22. dreams and ambitions.

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Gah! I am sooooo tired. My body aches like I've been hunting Pokemons. Yesterday was fun. But effects of wearing heels are showing themselves today.

My ankle hurts and my sole is sore. I had to struggle to get out of that dress after coming home. I managed to escape from Scott's conversation. I don't want to lead him on. So, I've decided to tell him the truth.

The exams are coming by and like a good student I've decided to study the whole day. I wished eveyone good morning and announced it to be my 'study day' and they well understood that I won't be out of my room anytime soon. I messaged Scott good morning and told him I had a great evening yesterday.

His reply was immediate and I felt bad for not telling him yet. I will tell him face to face. Not like a coward through phone.

But that'll have to wait. So here I am, sitting in my room with bundles of books on my table. Here goes nothing...

Mom dropped timely meals in my room so that I would not starve and I could successfully revise most of the science.

I think I am gonna stay home for a few more days for calculus. The only thing that motivates me is the picture hung on the wall of Alex and me where I was giving Alex a piggy back.

Alex is aunt Anna and Brandon's daughter. Anna is one of my mom's best friends. The stories of how they met in a beach and later after uni and got closer in no time inspires me. I am happy to establish such a pure friendship in my life with a few handful of awesome people.

Alex is like my little sister, four years younger. She always took me as her role model since childhood. The picture taken was exactly a day before the dreadful incident.

I still remember everyone's faces. We all thought we'd loose our little Alex that day. The car crash was rough and Alex was the only one who thrashed into the tree. She had to undergo a surgery and was in coma for a few weeks.

I was ten and she was six. That is when I decided I will become a doctor. No matter what. A neurosurgeon. I have to get into the best med school. That is the only picture that keeps me going. To achieve my goal in life. She is a happy baby now and I was grateful for her recovery.

Okay lot of deep shit you got here Jamie. Now back to fun. I went out of my room at almost midnight to grab something from the kitchen.

I smiled looking inside the fridge. Mom knows me too well. There was a bowl of strawberry ice cream and pudding with a note

Don't eat too much and whine that you gained weight. I don't want you to run around the house like a monkey with sugar rush. Eat well sweetie. And sleep soon. You can study tomorrow .

-good night.

I took the ice cream and made myself comfy on the couch and popped in my ear phones. Some music will do good.

Blake came and sat beside me with similar tired expression and a note similar to mine. He must also be studying this late. He is too serious about getting into a law school. His note must be in the shelves since he took the dried snacks in a bowl.

He took out one of my ear phone and put in his ear making me roll my eyes and slung one arm over my shoulder.

"Done studying?" I asked him.

"Not really. Couldn't reach the target. Gonna stay awake. What about you? How's your calculus going?"

"Gotta start. I'm doing a night out too."

Blake always helps me with my calculus. He is one amazing teacher or else you would find me on the bottom of the list and not as a competitor for valedictorian.

Blake already got a scholarship from soccer and he can actually get into any uni he wants. But he doesn't want to lag behind in any way. So he is pretty serious about the exams.

I snuggled more into him and we dint realise when we fell asleep.

Harsh sound blarring into my ears woke me up and I saw the time to be 2 am. I slept for two hours. Oh well. Atleast I got up now. Blake was smirking beside me.

"I figured both of us will fall asleep like always, so I took a caution of putting an alarm ." Smart ass.

I just rolled my eyes smiling and we got up to resume our book marathon.

Well, this is gonna be a long night. And I have some calculus to rock.

Hey guys! Jamie is struggling to get into a med school and the rest are also chasing their dreams. High school is not only about falling in love and making friends, it is also about developing ambitions and dreams.




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