18. satan loves food

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I have HUGE dark bags under my eyes. Any guesses why?

The answer is one single word.


That's right Chase was chasing me even in my dreams making them nightmares.

After my oh so cliche moment and the reality check I couldn't quite hug a good night's sleep. Cuz a certain conceited dipshit decided to not let me sleep the whole freaking night.

I drift into a peaceful sleep only to be woken up by a spider once, then a monster trying to rip my tent apart. Then, my brothers voice saying I am being a bitch.

So the conclusion, Chase dint sleep, nor did he let the others sleep.

"I told you putting them in the same tent is a bad idea!" Trev grumbled from outside the tent.

I was still trying to snuggle more into my sleep bag like a cuddle bug I am, not caring about the world.

The guys went all hulk and lifted the tent off the ground exposing me to the chilled atmosphere at 4 freaking am.

I woke up with a groan and shot daggers at my amazing twin and best friend for fraternising with the enemy.

And then, I being the person with golden heart decided to let it go and sleep.

But what is the point? It was all gone now. And so, I couldn't sleep since then. The cliche would be my awesome possum friends staying up all night with me and laugh and make lame jokes and have fun.

But reality folks. They slept like pigs and I was roaming the camp site like a freaking zombie I am.

Chase being the biggest pig slept cozily after destroying my sleep. I had nothing better to do so I played candy crush on my phone


At 4 am.

And for the revenge, I ate Chase's part of breakfast (packed sandwich) and mine and hid the rest in my bag. Muahahahaahhaa.

They will starve to death soon. Some evil witch I am. I collected all the phones from everyone's tents and placed them all near Chase's ear setting an alarm at 6am in all. Let him sleep for two hours atleast.

See. I have a heart of gold.

And at exactly 6 am, as expected Chase woke up holding his head with a groan and so did the others. Well except Mal and Nat.

Let me remind you if you forgot. They are deep deep sleepers. They could sleep through a storm and wake up like nothing happened .

Karma boys karma.

"JAMIE" he yelled with blood shot eyes and I take my cue to run. Oh, did I mention? I hid his shoes too.

Yes. Chase took his shoes off last night. So Chase can chase me all he wants but....without his shoes.

You can call me what again?

Satan.*evil laugh*

After a competition of 'who can give the best death glares to Jamie the great' the boys finally gave up and we decided to pack stuff and leave before it gets too hot.

And yes, the guys are still starving while we drive back. The girls are giggling at what happened and enjoying their sandwiches.

Chase stopped in his driveway and we got down. He said he dint have patience to drop us home. Lazy ass. Which is hot by the way.

Vanessa made pancakes and we devoured the lovely food yet again. I am a sucker for pancakes. And pizza. And burger. And ...okay basically, FOOD.

I muttered an 'excuse me' and went into Nat's room to freshen up and gasped looking at my face.

Oh god.

I immediately washed it and had a bath cuz I honestly reek. What? Falling into a lake was dirty enough.

I wore one of Nat's clothes and came out to find something that I dint like. AT ALL.


What is she even doing here?

"Oh. Hey Jamie!" She fake smiled looking at me with hatred filled eyes.

"Hey Cathy." I said blankly and sat by Mal.

She was talking some shit I din't care listen to and laughing along with Vanessa. Wow. Now she is close to everyone in Chase's fam. Just great.

"What's the occasion? Anything special today? Everyone up to a party or something?" Came Chase's dad's voice.

"Hey Nate!" I said smiling and same did Blake.

Trev and Mal just gave a smile. They still seem to be tired .

"Wow Jam bear. You look like shit." He laughed. Yes. We are close if you're wondering.

"Wow. That just made my day."

"Shut up Nate! You look just fine Sweety." Ness said ruffling my hair.

Cathy saw the exchange and glared at me. Okay. This is new

"Soo, Chase babe. Which color dress do you prefer I wear for the prom?" Cathy asked smirking at me and smiling stinkyly at Chase .

Maybe she thought that sounded seductive.

No girlie. That sounds like a dieing toad.

Prom. He is going with Cathy? Why can't he just go with Chelsea or someone. Asswipe. And biotch.

Natalie openly scowled at Chase and turned to me and mouthed 'bitch' for which I smiled in agreement.

Cathy is a petite person with dark brown hair and electric blue eyes. A fit body and if she wasnt on my 'to kill' list, I would call her hot.

She is the kind of person where you call 'beauty with brains'. So maybe they just fit right. Cliche right? A beautiful nerd with cocky captain?

Mal was busy with Blake and I dint have anything better to do but read hp memes on wattpad while Chase discussed his prom plans with his ugly 'date'.

Well this sucks.

Comment and tell me your views. I do ship Chase and Jamie but I also kinda thought I could ship her with Scott and get Cathy and Chase together. You never know what really happens with life. Lol. And Scott is awesome with his caramel hair and boyish charms.

Do temme what you think of it.

-keep reading-

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