26. god save me

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I stared at the envelope in my hand with disbelief. NO WAY! I am going to Harvard! I was engulfed into a huge bear hug by Martha as soon as I got home. And she was way too excited for me to open my letter.

Everyone gathered around me and I was hell nervous to open it. I finally did and I can't believe it.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled in disbelief.


Am I dead?

We were all very happy to have gotten into our respective aimed colleges. Its very cliche that all of us got selected to the best colleges around.

The best part is, I will atleast be having Blake around me. Mal and Trev got selected in MIT for designing and engineering ish respectively. They are gonna be together. This is gold!

Chase is the one flying oceans away. He got selected into London's school of business. He is very keen on doing business. Nat is gonna start her senior year and says that she cannot really do 'wonders' like we did. Her words not mine.

She is very persistent on going to Yale and be near to her parents. We decided to leave the shit of our lives aside and have fun to the maximum extent in the limited time we have before moving.

It's really heart breaking to leave my friends but it's worth it. No pain,no gain. And as for me liking Chase, I hope it's temporary and will go away soon cuz I know it doesn't work. He doesn't like me that way and not only that, life has planned something else for us.

We will be miles away from each other for the next few years and I don't really think we will meet properly after these few days. So I just put my emotions at bay and focused on making the best of time left.

We planned on going to the Williams old cottage to the outskirts which is literally between forest. Only the kids though. I know it's not fair that we aren't spending much time with our parents before leaving but we want to have an outing and they are busy working.

"It's freeeeeezinggg..." Nat shivered while pulling Chase's jacket out of his hand.

"Leave my jacket Nat! Go get yours."

"But I am your little sister! I will freeze to death before I get mine. How will you live without me big brother?" She asked dramatically pouting and making dog eyes.

Chase rolled his eyes at her antics and gave the jacket away. We were unloading the luggage from dad's Jeep into the cottage. He came and hugged me from behind causing me to drop the bags and choke thin air .

Blake and Mal already went inside and Nat left jumping happily with Chase's jacket pulling Trev inside. Wow. So cliche. Me alone with the guy I like. And he is hugging me.

He started snuggling his head into the crook of my neck causing the zoo to break loose.

"What are you doing Chase?" I asked him trying my level not to faint.

"I am cold Jimie poo. I need warmth." And he then turned me around and hugged me tighter. I tried pushing him away scowling but my hands had no energy left.

I reached for the water bottle in the Jeep and did a victory dance when I could reach it. Though he smells amazing and I just want to stay like this, I wanted to be the old Jamie before I leave.

I emptied the contents of the bottle on Mr new eye candy's head making him gasp in shock and burst out laughing.

His face....priceless!

We saw Trevor clicking pictures around and he immediately clicked our picture. Chase was now glaring at me while I laugh and Trev joined in the laughter.

Red! He was soo red it made me laugh harder and I ran for my life .

"I will get you back for this!" He yelled dangerously and I kept barking with laughter like the pig I am.

I ran inside and sat by the fireplace when Chase came taking dangerous strides inside. Nat was trying to control her laughter and Blake seemed to shocked to react.

"5 minutes I left you with my sister and you are already freezing mate. You need a bodyguard soon." Blake said smirking amusedly handing him a towel for Chase to glare at him.

Mal came out holding jackets and blanket and started laughing looking at Chase.

"Get changed Chase. You might fall ill" she said like the responsible friend she was and Chase huffed and went into the very first room he saw with Nat holding his clothes behind.

"That was some show." Mal said sitting beside me.

"Agreed." I said smirking.

"Trev show us your pictures man. You always keep clicking." Blake said and Trevor rolled his eyes.

"Later." He said and sat next to me.
"Although....I will show Jam some of them." He looked at me with a glint effectively scaring the shit out of me.

"Okay?" I said cautiously. The couple rolled their eyes at our antics and left God knows where. Maybe to snog somewhere? Ew. Mental picture. Delete. The last thing I would want to see is my twin brother shagging or snogging my best friend. That'd be weird and awkward.

Not to mention, gag worthy and traumatising.

Trev started showing me the pics and I smiled lightly.

The first picture was of mine and Chase by the rock having a pebble fight. I was throwing the pebbles seriously while Chase was sneakyly pushing my pebbles down into the lake. Great picture! Now I have the proof that he cheated.

The second one is me pushing him into the lake. I looked at Trevor with wide eyes. I did not think he would catch all these moments in his camera. No wonder he is so observant.

The third is Chase sitting by my side scowling with wet shirt in his hand and he was squeezing it. And I was sitting rather uncomfortably by the camp fire beside him. I had a faint blush and anyone who sees the picture can tell that I was highly uncomfortable with a shirtless model sitting beside me .

I blushed furiously looking at the picture and said.
"You are NEVER showing this to anyone else. Got it?"

He smirked and said " we'll see." Much to my horror.

Before I could scroll more he took his camera away and said.

"That's it for today Jam-Jam , I am going to explore this place now. So bye!" He left smirking leaving me speechless and scared.

Oh. My. God.

I am SO dead

God save me.

-keep reading-

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