27. girl confessions

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I don't get it. Why are these guys so obsessed with taking selfies? Is it even normal? Blake and Chase are all about selfies right now and Trev as usual is taking pictures of everything and everyone.

We, the girls are bored AF of the stupid selfies they've been on about. Secretly, between you and me, all I do is escape from the camera. I mean look at them, all my friends are like freaking models, and I look like poop.

Especially beside Chase , I feel like dead meat. I've always been insecure in front of the camera from childhood. Having a model for a twin has that effect on you.

"GUYS! Stop with the selfies already!" Nat whined for which they just flipped her off meaning they will not be done anytime soon.

We just rolled out eyes. They are behaving like Regina George and minions. We just decided to have some girl time. We have a lot to catch up on anyway.

Our luggage was still packed, we decided on unpacking it later. So we sat down in a random room making ourselves comfy on the bed. Nat got us some pretzels form kitchen and I opened my strawberry wafers.

"Soo...starting with Mal. How serious are you and Blake?" I asked making her choke.

"Um...I am pretty serious." She said averting her eyes that means she is insecure.

"Mal, what's wrong?" Nat asked softly.

"You can tell me anything. I know that douche is my brother , but you are my best friend. You can tell me."

"Well, I really like him. I want this to work. But we will be taking different paths in a few days, I don't know if he wants to be with me."

I just rolled my eyes. I know my brother well.

"Dude, if Blake dint want anything long term with you, he wouldn't ask you to be his girlfriend, especially before leaving." I said with all the seriousness and she seemed to relax.

"I wanted to here this from you, thanks Jam. You know him better than I do, so now it's really assuring " she said and we hugged her.

We turned our malicious gaze to Nat for her eyes to widen in shock and before we question her.

"Okay okay, don't look at me like that! Jee. I will tell you. But..." she saw me smirking.

"But..?" We asked in unison.

"My news may push you into a shock sooo, let's talk about Jam first."

"What about me?" I asked innocently.

"About from when you started liking Chase?" Mal suggested smirking.

"About are you gonna bang him?" Nat asked making me gag.

"Honestly Natalie! He is your brother for Pete's sake! You can't talk about his sex life. And I am NOT gonna bang him jeez." I said looking at her with horror filled expression.

And then I turned to a smirking Mal and blushed furiously remembering her question.

"Oh. My. God! You actually like him?! You realised? We thought you won't realise anytime soon. Now now, Nat , give me the money honey." She said making her glare and me frown.

"We bet on whether you will realise before leaving or in the airport. Nat said you will realise your emotions while leaving and I said it'll be before you leave." She clarified now making me glare.

"Okay honey, DETAILS." Nat barked smirking.


Am I the only one with weird friends?

"People, calm down. Nothing great to listen. I realised I like him when I was volunteering and ish. I missed our banters and so, concluded." I said with finality.

They smirked and waggled there eye brows making me gag.

"When do you plan on telling him?" Mal asked to which I frowned.


"But WHY?! We ship you so bad!"

"Cuz he doesn't like me that way, and I am not that sure either(lie) and this isn't gonna work out, we will be in two different CONTINENTS for the next few YEARS."

They nodded in understanding and we went back to tormenting Nat.

"Your turn girlie.." I said smirking.

"Okay...don't take it to heart. Its nothing serious honestly. I really like him and we accidentally kissed. Since then, he's been cocky and flirting with me. He recently asked me out and I accepted but dint tell you cuz you guys were seriously dealing with your shit."

"Name honey...name." Mal asked patiently. I was growing extremely curious.

"Well...don't be mad please. I dint tell you cuz you were studying hard and he was very busy too. He is also gonna tell everyone today . We decided to reveal ourselves after the tensions are over."

Okay now I am really curious.

She is beating around the bush.

"Do we know him ?" I asked cautiously.

To which she nodded meekly and the next word she said made me choke and Mal spit the water she was drinking.


SO...what do you think? Did you catch it on before itself? Or was it a shock to you? I DID try hinting before though. Do comment and lemme know.

-keep reading-

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