25. Time flies

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The exams soon started and all we could do was greet each other in the morning, wish the best of luck and hope we survive. The days passed by and no wonder time flies. All of us had dark circles and our faces resembled zombie clan.

I think I lost a couple of pounds cuz I felt weak. Blake maned up and asked Mal to be his girlfriend. Finally!

The exams took their sweet time to pass by and all we could do was cross our hearts and hope to survive. And yes, we did. Chase helped me a lot by distracting me and being playful when ever I was too stressed. I never really knew he understood me this well.

Being busy hating him, I never really realised when and how I started falling for his charms.

Now, don't look at me like that. You can't blame the girl. He is hot, surprisingly sweet and knows me like the back of his hand.

If you are wondering who the valedictorian was, ding ding ding. Its me.

The graduation ceremony was smooth and everything happened so fast that I was not able to believe my high school is over.

I was sad that my days of childish stupor were about to end but also curious to go ahead with life.

I did the volunteering work in hospitals and got my certificates in order to get into the med school.

I need experience. Uncle John took care of it that I will be volunteering to the med camps and learning how to deal. I felt a lot older in a few days of being outside my haven.

I applied to all the universities I aimed for and my MCAT was on a good note. After days of struggling hard with volunteering and ish I was just waiting for envelope to show up.

(A/N: I have no freaking clue how you get into a med school, so if any mistakes, please do over look them. )

I am finally in the flight with uncle John returning home after a few weeks of roaming on the roads of different states and hospitals. I wanted the best. I would have nervous break downs and uncle John would assure me that I'd get selected as my academic results are excellent.

But it was still hard to believe him. But now, all I can think of is home and trust me or not, surprisingly Chase. I hate to admit the fact that I honestly missed him. I missed fighting, teasing, all the punching and fooling around.

Ten more minutes and I will be landing.

"Whats bothering you honey? " Uncle J asked gently squeezing my hand.

The fact that I am seeing my archenemy Chase Williams after a long time and that too after realising I like him? No way am I gonna say that out.

"Just nervous about the uni uncle J" I said in the most assuring tone hoping it'll work.

"It'll be fine Sweety. You will get into one of the best. Now, just be happy and relax. You've done everything you could do." He smiled softly at me.

I sat wondering how things change in a few days. I faced anxiety and depression , discovered I like Chase, learnt I could be responsible, explored small towns and found happiness in helping people. This was like a trip to discover myself. Find myself travelling time.

My anxiety was just the start. Thank uncle J it dint get worse. We finally landed and here I stand with my luggage beside uncle J searching for mom and dad.

"JAM!!!!" Came my brother's voice making me smile.

He came running and hugged my petite frame making me laugh.

"Blake! You're choking me!"

"Sorry." He laughed leaving me.

"I missed you Jam bear."

"I missed you too Blakey boy." I said ruffling his hair.

"Now shoo, leave her Blake, I want to greet my best friend." Mal pushed him away and we squealed and hugged. I was soon enveloped my a group of people including Nat, Trev, Mom.

"John! You dint feed my baby properly. She has lost weight!" Mom scolded uncle J while tackling me into a bear hug.

"Hey! She's been working hard. Losing a couple of pounds is natural."he protested laughing.

Dad appeared along with a certain boy whom I now liked.

I hugged dad and realised how much I missed him. "How's my baby?" He asked softly hugging me tight.

"As healthy as a horse daddy!" I laughed along.

"Hey Chase!" I said and hugged him much to his surprise.

"Missed me Summers?" He teased while hugging me back.

We went to the car talking of how I spent my days but Blake suddenly stopped me making me frown in confusion.

He excitedly bounced and my parents rolled their eyes.

"What's going on guys?" I asked raising my brow.

"Your brother dear has something to say." Mom smiled and dad rolled his eyes saying "drama queen."

I looked at him expectantly .

"I...." he trailed off looking at my face only for me to scowl and punch him.

"Just. Tell. Me."

"I got accepted to Harvard!" He yelled making my eyes go wide.


I immediately hugged him happily laughing and congratulated.

"Now all we need is your acceptance letter so that we could go together!" He squealed making me sad.

I wasn't sure. I am not good enough to be in Harvard or Cambridge or any uni I applied. My insecurities are gonna be the death of me.

He noticed the change in my mood and immediately hugged me.

"You'll make it Jam. The letter must already be waiting in the box. Let's go check it out."

So, the time flies. Jamie is one ambitious girl if you haven't figured it out yet. And please do ignore the small mistakes I made(if any). She realised she likes Chase but she also knows she has better things to do. We don't know what Chase gifted her on her birthday and nor do we know whom Nat likes.

Do comment on what you think will happen. And whom do you think Nat likes. Our Blakey boy made it into harvard proving he is not only a sweetheart but also a hungry teenager. Hungry for his dreams.

-keep reading-

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