11. the zoo

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It's the last hour at school now, and it's been the same old boring day so far. Scott tried talking to me but i avoided him like a plaugue after learning that his intentions weren't platonic. And yea, I also found out that he indeed is a virginator. Wow. My whole life is a freaking lie. And here I was thinking he is Mr gold .

The bell rang making me sign in relief. I was way too bored with my life right now. I want to have some fun. I know you must be thinking I lost it.

How does the boring Jamie wanna have fun? The world must really come to an end now.

But nah. I think it's time I loosen up. But that doesn't mean I am ready for the touchy feely ish yet. Or ever.

"I want to loosen up." I made an announcement making Mal gasp dramatically and Nat seemed to be in a shock. The guys already left home and we are right now in the parking area. I know. The guys are rude.

"Where is Jamie?"

"Who the freak are you?"

I rolled my eyes and started driving. They still seemed to be in a shock and Mal was typing away in her phone.

"I really think I need to have some fun. I am bored with myself. Lets go to a party tonight? Mom and Dad will be back tomorrow anyway. " Nat really is in a shock. Okay then.

My phone started ringing and I lifted it up smiling.

"Hey mom!"

" Are you alright honey?"

"Yea why?"

"Oh. Nothing. Mal just said you wanted to loosen up. So I was wondering if something's wrong." Mom said chuckling nervously making me scowl. Really?

"Okay then bye! Have fun. I don't want grand children around anytime soon. Use protection." Mom laughed making me red and she cut the call before I could defend myself.

We reached home to find a shocked Blake and excited Trev . Chase was no where in sight.

"Are you serious?"

"Gah! Give me a break. I am already regretting the statement."

"Wait. No! I got us the entries. We can go tonight. Get ready ladies." Blake said enthusiastically leaving me baffled.

And before I know I was being pushed into my room. Chase came out of my room holding two dresses and smirked.

"What were you doing in my room?"

"Oh nothing. Just planning on ways to murder you." He said sarcastically.

He then shoved the dresses in my hand and said.

"Wear one of these. Don't dress up like a granny tonight." Making me scowl and gurls to laugh.

And then in an hour here I stand. All dolled up. The girls are getting ready so I went down.

Blake looked at me and scowled .

"The dress is too revealing. Change it." Seriously? I wore I navy blue single piece which showed just a bit of my cleavage and came upto my mid thigh.

"Seriously man. It's just fine. You need to let her live a lil " Trevor said coming out of kitchen and smiled appreciatively.

"Damn. You look good Jam Jam." He said making me blush.

Chase wolf whistled coming out of kitchen making me roll my eyes. The girls were ready soon and the guys wolf whistled yet again. Well, this time except Chase. He can't whistle at his sister now, can he? That'd be weird and gross.

We were soon at the party and I am already regretting my decision. It's just like every other party but somehow seemed more wild. Sticky stinking bodies laying around. Everyone dispersed and Blake said

"Stay close. Call me immediately if you need any help." Before disappearing. Some great brother I have. Sarcasm folks.

Mal danced away with Blake and it was me and Natalie to ourselves.

We drank a few cocktails. Yea you heard me right. I am having alcohol. More like she forced me to have a few cocktails.

"Cmon Jam! Let's dance." She dragged me to the dance floor and we started dancing. The music was too loud but I honestly didn't care at the moment.

I started swinging along with the beats and soon lost track of time or anything else for that matter. I felt thristy with all the dancing and laughing and grabbed a few more drinks. I lost Nat in the crowd but just shrugged it off.

I had some more random drinks placed on the table and the pops were amazing!

Everything is so fun around. Dj remix of moves like Jagger was blarring and I started swinging to the beat. I made my way through the crowd and saw a goat on the stage in the DJ's place.

"Hey goat!" I shouted but all in vain. So I climbed up the stage and suddenly everyone were shouting.





I went to the goat who was smirking at me and changed the music to retro remix. Someone more like some pony came onto the stage and started dancing. Okay. She is taking if her clothes! Why did the point wear clothes? To hide her body parts idiot! Oooooo........

I started dancing to the edge of the stage and wanted to fly.

I already had the mike in my hand so I yelled in it.

"I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!!!. " And all the animals whooped in agreement. I dint wait for everyone to fly and immediately pushed myself off the stage and flew.

But a donkey held me the bride style suddenly . WHY? I want to freaking fly!!!

"Go away donkey! Let the swan flyyyy."

"Okay Jam your too drunk. Let's go." The donkey said.

"Chase take her man, I will search for the others." The donkey said to someone else and I was being shifted.

All I wanted to do is fly. Is that a crime? I pouted.

"What's wrong?" The pig asked me. Ew. I am in a pig's arms. Who cares? They are very strong and cozy.

"I wanted to fly Mr pig. But Mr donkey doesn't let me do it." I complained with all the whine around. Someone give me the cheese.

"Mr pig? What are you then?"


"You need to sleep. You're too drunk Jimie poo."

And then I snuggled into mr pig like an obedient swan and drifted into sleep.

-keep reading-

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