14. princess with tiara of ego

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The prom is in a week. And I have NO date. Now I really wish I focused more on my body. But nah! That feeling goes away the moment I see food.

You know what? Screw it. Imma gonna take pizza as ma date. Oh yes.

It's already Saturday and as usual there is a routiñe tonight. But not a party this time. We are all gonna just stay put and have some gala time. (Excluding Chase it'll definitely be one ) but no! He had to be everyone's friend here.

"Morning mom" I say lazily stretching reaching out for an apple.

"Morning!" She hums some song.

"Jamieeeeeeeeee" Blake shouts from the door and comes running and hugs me.

"Woah! Someone's in a good mood today." Mom marked.

"Well, why not? Someone got their crush to ask them out." I sulked making him red.

"You knew?"

"I am your twin, the half of you, our hearts are connected...okay that sounds gross, but what I am saying is I know you well, and it was as obvious as me liking pizza." I shrugged.

My mom squealed lika a crazed woman.

"So are you guys dating now? Use protection. And no sneaking around in the house. I am watching you." She said making a weird pose. That was supposed to be a ninja. Oh. Well then.

"MOM! We are not dating."

"Yet..." I added.

"She just asked me to be her date to prom."

"Cuz he dint have balls to do so...."

"And I don't really know if she likes me that way.."

"Cuz you are one oblivious piece of shit...."

"SHUT UP JAMIE! You are not helping AT ALL."

"And you are being pathetic." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yea?what about YOUR date? Oh wait. You haven't got one yet."

"Hey! That's plain mean. You are my brother. Chase is rubbing off on you!"

"That's mean honey" mom said at the same time.

He just rolled his eyes and said.

"Seriously Jamie. I dint even stop anyone from asking you out this time. Why dont you have a date yet?"

"Cuz I don't wanna go with people who asked me out?"

"And who asked you out?"


"Only Scott?"



It doesn't take a genius to say that Scott isn't letting anyone near me. That biyatch.

But bleh! I don't care. I have my pizza.

"Why don't you just go with Trevor?" Mom asked making me roll my eyes.

"That barnacle is going with Monica. He thought I will be gone with Scott."


"Yea oh.."

Dad gave a dramatic entry in a ninja pose right behind mom and I started laughing.

"Why are you guys laughing?"mom asked completely oblivious to what's happening behind her and we dint reply.

Dad slowly came still in ninja pose and lifted mom up making her squeal.

"JAKE! Put me DOWN! We aren't kids anymore."

"True. But you make me feel like a teenager again." Blake was seeing with dreamy eyes while I just make gagging noises.

"Get a room guys." I drawled even though I secretly wish I had a love like that. Sue me for loving pizza more than stinking humans.

Blake should be a girl. So dramatic. Maybe our genders switched? Ew. What am I thinking?....okay. I lost it.

Honestly, trust me when I say he loved my barbie dolls more than me. I used to play with his cars all the time. And he would do a barbie and Ken wedding. Gross.

We had breakfast after Mal and Trev woke up and I really was surprised that Blake dint go to practise today.

"No practise?" I asked him cocking my brow.

"Going. Chase is gonna pick me up."

"Aaand what about your car?"

"No fuel. "

"And bike?"

"Not allowed " he said bitterly looking at my mom and she smirked.

"Well I am sorry for wanting my baby safe." Mom smirked evilly.

"You are just getting back at me for the pie mom." He rolled his eyes and I laughed at their antics.

"And what about you? No swimming today?" Mal asked Trev.

"Nah! I will just hang out with Blake I guess."

"And what about the calculus assignment?"

"Screw it. I will copy from you."

I scoff in a reply.

"You know you love me." He said making puppy dog eyes.

I rolled my eyes smiling. "Go away before I change my mind."

"I would LOVE a sister like you. Hey Blake!I am stealing Jam."

"Take the bread too. It'll be lonely." He said making me scowl.

Jam and bread.

Bread and jam.

I want to eat bread and jam now.
But you just ate!

I don't care. I am hungry.

So that what I did. Made myself a Jam sandwich. Muahahahahah.

Sound of wheels turning was heard and we saw Chase's car in the gateway. He got down from the car in all his glory like he was a gem stone between mud. Smug cockroach with his black full tee and ripped denims. Is he even here to play soccer?

He reminds me of the lost princess. Where is his tiara again? Oh well. It's around his head made of ego.

He strode in like a boss without knocking the door. He greated my parents with a smile and then did a weird bro hug with Trevor and Blake. Boys.

"Where's Nat? We planned on having a girl's day."

"Well hello Mallory. I missed you too." He rolled his eyes.

"She's still sleeping."

"Betrayed." Mal said dramatically.

"Big deal. We will go wake her up. Da" I stated the obvious.

"Kay! M getting ready." She dashed into her room.

Now that I see, none of the guys are dressed for practise.

"Are you really going to play soccer? In denims and tees?"

"Grow se brains Jimie poo. We will change later."

And as always, here it goes.


My scowl.

Jimie poo will see your end soon you animals of zoo.

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