13. back to jerk

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Natalie and Chase left last night but it dint really make much of a difference so far as we met as soon as we reached the school. But I was gravely disappointed as I expected to have some girl time with Natalie.

Some day.

I still couldn't figure out why Chase abruptly left the place and behaved weird last night. It kept nagging me but I tried shrugging it off.

Chase was back to being a jerk the second he saw me this morning. And if you haven't guessed, yes, the hell broke loose.

He is roaming around the school corridors with a bruised jaw yet again and I have a constant fear of my life. That's right.

What? It was self defence this morning . And I honestly don't remember how the fight started. This is very normal. Me giving him a bruised jaw. Okay maybe not normal. But it's the second time so you shouldn't be shocked.

The prom is coming. Yes, so soon. I can't believe my high school is coming to an end. My birthday is coming soon. And my life sucked right now. Why?

1) I have a demon on lease hunting me down.

2) I am about to die. The worst. Die virgin.(laugh all you want)

3) I don't have a date to the prom.

The third point is cuz everyone around got a date. Yes. You heard me right. Believe me or not, Mal grew some lady balls and asked Blake out and he dint hesitate saying yes.

Trevor is going with Monica. Chase, I don't know. But he surely will get a date anyway if he hasn't got any yet. I just don't want to go to the senior prom single.

I am gonna go all Elsa and say.

And you must also think why on this poop eating planet did Jamie start sharing her life just before ending high school? Aren't people generally supposed to start it either at the start or at the end? Well I really don't know.

It's lunch now and I am in Blake's protective area where no evil can harm me. That's right. Call me a coward, I don't care. Perks of having a protective brother. I sat next to Blake and Chase hasn't come yet. I know he can't do anything to me in front of Blakey boy.

The door flew open and in came a very very angry hulk. But a red hulk, not green one. I immediately moved closer to Blake only for him to roll his eyes.

The angry hulk strolled down the hallway and picked me up throwing me over his shoulders without warning.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I roared but all in vain. I frantically looked at Blake and found him laughing.

So much for being protective.

Where is the protection when i need it? Huh? The drama has attracted enough attention and people started recording shit in their phones. Scott was scowling. Well atleast someone is on the same page as me.

The hulk strolled down the dungeons with a rag doll(me) over his shoulders. Chase has a hot ass. And a muscular back. Why haven't I noticed before.

Okay. This is getting out of hand. You are supposed to hate ish Jamie! I stopped protesting as it has no results anyway. Waste of energy.

I am loving this position. The world upside down. Feeling totally helpless. Being bullied by a hulk. Wow. This is what I am born for. This is every freaking girls dream. I am lucky.

Sarcasm. Again.

"Chase. Where are you taking me?"

No reply. Just great.

He abruptly stops and throws me in his car. WTF?


No reaction. Stone

"Chase freaking Williams. Where the fish are you taking me?!"

"Asylum." Well that was damn straight.

"Wow. Care to enlighten me why?"

"Cuz you are frustrating and I need to sort things out."

I just sat without saying anything. He seemed tense. His muscles moving deliciously and his tight grey shirt isn't much of a help right now.

Being hot should be a crime. You can't even hate that person properly.

Sue me for having a hot enemy.

He stops by the mall making me frown. He made me skip holy classes for what? Shopping?

"Help me buy something for Blake."

Wow. Straight to the point.

"From when did you need MY help?" I teased.

"I kinda ran out of ideas this time." He admitted but still with the stoic face.

"What about my gift? "

"And why do you need a gift?"

"Cuz it's my birthday too?"

"Oh baby just wait for it. Patience is gold." He said with a smirk.

Phew! He is back.

"Oh and I will get you back for the jaw again"he said making me freeze.

I am dead.

"But now, help me with Blake's gift."

And that's how we went on a shopping spree missing holy classes for my douchebag of a brother.

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