17. karma-the biyatch

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Watching the sun set is one of the most beautiful things I've ever known. We were all sitting around the camp fire and talking, laughing and Trevor was singing. Horribly might I add.

After Chase came out of the freezing waters all he did was CHASE me around.

Ya get it? Huh? Get it? Muahahahaahhaa.

Chase chased me around like tom chases jerry .

I was laughing like a madwoman running around and guess what? Being an amazing klutz I am ,tripped on my own feet and fell. Where? Into the lake. Yes. I know I am awesome

Where is the prize for world's clumsiest klutz ever? That'd be for me.

And now we were warming ourselves by the fire after having a fair share of laughter. Chase is sitting right beside me making me damn uncomfortable.


Cuz he is freaking shirtless. And I am a teenager with hormones. And my enemy is a freaking armani model.

He is totally oblivious to my discomfort but I cannot say the same with Nat. She was smirking at me .

Remember when I introduced her to you saying she is the sweetest?


She is being Satan. I repeat. SATAN.

Later, we just decided on gazing the night sky so now we lay on the ground. Well not literally on the ground, but yea, on a mat and gaze the stars.

I am being set up with Chase so much that it's getting annoying. He was laying right by my side while gazing but I was too busy enjoying the night sky.

You wish.

The night is beautiful. Even though I got soaking wet, almost froze to death and got killed several times my death glares, it was all worth it.

I've known Chase all my life, but never have I ever had fun with him. We fight. True. But they don't seem real anymore. It all feels like good humor. Maybe we did change.

But that still doesn't change the fact that he is one self conceited egoistic dipshit. Nat and Blake fell asleep and the rest were also very tired. Chase also kinda was sleeping by my side.

Mal helped Trev take Blake into the tent and Trev easily lifted a sleeping Nat and placed her in the sleeping bag.

Chase dint care moving nor did I. I wished a small good night to both of them and soon they were in their tents too. I just kept admiring the night sky.

The lake looks like a moonlit magic land. This is one of the clearest lakes around that makes it even beautiful. It reflects the moon light and it takes people into a trance.

I slowly got up and sat admiring the lake. Chase had his eyes closed and I dint bother waking him up.

I hate to admit it, but Chase is fun. Being around him is just so entertaining.

I started walking towards the lake to get a clearer view of everything. The cool breeze touching my face and the insects chirping. I felt good. I stood by the rock staring at the moon and remembered the time when Chase actually made me believe that moon is evil and is following me around to take all my food.

I ran two blocks crying that the moon was stalking me. I smiled at the memory.

"What are you smiling at?" Came a voice startling me and being the klutz I am, I slipped. I waited for the water to hit me but two arms wrapped around my waist preventing the fall.

So cliche.

I know.

Your life is a freaking novel Jamie.

And here I come face to face with none other than the gorgeous conceited jerk making my breath hitch.

"You okay?" He asked still not leaving me.

"Yes." I could barely whisper. The proximity was too much for me to think straight.

His green eyes searching mine for what i don't know and I dint realise I was slowly leaning it. Our lips inches apart. I was now getting breathless.

Wow. So cliche.

My pulse was quicker than usain bolt and I know I could win a marathon with this speed.

His eyes seem so dreamy at the moment and his hair so silky. I just want to run my hand through it.

"Okay cool." He said and left me abruptly making me fall on my butt and he burst out laughing.

And here you go people.

Lesson of the day.

This is how you get a reality check. And here I was thinking my life is a cliche.

Knock knock

Who's there?


Reality sucks.

I scowl at him and try punching only for him to hold my hand and laugh like an ass he is. Dipshit.

"Karma's a biyatch. That fall was for my jaw " he said smirking evilly


I pinched him hard and he left my hand. But before I hit him he started running away.

So this is how you go camping and end up beating the shit out of certain useless William and ultimately get tired and sleep. ALONE might I add.

Cuz I zipped the tent up throwing him out. Well, he can sleep outside between insects for all I care.

Karma's definitely a biotch.

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