20. prom

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Sooooo...do you think it'll be Trev?

My breath hitched seeing a certain someone. Scott. He stood a feet away radiating his charm with those mischievous blue eyes looking like a Greek god in his suite.

The moment we made an eye contact I forgot how to breathe. His hair was neatly gelled and combed back. It's like the world faded and it's only him and me ina different dimension.

But remember?

When I told you it isn't a cliche? That's right.

I was brought out of my revere by dad dramatically crying "Oh my baby is growing up!"

Trevor took the pictures with us and left to pick Monica up like a gentleman he was.

*Scoff* mom had to push him to go to her.

Big deal Mrs Summers,she can come by herself and I will see her at the prom.

He drawled only for mom to bark at him about manners and kick his butt out of the house. Yes. She did that.

And coming to Chase, him being a not-so-gentleman still picked Cathy up and is here with her all over him right in front of me. He dint even notice me standing here.

Why would he? Barnacle.

Okay Jamie. Scott. Focus on Scott.

Blake looked like a love sick puppy he was ,looking at Mal and immediately kissed her hand while she blushed.

Smooth brother smooth.

Somebody cleared their throat and I was lost in the blue orbs yet again.

He took my hand and kneeled down to kiss it. Cheeeese.

"It is not helping if you blush so much princess. I might just kiss you right here." He said shocking me.

How am I supposed to react? Remember? There is still this Jamie inside me who gets awkward with this ish. I tried my best not to gag and covered it with a fake smile.

Well, this is going to be one interesting night. And like a cliche we borrowed an SUV to drop us even though dad said he would, we were persistent. Yes. Especially the boys were.

So here we stand hand in hand (don't even talk about it) . He lead me in like a gentleman.

"You look breath taking." He said making me blush.


We met up with rest of our friends and everyone looked gorgeous as ever. Don't even ask me about a certain Williams. I have no clue where he disappeared.

I dint even notice him properly. Except that he is wearing a red tie matching Cathy's dress which is way too revealing. Leaves nothing to imagination. And he looked as breath taking as ever looking like a Calvin Klein model with his bright green eyes with the develish glint that he always has and his soft brown hair neatly gelled.

Huh. So much for not noticing.

We were standing, rather awkwardly might I add. Okay, maybe I was the only one feeling awkward. Cuz couples started making out and...well...we just stood there with terrible silence till Scott asked me for a dance.

Sue novels for showing prom as something smooth. It is AWKWARD AF. Especially when you don't know what to do, how to behave and etc...

Some idiot decided to play Marvin gayin for a 'romantic song' and everyone started dancing around us. Okay Jamie. One day. One freaking day and you're out of this shit.

Scott took my hand and rubbed gentle circle with his thumb making me shiver. Is it cold in here? Why the freak are you shivering Jamie?! It's rather getting hot actually. He kept staring into my eyes and I had nothing better to do but admire his blue ocean.

He slowly put a hand around my waist and pulled me and took another hand in his. It took me a while to understand the position and like an awkward piece of shit I am, blushing embarrassingly put my free hand on his shoulder.

We were very close and our lips inches apart. His lips are pink and plushy. He noticed me staring and his lips curved into a develish smirk. I immediately averted my eyes and tried my level to survive with my heart racing at this speed. It was getting difficult to breath.

"Jamie." He whispered while dancing slowly.

"Hmm.." was all I could say with the proximity. That is why I stay away from shit like this. I get awkward. Don't.blame.me. Blame my over protecting alpha brother and father for me to be like this.

"Why dint you date anyone so far?"

"Dint find the right guy?" I told but it sounded like a question even to my stupid ears. He chuckled melodically .

GOD. It should be a crime to be hot. Really. And sweet at the same time.

"And what do you think of me?"

"Umm hmm..?" I was speaking gibberish. I was in a shock. Should I gag? Or blush? Am I even a teenager yet? Oh yes. I am about to turn 18 soon. Sue me.

"Don't worry, I am not asking you out. Not yet." He said smiling softly. He has been a gentleman so far. I was really impressed.

"I am impressed Scott, you are real smooth today."

"I try." He chuckled. Wow. I am loving this sound. I could totally get used to it.

Okay, as much as I enjoy this, my legs are aching with the stupid heels I wore.

"Let's rest for a while?" I asked stupidly amd he agreed chuckling at my stupidity.

We sat in the lawn hand in hand and he began speaking.

"You know? I want to be totally honest with you. "

I frowned in confusion.

"Have you not been honest?"

"Just listen to me okay?" I nodded and gestured him to go on.

"I new you kinda had a crush on me the last year. " I turned red."and when we talked recently, I found you amusing. I thought I'd take you to a date and finish it off,but the moment you rejected me, I wanted more of you. More than a date. I started lik-" before he could complete his statement someone coughed roughly shoving away Scott and sat between us.

The Satan himself.

Chase. In all his glory smirking at me and glared at Scott for a teensy second and covered it with a smirk.

"Can I borrow your lady for a minute?"


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