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Okay, I know all of you are struck at "who is max?" Let me answer that in here.

Over years of being friends, Scott Dauglas , the golden boy, became our family. He had an amazing life, wonderful family and friends. He fell in love with a beautiful girl Raine.

She was welcomed into our little family of close friends with open arms. Scott was one the most important people in my life. We went through a lot together.

He was there with me when Chase and I were having a real rough time. Through all the ups and downs in my life. He helped me in many things, from calming my nerves before exams to calming my nerves before my wedding day.

He introduced me to an amazing person, Raine. Directly or not, he has been involved in all the happy contents of our lives.

Scott Dauglas was family. He got engaged to Raine after college. We were very happy. More than words could express. Everything was good, till the dreadful day. The day that changed everything in our lives.

It flipped our worlds and we were painfully dragged down my reality.

His death.

In a car accident. I've never had a good history with accidents. Alex was lucky enough to be saved. But our Scott wasn't so lucky. One moment we were all laughing, facetiming, and the next moment there is a crash.

Raine was devastated. That poor girl couldn't handle it. Weeks later the accident, we found out that Raine was pregnant.

This is the reason Nat got paranoid and wouldn't get together with Trev. Raine was devastated. She couldn't collect herself.

She gave birth to a lovely baby boy, Max. And then, Raine underwent tragic phase of depression. She soon got diagnosed with anxiety disorder and accute depression. She had to be admitted.

We were still grieving for Scott and couldn't exactly handle losing one more member from our family. Raine is getting better now, but it'll take some time.

She loves max, but she cannot be with him all the time. Max is now two years old healthy sunshine. We took Max in with us , but Raine was still the legal guardian. But our last visit with Raine, she requested us to make max our son. Not that we already don't see him that way, but she wanted to make sure he was legally in safe hands.

And we couldn't say no. We were more than happy to have a child. Our child. We agreed. We hope Raine will soon be alright.

Max, a goof ball, two year old sunshine, is everything in our lives. He is our light. But he is a painful memory of Scott. His caramel hair and rosy cheeks, were striking features of Scott.

We haven't told anyone about our meet with Raine last week, and now when we finally got the courage to tell them, we were greeted with pin drop silence.

"We are adopting Max." Chase repeated hoping for a reaction.

After five painful minutes, Mal finally spoke up.

"What about Raine?"

"She asked us to take him in." I said nervously.

I know they all loved Max. But I dint know if they could accept us taking him in. Chase and I, have our ups and downs. We are not exactly the best couple around, but we are perfect in our own way.

I don't know if we'll be good parents, but we will give our best. And we really need our friends approval. We don't know if they'd like us to take Max as our own. They are all equally over protective of the toddler and we were scared that they'll think we are not right for Max.

"Please say something." I begged almost tearing up.

"I know Chase and i are not the best people for Max, he deserves the best, but we will give him all we have." I said keeping my head low.

Two warm hands engulfed me.

"I'm so proud of you." Blake said smiling with teary eyes. All our friends had a proud expression that made my heart swell.

"What are you talking about? You are perfect for Max. You already are his parents." Trevor said reassuring.

"Yes. You'll be good parents Jam. Don't worry. " Mal said and I could finally muster a small smile.

I nervously looked at Nat and she looked deep in though.

"Is Raine never recovering?" She asked with teary eyes. She's had more moments with Raine than anyone.

"We don't know yet Nat " I said and hugged her to which she hugged me back.

"You deserve Max Jam. Don't even, for a second, doubt that." Nat said now smiling.

My chest painfully twisted remembering my inability to have kids. Chase and I were devastated when we found out that my body couldn't hold a child.

Raine and Scott always comforted us. And today, I cannot be more grateful to them for giving me a chance to be a mother. I owe them all my happiness.

A traitor tear escaped my eye. This is our bitter sweet moment. Scott Dauglas will never be forgotten. He is always alive in our hearts.

The peaceful yet sad silence in the kitchen was broken by a baby's crying voice. My eyes widened as I immediately rushed towards the baby cart in Trev's bedroom.

There my baby was crying and I immediately took him in my arms and started cooing.

"Shsh Maxy, momma's here baby. Shsh." I rocked him and he soon fell asleep in my arms.

With a released sigh I walked into the kitchen with Max in my arms.

"And you thought you wouldn't be a good mother." Mal said smiling while everyone chuckled.

True. We've had many bad things in our lives. But we stuck together. Through thick and thin. And will always be. Everything changes with time. But we managed to keep our friendship the same.

We were happy. That doesn't change the fact that we have scars. We are strong. And will remain. Till we have each other.

Like they say, friends are family, though not by blood, but by choice.

You can yell now. I'm sorry. Epilogue next peeps. Do vote though. *sheepish*

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