2.Return of thee Blake Summers

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I woke up with alarm creating a havoc in my mind. It's 7 in the morning. JK. I am just kidding folks. Who gets up that early on a Sunday? Or any other day for that matter. My clock shows 1:30 pm. No wonder my tummy hurts.


I feel weight on my stomach stopping me from moving an inch. I groan and move Trevor's leg from my tummy and push Mallory in the process.

Both of them groan probably with a severe head ache. I smirk looking at their faces. Karma's a bitch. This is what they get for torturing me last night. They must be having a severe headache and nausea right now.

I get up and freshen myself up. I go down to the kitchen after placing pills of Tylenol and two glasses of water beside the bed. I can smell something delicious and only assume Martha to be cooking something special for the weekend.

"Hey Martha!,has Blake come yet?" I asked her the whereabouts of my missing brother. Okay, not missing or anything. But yea, kinda. He was out on a tour more like field trip with his some stupid camp members. I don't even know what that is. So that is why he couldn't grace us with his marvellous presence.

Note the sarcasm.

"Hey Jam! Good morning " she chirped and went back to turning the pancake over. She slid the pancake into my plate while answering

"Yea, he came home pretty late, must be still asleep." She said shrugging.

Martha is a stout woman in her 30s. She's pretty cool and fun. And I just love her food. Blake Summers, my twin brother, the all known charming Summers among us. We are twins, true. But are nothing like each other. He's got all the good genes in the family. Chiseled features and a model like personality. I am here on the other side with all the negativities and stuck up persona.

So I am usually the invisible Summers at school. I am only visible to girls who want to date Blake. I know, it sucks. I am the invisible person in our trio. Mal , Trevor, and the invisible side kick. Yea whatever. That is what people think I guess but Mal and Trevor don't feel the same though.

And whereas my brother dear is the golden boy at school, I am the nerd of the town. So there you go folks, a few things you had to know.

"Ummm...Martha,seriously, you NEED to start a restaurant!" I said devouring the piece of heaven in front of me.

"And seriously,you need to start liking something other than food." Came my annoying brothers voice making me smile. I've missed him a lot the past week.

I immediately turned around and hugged him " I missed you baby brother." I said ruffling his hair.

"I am just a minute younger you know?" He asked playfully glaring and hugged me back.

"Where are the other two? Still hung over?" He asked smirking.

"What do you have in mind?"I asked smirking back.

"You'll see." Was all he said before he strolled up the stairs to my room, with me right behind.

We reached my room only to find Trevor sprawled up in my bed like a baby and Mal was missing. She must be in the washroom. The pills were used and the glass of water was empty indicating she already had them.

Blake slowly crept towards Trev and shouted "Booooo-yaaa" in his ear. Poor thing. Especially with a hangover .

"Oh GOD!" Trevor woke up cursing under his breath.

"What the hell Blake?!" He screeched only for us to double over and roll with laughter.

That is when Mal came out holding her head.

"Seriously? Can't you guys just shut up? My head is aching!"

"That's what I've been saying!" Trevor yelled.

Mal then saw Blake in the rooms and her eyes immediately lit up.
Woah! That was fast.

She was all grumpy a while ago and now she is smiling like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Missed me babe?" Blake smirked looking at Mal only for her to roll her eyes and say.

"You wish Summers."

"Yea, she missed you so much that she is making a movie ' the return of thee Blake Summers." Trev said grumbling while still holding his aching head.

"Ahem. Sexual tension. Ahem." I teased only for Trev to bark at me and Blake to glare. Mal shrugged it off like it's nothing but I could see a faint blush coloring her pale skin.

Why can't they just date already? They clearly like each other.

"So, don't wanna know what your awesome brother did last week?" Blake asked.

"Go on you chipmunk. Tell me your tales." I said rolling my eyes.

This is how we ended catching up on the last week.

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