talk about building courage

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30K views?! Guys! This is insane. It's not even been three months completely and WOW!

Sorry this is not an update, but I really hope you read this. I wanted to express how happy you make me.

Hey guys! So, remember how I once told you that I couldn't talk about my 'works' on wattpad with my father?

Like, how I was shit scared of his reaction, so I just cowered back and never really told him?

Figured my mom told him sneakyly and I found out yesterday. Yea, not so subtly actually. My brother was dissing some author looking at a book's review, and my father stood up saying it's not an easy job...and he hinted something like 'ask your sister what it takes to express'.

I was caught off guard and felt extremely guilty for not being the one to tell him myself. It's not like I wasn't planning to tell him. I was, in fact I was planning to tell him after my exams and shit.

But learnt that my mom can't really keep secrets from her husband and vice versa. Talking to one of them is like talking to both of them. I don't know if I should feel bad about my concern for privacy or good about how strong their relationship is.

He reacted the good way. He said 'good'. That was far more positive than what I thought. I explained him how my book got 30K views in just two and a half months or so.

But it dint change the fact that I feel extremely guilty for hiding it and a tad bit upset with my mom's skills in keeping my secret(or lack thereof).

But leaving all the shit aside, 30K?! Seriously?! I am so honoured, I just wanted to thank all of you lovely people for the support.

Honestly, I've always found my work shitty and extremely cringe worthy and painfully childish. But my aim was to make atleast one person smile, I hope I did an okay job.

I feel good making someone smile. It's good to know that my childish writing made someone smile no matter what they are going through.

I know my sense of humor is cringy and dry and very complicated sometimes, and well, weird, but I try. It's an amazing experience to pour my heart out, living the characters in my book and forget the world sometimes.

That's why people read right? That's why we book readers tend to love fiction more than reality? We can write our own story here. You make the hero, you make the villain.

Once again, if you are still reading this, after the long boring rant of mine, thankyou so much for the support and I can never be more grateful.

P.S. I never knew there were SO many crazy people to read my books. I mean, it's just, WOW!

I have no words.

If this doesn't show how grateful I am, then I don't know what does.

Keep smiling, even if that means you have to read my stupid cringy childish stories.

Make the best of everything and know that I love you.

-Keep reading-

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