21. knight

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I scowl at Chase for spoiling the moment but I am also very much grateful that he did. I figured what Scott was about to say, and I wasn't ready for it yet or ever.

Scott is a charming guy but I just think I am not ready for ish. It just doesn't feel right with him.

"What do you want?" I barked at him only for him to roll his eyes and say

"A thank you would have been enough. I just saved your ass out there. " Shocking me.

"What?" I asked like the dumbest person I am.

"You were getting uncomfortable with your conversation." He stated." So I thought I'd save your pretty lil ass and be your knight."

OMG! Was I that obvious? Shit! Scott must have felt bad. I feel like the worst perosn ever.

"Why do you look constipated?" He asked making me scowl.

"Was I that obvious? I am feeling bad now. Scott must be hurt "

"Nah! You weren't. You looked fine. You were fiddling with your thumb so I assumed you weren't comfy."


No matter how much we hate each other, we still kinda grew up together. So, he is quite observant.

"Thank you Chase." I said really grateful for his act. I would have hugged him, but bleh, decided against it.

"Did thee Jamie Margaret Summers thank moi?" He asked cocking his brow and smirking.

"Don't. Make. Me. Regret. It."

"It'll be our lil secret princess." He whispered leaning in.

"Pft. Whatever." I waved my hand dismissively.

"Well, why are you alone anyway? Where's your date?" I asked with distaste.

"I don't know. Got bored with her so I left her on the dance floor." He said shrugging.

If he would have ditched someone else I would call it RUDE. But because this is Cathy, i have no comments.

"What a gentleman you are."

Is it wrong that I kinda feel bad for Cathy? I am turning insane.

He just rolled his eyes and took his phone out. Before I could question, he took a selfie with a bush.


I couldn't control and started laughing hysterically. And I dint even realise he was clicking my pictures now.

And let me tell you. I look like a homeless hyena abandoned from the pack when I laugh. Pathetic.

I tried snatching his phone but he got up easily towering my frame and I couldn't reach. Life is so unfair.

6'1 against 5'4. SO not cool.

I kept jumping in the hopes of reaching the top of Eiffel tower but all in vain. I was laughing so hard while doing this that I even forgot why I started laughing.

This is one of the moment you wish you shut up but your stupid mouth keeps barking with laughter making you look like a fat pig with a possessed donkey spirit.

Even Chase was laughing maybe looking at my weird laughter. This isn't new. He always made fun of my laughter.


I suddenly realised something.

Chase and I are laughing together .

Not tearing each other's head apart.

Not insulting each other.

And not even laughing meanly.

Wow. I think we are having a moment. Right?

Bleh. Who cares. I just want his phone. I can't afford to loose my nonexistent beauty reputation with Chase posting my picture on social media.

"Give. Me. The. Freaking. Phone!" I managed to say between my laughter.

"You wish."

"Pretty please?"I battled my eyelashes and he laughed harder this time making me scowl.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. OMG. You just made my day. You look like a dieing cat when you do that." He laughed .

And guess what happened next.

My hand is in the air...with its fist closed...waiting to land on a chiseled jaw.


Nope. I dint hit him. He was smart enough to hold my hand this time. He twisted my hand and turned me around so that my back was hitting his chest now and bent down to the level of my ear.

"Beter luck next time princess." He whispered making me shiver. And my stomach did a weird dip with the sudden realisation of proximity. His lips almost touched my ear lobe and his minty breath tickled my neck causing goosebumps.

"Leave. Me." I struggled against his death grip.

"Or what?"

"Or I will kill you."

"HA! You have a good sense of humor."

And that's when I turn ninja and do a back flip.



My ass can hardly jump and back flip is waaaay out of league.

I am not fat. I can say I am rather fit. But I am an anti-physical activity person.

So I did what my mind said. Elbowed him in the chest making him slightly wince and took the opportunity to kick his shin making him stumble.

He was lower enough for me to grab his phone but before I could he managed to put his hand up.

I huffed and pinched him hard. But before he could kill me, guess what I did?

Like every great personality.

I made a run for my life.

-keep reading-

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