one shot: Blake

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I was excited to meet everyone- this would be the understatement of the year. Especially Mal. But she said she'll visit Cali first, guess I should wait a couple more days.

I was bouncing in my seat with the very thought of seeing my family and friends for the first time after Christmas. Almost five years of college are done, I think they are over for good.

Jam was smiling at my excitement from her seat beside mine, but she seemed low.

"Are you okay?" I asked her worried.

"Yea, just tired." She mumbled.

She's been working real hard lately and all I can say is that I am happy this is over now. But something definitely seemed off though. I don't know if I was just paranoid about her distress, or it is just the weird twin vibe, I just feel something is not right.

And as of sensing my thoughts, she turns in her seat and gives me a force reassuring smile.

"You shouldn't try acting Jamie. Both of us know how good you are at it." I said sarcastically to which she rolled her eyes.

Her eyes will fall off her body if she keeps rolling them like this.

"Just tell me okay? I am your wittle brodaah. Am I not?" I asked making my best puppy dog expression.

"Ohkay chipmunk. Calm down. It's just Chase." She said making me frown.

"What about him?" I asked her confused. I talked to him just yesterday and everything seemed fine. He was looking just right.

"I just miss him. It's been a while we talked properly." She said and I frowned.

"But you are always on phone when I'm in the room. " I ask her really confused. Wasn't it him on the phone?

"Oh. That's just Mal and Trev. Chase was kind of busy lately. We dint talk for about two weeks properly. " She said smiling but I knew she wasn't okay.

What does she mean by two weeks? I talked to Chase for hours two days ago. This really put a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"It's okay Jam bear. You'll be fine once you've seen him." I said hugging her from side.

"Yea. I guess so." And then she was silent for a moment as if contemplating whether to tell me or not.

We were about to land in two hours and I was counting seconds. I missed mom and dad so much, I just need to be home.

I waited for her to think whatever she has been thinking and talk, but she never did. I dint push her. Mal would tell me if something was wrong, but then again, she made it clear she is Jamie's bestfriend first and then my girlfriend.

I dint know if I was to be jealous or happy that my sister has an amazing friend like her. So, maybe they had their secrets, but right now, I was really worried about Jam.

"This whole year, he kept on talking about his new roommate Lara. And we didn't meet even during Christmas. He's been avoiding my calls for over two weeks now. I think he wants to break up with me." She said in a rush with unshed tears ready to well up but she was holding them back.

My blood was a boiling mess. I just reassured her that everything will be okay. I will turn Chase into a pulp as soona as I meet him.

We reached home and were greeted by mom and dad. We spent a few hours laughing and making fun of our pigging on mom's food. But who can blame us? We miss home.

We dint really want to leave home but then, we got a call from Chase after three hours of unpacking, that he's here. So we immediately went to meet him, Nate and Ness, Natalie.

I called up Trevor telling him that we are going to the Williams mansion. He said he'll be there soon.

I parked the car by the corner, while Jam jumped out of it and ran to meet Chase. I will first hug the lights out of him and then kill him for hurting my sister.

I could definitely say this is all on purpose. He was ignoring Jamie wantedly. Since he always attends all of our calls, but why not hers? She isn't even a clingy annoying girl to get rid of. Chase doing something like that made me fume. But I brushed it off momentarily.

I casually strolled down the road into the doors to see Chase and Jamie standing in front of each other. Jam was looking at him with tears that almost ran down her cheek while he just stood there with a blank expression.

I coughed making my presence known and jam immediately attempted to smile but failed miserably. I pulled Chase into a bro hug.

"Missed you man." I muttered.

"Same bro. Mal made you very cheesy though." He joked and I laughed it off.

"Where's Nat?" I asked looking around for her.

"She's on her way from the college." Chase answered playing with his phone. Something seems off. He isn't making eye contact with either of us.

I smiled at Ness and Nate and settled on the couch. Jam went inside to talk to Vanessa.

"What are you doing?" I asked Chase with all the seriousness on this planet.


"You are hurting her Chase. What ever it is, back it off." I grumbled lowly so that they won't hear us.

"I've been trying to keep it in, it's just hard! I need to tell it to her. I can't do this anymore." He said and that made me pale at first and then I was fuming.

"Who is it?" I asked him but he frowned confused.

"It's Lara. Isn't it?! Your roomie! That's it! Are you planning to break up with my sister just for some random girl?!" I whisper yelled holding his collar.

He seemed genuinely taken aback and then he had a scared\ worried expression.

I was about to punch him in the face when he held my hand and said.

"Calm down. For one, Lara is just a good friend. And you don't have to be worried about her. She already has a girlfriend . She's into girls and more or less, my advicor on how to deal with Jamie sometimes." He said with mirth and then he got back to worried expression.

"Then why are you breaking up with her? Don't you want her as your girlfriend anymore? Isn't she perfect for you?"

"Look, she is perfect for me but, I just don't want her as my girlfriend. " He muttered and I felt extremely bad at his confession. I could beat the shit out of him, but that doesn't change the facts.

I was about to say something but he cut me to it " I want her as my wife ." Now this got a huge grin on my face and he visibly relaxed.

I hugged him once again and then he said "I was nervous around her, I asked Jake and Jesse, it took a while to convince Jake but they agreed. I wanted to ask you before I propose her. That's all." He confessed and my heart swelled for my bestfriend's guts.

"Yes. I think you are perfect for her." I said and he smiled pulling me into a hug.

We sat back as Jam came out of the kitchen with a worried look on her face and we acted like we dint just talk about her future proposal.

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