Where is Trevor?" I asked her, more like shouted over the blarring music avoiding her smug look.

"Somewhere near the pool I guess." She replied shrugging and danced away with someone.

That gurl..

I saw a guy making his way to me and resisted the urge to groan out loud.

He smells like beer and is clearly drunk. He is good looking and all, that scares me more.

"What is a beautiful girl like you doing alone here?" Isn't it quite old line to pick a girl up?

"Something that ain't your interest buddy."

"Wanna forget the night baby?" He asked with a deep voice leaning in.

Only for me to step back hitting the counter saying.
"Sorry pal, but I don't swing your way."

It took him a while to understand what I meant and he left breathing colorful words. I dint even have time to sigh in relief before some bimbo came over swinging her hips.

"Wanna bang tonight babe?" She asked invading my space.

"Oh god! I am straight. I am so sorry " I said trying to push her away. She is clearly too drunk to be in her senses.

"I just saw you turning a guy down. Don't lie. I know you want me."

I morphed my face into disgust and tried being polite this time.

"I am so sorry, I am really straight." It's like she dint even listen to what I said and started leaning in, before I pushed her away with force, came two hands pulling the red head away from me .

"Dint you hear the lady? She ain't interested. Get another to bang." Came Mal's voice.

"Pft. Whatever" she said and strolled away.

"Thank you Mal!" I said hugging her only for her to glare at me.

"Really Jamie? What happened to loosening up?! See! This is what you get for lieing. Why do you even have to send all the hot guys away? When will you ever start dating......"

She went on rambling about hiw it's been a while I loosened up and I should live in the moment and blah blah blah.

I just pulled her with me while she still babbled and found a wasted Trev near the pool. I literally pushed both of them into the car and drive away. Trev seriously needs to cut some of the alcohol. He isn't even in a state to talk properly. I bet he doesn't even know its me who pushed him in the car.

He murmured something under his breathe like 'kiss me baby' only for me to roll my eyes and drive faster.

So this how we end up in my room, the three of us. It's like it has become a routiñe every weekend now. My mom doesn't mind these stupid chimpanzees here and it's really scary the way she trusts them.

I can't really shove these morons in their rooms so it's like they stay in my room every day. Trevor is incredibly rich and his parents being very busy don't even know his whereabouts. And that is one of the reasons why he always hangs out in my house with me, mal and my brother .

Trev is more closer to my brother than me,i know it is sad to hear, but boys have their dirty lil secrets. So that is also one of the reasons why he has his own room in my house right beside my brothers . And Mal being close family friend stays with me since her parents live in cali and she needs to finish school.

So this is pretty much my Saturday and wait till you see my Sunday tomorrow.

Hey guys! Please don't mind if I use anything offensive. These characters are purely fictional and only intend to entertain. They don't represent any real life characters. Thank you.

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