one shot: Natalie

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It's finally summer and everyone will be coming back. I'm happy to meet all of them after a year, but things are still awkward between Trevor and me. It's been four years we broke up but we couldn't diffuse the awkward tension when around.

Though, we did manage to convince others it was casual, and act as if it is no big deal, we still feel awkward around each other. After all, I shared my first kiss with my brother's bestfriend.

Everything was going good at first until, I got a call from Trevor during my high school prom day, saying he wants to break up with me. I was heart broken and asked him why. All he said was that he was holding me back and that I should see new people.

I was fuming. He had no right to say that. This is what I chose. This doesn't mean I'm holding back. But I assumed this is just a reason he is giving to get rid of me. So I dint push it. I immediately cut his phone and never liftet again.

This will be our third summer of awkwardness. Though I am looking forward to meet everyone, I still wish I wouldn't see him.

I had to share many things to Jam and Mal. About this new guy Dylan who seems cute. He asked me out last month and we went on a few dates. He has been nothing but sweet to me so far. And he manages to give me butterflies with his smile. But still, he stood nowhere near Trev. Sad to admit, but I don't really think I'm over him.

Everyone must be home by the time I reach. I stayed back late in the library to keep my mind away from things. My phone started ringing pulling me out of my thoughts.

I smiled looking at Chase's number flash onto my screen.


"Where the hell are you?!"

"Aw. I miss you too big brother ."

"Doesn't look like it. Get your arse home right now!" He grumbled and cut the call. I chuckled at him rolling my eyes and put my books into the bag.

I waved goodbye to the librarian and got into my car. I saw Blake's car just around the corner indicating Jam and Blake are here. I don't think Mal is coming for a couple more days. She said she'll visit Cali before coming here.

I got down the car with a huge smile stuck to my face to see Chase laughing at something Blake said and Jam pouting.

They never change I rolled my eyes.

Jam saw me and jumped in her seat.

"NAT! Oh. My. Gosh. It's been SO long! You changed a lot this year! You dint update me about your red hair!" She said and I involuntarily ran my hand through my now light red hair.

"I got it done a few weeks ago. Both of us have been to busy to contact " I chuckled and she joined in. We hugged each other like there is no tomorrow and then she was yanked back by none other than my big brother.

He pulled me into a bear hug and kissed my forehead. " Missed you." I whispered to which he lifted me making me chuckle.

"Missed you too chipmunk." He ruffled my hair. "Ugly hair btw." He smirked making me roll my eyes.

Blake gave me another bear hug. He was like a big brother to me. I looked up to him and Chase in many ways.

"How have you been Nat?" He asked to which I smiled and said "as good as ever."

I went to my room excusing myself to put my things away and Jam came up with me. Blake and Chase went to kitchen where I'm sure mom would be cooking something drool worthy tonight.

"I need to talk to you." Jam said in all seriousness making me raise my brow.

"What is it?" I asked to which she just turned away her face.

I got confused as to why she was being this way and put my hand under her chin and turned her face towards me. She had tears welling up in her eyes.

I immediately hugged her and started rubbing her back as she sobbed. My heart broke to see her this way. She was fine a moment ago though.

"Jam. Calm down honey. What's wrong? You can tell me anything. You know that right?" I coed holding her hands.

"Yea, it's just- it's.." she looked out of the window.

"What is it?" I asked her again.

"It's Chase Nat. I think he wants to break up with me." She said startling me.

"Why would you think that?" I asked her surprised.

"He's avoiding me."

"No he's not."

"Yes, he is. He wouldn't pick up my calls. Won't face time me. And the other day, I called him from Giselle's phone and he lifted, when he saw my face, he immediately he needs to go. He said he suddenly remembered something. He wouldn't see me eye to eye since then. It's been two weeks and he's being like that. And I think he found another girl."

"No. It's nothung like that Jam. Maybe he was just tensed for his finals?" I asked her.

" I called him again three days ago nat, after his finals, he dint lift, and once, a week ago, his roommate Lara lifted his phone telling me he's in shower. Do you think it's her? She's the one?" I frowned.

"Let's see how this goes. I'm sure he has a reason Jam. Don't worry. He is too smitten to stay without you."

"But he did. For a year. We barely met this year. I dint come home for Christmas remember?"

True. What has this world come to. Yes, I agree with her. Chase has been talking about Lara girl lately, a lot. And he barely mentioned Jam. And even today, I could see a tension between them. I don't think Blake realised it.

I just hope my brother and my best friend are happy. I hope I will be happy too.

"Okay, leave mine. Coming to you. How's your college?" She asked being back to her usual chirpy self.

"Same. Boring. But there's this guy though, Dylan. He's cute and smart and we went on a few dates." I said to which she frowned slightly and then gave me a wide smile which I could see was forced, knowing her so well.

"Aye. I've seen you've found a guy. What's he like?" She asked eagerly in a teasing way but surprisingly I couldn't blush.

"He's nice " I said vaguely and blanked out.

"You okay? You're not over him are you?"

"No. I don't think so." I admitted reluctantly.

"I don't think he's over you too. I think you should sort this out."

"Yea. I guess I will talk to him when he comes here or something.." I trailed off and as if he heard me, he barged into my room. His eyes wide as saucers when he saw Jam beside me, the situation was comical.

Jam and Trev hugged each other and she left us alone, not before hitting him on the shoulder and winking at me.

"Hey." He said with a smile.

That smile

"Hi." I said with a small smile of my own.

"Nice hair by the way." He said smirking and i rolled my eyes.

"Yea whatever. What do you want?"

"We need to talk."

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