one shot: Mallory

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I was face timing Jam and Nat in my room listening to the theories of what they were saying about Chase's odd behaviour.

They were pretty convinced that he likes that Lara girl and I din't feel good about it. I called up Chase immediately after ending my facetime with Jam.

"Hey Mal! How are you? I don't think this is Blake's number." He jokes and I would hit him upside down if I was there.

"Ofcourse doofus. This is your number. And I called you. Not him."

"I'm extremely flattered. But can I call you later? I'm in middle of something here." He said to which I frowned and made tsking noises.

"No can do Mister. Talk to me NOW." I barked to which the line was shuffling for a bit then he spoke.

"Jee. Woman! Calm down. Give me a minute." Then there was more shuffling and random murmuring at the back and then he was back.

"Dint know you missed me this much." He said and I chuckled.

Chase is the closest thing to a brother figure I have, well, there's Trev but he's more of a kid with tantrums. I can't take him seriously.

"Ofcourse I missed you idiot."

"Your words are really endearing." He said with sarcasm.

Jamie is rubbing off on him.

I remembered why exactly I called him and went back to being serious.

"What is going on Chase? Are you breaking up with Jam? Why are you being distant?" I asked to which he was silent for a while.

Then he gave a frustrated growl.

"What is with you women jumping to conclusions?! No! I am not breaking up with her. I can't believe the whole world got to know about my 'behaviour'. You girls definitely can't keep a secret." He said exasperated.

"Ofcourse we can. Just not with one another. We are too strongly bound by our bff code." I said smirking.

"That's why I dint even tell this to Nat." He grumbled.

"Tell what?" I asked curiously.

"You should come here to know that. It's been four days, you were supposed to come two days ago. Why so late?"

"Well, mom was free and I wanted to spend more time with her. Now tell me what is it!" I was getting extremely curious.

"You'll have to come here along with your mom soon. I informed her this morning and if I know, she must already be packing. " He said and i frowned. It's not a big deal , we can just ask aunt Jesse or Ness to send their company pilot.

"But why suddenly? What is going on?"

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I could feel his smirk through the phone and I scowled. Before I say something ,

"Okay bye! Have a nice journey. See you soon." He said and cut the call.

"MAL!" My mom barked from down the stairs.

"Yes mom?!" I yelled back.

"Come down honey, there's someone here for you." She said an do frowned.

Who would it be?

I went down strolling lazily and almost jumped down the stairs when I saw who it was.


He was chatting something with my mom and they were laughing.

"Blakeyy!" I squealed surprised at his sudden arrival and hugged him. I pecked him slightly and turned to my mom "you never told me about your phone call with Chase."

"Oh-that? I f-forgot. Hehe." She said sheepishly and I shook my head.

"Come on! We need to leave as early as possible. No time." Blake said in a rush.

"Why?" I asked him qerking my brow. "What's the rush?"

He turned to my mom and asked "you dint tell her,did you?" To which she raised her hand.

"If I did, she would have slipped it off to Jam this morning itself." She muttered chuckling and Blake joined in while I glared.

"Now would someone tell me what's going on?!" I barked and Blake just laughed more.


"Chase is proposing Jam" he said and i did a double take.

Oh. My. Gosh.

I could barely contain myself. I started squealing and Blake said "this is why she dint tell you." And I deadpanned.

I packed with the speed of lightening and hopped into the car along with mom and Blake.

And here we were thinking Chase will break up with her.

I'm glad atleast one of us is getting married. I looked at Blake and smiled. I know we will marry someday too. But I just can't wait. I'm quite impatient. My cheeks reddened with the thought and I stared out of my window grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Jam won't see this coming.

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