4. Chase - the menace

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It's night already and let me tell you, I am damn sleepy. But I really want to stay awake when Nat comes.

"Kids, it's really getting late. Go to bed. All of you. Now." Mom said sternly.

"But mom! Chase is on the way here!" Blake whined. What is he? Five?

"He is not coming from next door Blakey. They are coming directly from Cali, from their gran's house."

Oh!well...I dint know that. Then I am off to bed. Thank you.

"Kay then night mum! Night Blakey!" I said ruffling his hair only for him to scowl.

"Don't. Call. Me. That."

"Whatever bro-dah!"

With that I dragged a pouting Mal upstairs with me. Trev already passed out on the couch. That idiot.

"I am sleeeeeeppy. Good night!" I yawned.

"Night!" Mal said and slept in my bed. I slid into the bed pushing her making space for me. That girl never sleeps in her room. Well, only when we fight. Even then, either one of us slips into the others room silently at night. We are that inseparable.

Ugh! I am so hungry right now. Trust mom to make broccoli for dinner. Ew. I dint ,more like couldn't eat. So now it disturbs my beauty sleep. Life is hard.

I look at the clock and it's 4 am. Kill me. I push a snoring Mal off me and sneak out to grab something from the kitchen. I bet Nat must be home cuz I could see the unpacked bags and boxes in the guest room and low sounds of laughter coming from Blake room. Maybe the boys are doing a night out.

Not wanting to interfere them, more like not wanting to see Chase's ugly face, I kept my stance in the stealth mode and moved as swift and graceful as a ballerina.

Only. To. Hit. My. Tiny toe nail. To. The. Table.

Way to be graceful. I immediately winced with pain and lightly shreaked. Thank the gods no one noticed cuz they where too busy chattering.

I slowly opened the fridge door as if I could get caught any moment. Hey! Don't blame me. This is the most risky task I am doing while the guards are down (sleeping Martha and mom) and the demon is on lease(Chase). I was pulled out of my revery by delicious sight of strawberry pudding.

Cue to Selena's ' can't keep my hands to myself.'

I grabbed a bowl of pudding and retreated as gracefully as I came. Note the sarcasm. I successfully crossed Blake's room without being noticed and peeked into Mal's room to find Nat sleeping. I smiled to myself and went inside .



I know I could wait till morning to greet her. But bleh. I was too exited to have manners now.



No movement. She sleeps like a dead body. Period. While I was trying to wake her up Mal came and stood beside me.

"What are you doing awake this early?" She asked groggily rubbing her eyes and slipping into bed beside Nat.

"Was hungry. And why did you get up?"

"You know I can't sleep alone. So I went searching for you." She shrugged casually and snuggled into Nat and immediately slept. How does she do that? And Nat dint even budge.

I am friends with two koalas people. More like chimpanzees.

I was not sleepy anymore. So I just sat in the window seal facing the dark sky now with fading stars and started devouring my pudding.

"I swear you will not fit in the door someday with all the eating." Came a voice scaring the candies out of me.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. "

"Nice to meet you too Jim-Jam"

"Don't call me that." I grumbled turning away. He sat next to me making me groan.

"Wow! You sound very happy. I am glad I am the reason." He said sarcasm lacing his voice.

"Go to Blake and Trevor. Leave me alone. "

"They are snoring. I am not sleepy."
With that he tried taking my pudding. 'tried' being the magic word. Cuz I immediately pushed him off the window seal snatching my pudding away making him fall off the window.

And that ladies and gentlemen, is how poor Chase Williams died. Nah! I wish. He just fell on the bed beside the window. That is he fell inside the room, not the other way round.

My bad luck.

"Were you trying to kill me Jimie?" He used my 'nickname' oh so graciously given by him.

"You bet."

"Wow! Mallory and Nat are quite deep sleepers don't you think? " He asked pointing at sleeping koalas. I have to agree. With all the noise we made anyone would be up.

Wow! I am actually having a civil conversation with Chase the menace.

Am I dreaming?

"True." I agreed and eyed him suspiciously. Is this a new plan or anything. Is he planning to kill me?.

"Has the world come to an end? Are you alright?" I asked touching his forehead.

He frowned.


"You are being civil to me." I stated suspiciously only for him to smirk. His signature smirk returned with a mischievous glint. I dint know if I should be relieved or panicking for him to smirk like that. There is definitely something in his mind.

"What did you do?" I asked him urgently knowing the meaning of his look.

"Well...I may or may not have texted Scott a few hours ago." He said with a devilish smirk.

Oh god!

I might be running away from all the touchy feely stupid people but I still have a right to have an eye candy!

Scott Douglas, the golden boy. Mr eye candy. My crush since forever I guess. He is in the swimming team along with Trevor.

"What did you do?" I asked dread filling my vision.

"Well, I may or may not have confessed your eternal 'love' for him." He smirked. That doofus.

I made gagging noises for the L word and immediately realised what this death eater in front of me did.

"I AM GONNA KILL YOU, YOU UNHOLY PIECE OF DOG POOP!" I shreaked making everyone wake up in the house. Oh well. It's 6 am anyway.

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