43. goodbyes

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Our magical moment came to an end and we went back to the party with secretive smiles. Well, secretive on his face, my smile was huge, almost as wide as my face could fit.

I was bouncing. I am totally in love with this menace and I don't think I will be able to tell him that any time soon. But I am very happy for now.

I made him apologise to Scott, but he also thanked him surprising me. We came back home with Josh this time and left Blakey boy with Mallory.

"So, you like me." He said grinning.

"So, I like you." I said mocking him.

"I could get used to those words." He said and pecked me lightly before falling on the couch and I sat beside him.

Two more day and I don't know what will happen to us.


I thought sadly. We have our own dreams and ambitions. And reasons to part away. I cannot stop him from going, nor can he.

"What are you thinking about?"

"About us , after two days." And then his face went confusingly blank.

"How much do you like me?" I asked him wanting to know.

"A lot." He replied in a heartbeat.

Can we make it work? For four years? Being oceans apart?

Yea. No. Too much of wishful thinking.

I will be gone day after tomorrow. And I really don't know what will happen to us.

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked trying to ease the tension.

"Sure, but shouldn't we sleep? It's getting late. And we are leaving tomorrow if you forgot." I reminded him. His face fell and he said "I remember. Yup. You're right. We should sleep." And then we went to our room and decided to cuddle tonight.

Don't look at me like that. I just want to get whatever I can, before I leave.

Leave. It got a pained knot in my chest. But it's my dream to go. And I just can't drop it.

We slept silently, my hand around his waist and his wrapped around me. I slowly fell asleep listening to his steady heart beat and even breathing.

The next day, we've been woken by a yelling donkey, Blakey boy, saying we need to leave immediately. It's already noon, and we had to do a bit of last moment shopping before we leave tomorrow.

I freed myself from Chase's grasp and immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower. Chase was up by the time I came out and he immediately pecked me before getting into the bathroom making me smile.

I am going to miss this.

Everyone were already ready and they looked as miserable as I felt. Bakey boy and I were leaving tomorrow and the rest are leaving next week.

Mal immediately hugged me and said "I can't believe this is happening. We are growing up." She had tears in her eyes and I know I had a few unushered ones in mine.

"True." I said and hugged her back.

"This is not a goodbye guys. Come on! We will meet up as frequently as possible and Skype every damn day. Okay?" Nat said hopefully and joined us making it a group hug.

"Yes we will." I said but we all know life is going to change. But our friendship will remain.

"You guys are making me emotional." Trev said and joined din the hug. Blakey joined in too and we parted after a while. Everyone hugged and we all now sat in the car ready to go to our respective houses.

They will all come again to the airport to say goodbye tomorrow.

"Goodbye Jamie. I really had a good time with you. Don't loose your major crush on me and let's keep meeting, you know what I mean? Chase doesn't have to know." Scott said winking jokingly and hugged me. I hugged him back and muttered a small " I'll miss you too." He wasn't coming to send me off tomorrow. So he had to say goodbye today itself.

It felt weird. I was getting so emotional. I barely knew him, Josh for about six months now, but I found myself missing them already.

I hugged them and said goodbye before getting down the Jeep and they did the same weird bro hug with Blakey. Blake also seemed very emotional with Scott and Josh. I actually remember him hating Scott at a point in life. But I guess high school changes everyone.

After having a heart breaking emotional good-bye session with Scott and Josh we set off to shop the last minute necessities. This must probably be the last time we are shopping together before we start our college life.

So Mal , me and Nat decided to make the best of this evening. We shopped our necessities and Nat just accompanied us. We had dinner in our favourite pizza spot behind the mall and laughed remembering all the stupid things we've done.

And when I finally got home, I felt sad and excited at the same time.


My life is changing. I hope for the better.

And then I slip into Blakey boy's room and we play COD for a while and sleep talking about our lives. I told him about Chase and he was happy we finally confessed. But he was also sad we had to leave it hanging there.

He said he is never going to leave Mal and that they are going to work it through long distance. I've never seen him happier and more in love and smiled. We finally sleep swimming in our own thoughts embraced by silence.

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