7. Biotch returns

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We snuggled into each other watching the horror in front of us. Like in every horror movie, the lady had to follow the creepy noise. It's like she was born to die like this.

"Just don't go in there!"

"Please please...."

We were yelling at the screen and well guess what? She dint listen to us. The guys were sitting with bored expressions right beside us to the side. We occupied the middle couch while Chase sat on the arm chair and Blake and Trev sat down on the carpet in front of us.

Nat was close to tears looking at the people die and Mal was just furious. Nat is a real softie. She even looks innocent. All hail her player brother who turns hulk for her. That is one thing I like about brothers. They protect you. But there are a few situations where you find the same act annoying.

Like Blake never let me date a guy. I swear people don't even approach me cuz of him. He can be very intimidating if he wants to be.

"You girls are waaay too girly." Chase commented in a bored tone.

"Well hello? Our anatomy clearly says we are girls." Mal sasses him while I tried holding my chuckles looking at his face. With that dialogue all the three guys stared at us for a minute and turned away gagging.

"Well, what anotomy are you talking about?" Chase asked her with a look that showed challenge. He thought she wouldn't specify. Only if he knew Mal better.

"Well, of course the boobs. You don't find a man having these babies now do you?" She asked pointing her finger to her chest. Seriously it wasn't that awkward. We were covered in blankets so nothing was seen. Even our dresses were hidden. But that dint stop us from getting uncomfortable.

I was just fighting the urge to laugh looking at their faces. Mal looked way too smug.

"Okay I wouldn't talk stuff in front of my sister but you leave no choice. What boobs are you talking about Mallory?" Chase said making her gasp.

"How dare you? So you're saying I have no boobs? You clearly need an eye checkup."

Okay now this is kinda getting awkward. Mal did have boobs but they dint really stand out. But she still manages to look smoking hot.

"Oookay. I am not sure where this is heading but this is actually awkward . Shut it you two." Trev said while Blake coughed awkwardly slightly turning pink.

Is my baby bro blushing? I will get to him later. We were back to watching the movie after the awkward moment.

"Okay now this is too much. She needs to stop doing that. She saw her sister die in the same place for gods sake!" Nat screeched snuggling more into me while Mal glared at the screen. She takes the movies way too seriously for her own good.

"You are over reacting Natalie. Shush. We are watching it too." Trev said rolling his eyes only for Nat to glare at him.

We were all kinda sleepy after a while and slept on the couches itself. Nat slipped down the couch and landed next to Trev snuggling into him and Blake came and fell next to me.

I was too sleepy and drifted to sleep thinking about tomorrow's more like today's math test.

"Kids! Wake up! You'll be late." Came Martha's voice from the kitchen waking us up. I woke up slowly to find Mal hugging Blake while sleeping that made me smile though I wondered how did I switch positions with Blake?

Nat's leg was on Trev's face and he was clearly uncomfortable. That made me laugh. And coming to me...uh-oh.

I am half of Blake and Chase was literally on me. No wonder my torso hurts with the weight. I pried him off while he woke up groaning. He got up so swiftly that I dint have the time to move so our heads collided and BAM! The hell broke loose.

I started punching him for hurting my head but all in vain. He wouldn't budge. Son of a biscuit. He saw me with a bored tone and pushed me off the couch. Making me land on my butt.


I only could glare at him for he rushed into his room before I could react. We all got ready and headed to the place I dread. The HELL HIGH.

"Baby!!! I missed you so so so much!" Came a high pitched annoying voice of Chelsea who was now all over Chase.

"Well. I missed you too." He said eyeing her up and down. Ew.

And who uses 'so' those many times.




Really?! Stop it brain.

Natalie made gagging sounds and left the place to join her friends Catherine and George who waved at us. The guys stood there smirking at the show while I just shrugged and headed to my locker with Mal hot on my heels. I am just glad the biotch dint notice me.

Well, another reason I hate her. Did I mention? She is back of Blake too? How many guys does she want? Mal hates her for that and well, all I can say is its better if they dint breathe the same air.

To add icing to the cake, her minions were back of Trev and Scott and who not? Ew.

I was heading to my first class when a hand pulled me back roughly.

"Hey you Jamie." Chelsea twisted my name with fake sweetness. Well, she is trying to be civil, actually more than just civil to me since a few weeks now and all I can conclude is she's got eyes on my brother.

"And hey Mallory." She said Mal's name filled with venom.

"Why hello there." I said blankly and started going ahead. Can't say the same for Mal. She was hell bound to kill her on sight.

"I missed you girlie!" She squealed faking excitement while her minions did the same only for me to roll my eyes.

"Well, can't say the same thing to you." Mal said hissing at her.

"What's gotten your panties in a twist you jealous bitch." Now this ticked me off. I was about to launch myself at her but Mal beat me to it. She pounced on her first and they started fighting attracting enough attention within no time.

I had to pull a fierce Mal away from the biotch before she kills her. To a corner stood Blake with an amused expression that made me glare at him. If he was there the whole time why couldn't he just stop them?! That idiot.

He was smirking at Mal and she just rolled her eyes. Chase was looking bored and Trev was missing. Well, someone is being a good student atleast. He must be in the class.

-keep reading-

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