31. payback

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I yelled down at Scott and Blake informing about my achievement and it seems Chase froze Nat before she could even touch the flag.

Yup. They can freeze the non-guarding or simply 'moving' people with the team sticker. Placing the sticker on someone is like basically freezing them on spot.

Scott seemed VERY impressed by me and had the amused and impressed expression(which I could clearly see from here) that made my cheeks go warm.

Damn body. Damn hormones. Damn your smexy biyatch ass face.

Mal was now trying to get past Scott and Blake and Trev were in a hand to hand 'talk'. Ya get what I mean?

Trev seemed like he could easily stick the symbol on Blakey while Blake's stickers fell off his pocket to the ground. I signed.

It CANT be a tie! Hell no!

Determined to get past Chase,no matter what, I went back to my stealth mode.


Be jealous.

I am a frkn' ninja!

I re-stuck my symbols all over my shirt in case I'd need them again. Folding up my invisible sleeves, and rubbing my palms over invisible sand, I get ready to TOUCHDOWN.


Bad joke. I agree. Bleh.

You can do this Jamie. Get past the freaky greekgod and reach your goal.

I could see the blue flag placed to the corner of the balcony, but there are two problems.

1) sexy Greek god guarding it smirking at a frozen Nat, looking all drool worthy and damn...

2) the glass floor of balcony,that is over 20-25 ft above the ground giving a ghastly view of bushes underneath.

Really. Who makes a balcony out of glass? Well, Ness and Nate did for some weird reasons.

Okay, the trouble 'one'. Here I come. I go in front of him with a determined expression only for him to smirk at me. Nat was giving me hopeful look and mouthed 'best of luck'. I gave her a smile and proceeded to face smexy dread.

I took a step forward and so did he. I saw the stickers ready in his hands and so did he see mine(in my hands). Little did he know I was just diverting him.

He dint notice the stickers having glue from TWO sides on my shirt. Who would? More like who COULD? The glue is transparent. You just canNOT see.

I smirked and so did he.

"Ready to fall in my arms princess?"I scowled and Nat made gagging noises.

"DONT flirt with her in front of me Chase! Get a room!" He rolled his eyes saying.

"I could say the same when you were sucking Trevor's face in front of ME." He said crunching his face cutely.

Ohkay. Ninja. Focus.

I threw a few punches and he dodged them. He tried holding my hands but I was swift enough. He then tried lifting me, but I slipped away.

He pulled me with one hand and was about to place the sticker with other when I did something that threw him off guard.

I bit him.

No. I love dogs. But I am NOT one.

"Ouch! What the hell?!" He screeched letting the stickers fall to the ground from his hand only for me to smirk smugly.



"Aww... I am SO sorry poo. I can make it up to you." I said in a baby voice and moved closer to him making his eyes go wide yet again. I smirked remembering what he did to me last night.

Payback's a biotch.

I slipped my hands around his neck hugging him tight making him inhale sharply. His body went stiff. I already know, the sticker must be on his shirt by now, but this is revenge for last night.

I stood on my tippy toes and and brushed my lips against his ear lobe all the while tracing one hand up his back and another running through his soft hair.

"Gotcha" was all I whispered before he caught on to my act and froze looking at the sticker on his shirt .

I smirked and turned around to look at Nat smirking giving me a thumbs up and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively only for me to roll my eyes.

"That's cheating!" Chase yelled like a kid he was.

"And how so?" Nat challenged.

"Um..Ugh..gaaah! You SAW what happened Natalie!" He whined helplessly for us to chortle.

"Yes, she very well saw that you dropped your stickers 'trying' to fight me and I put my sticker on you." I smirked and battled my eyelashes at him making him fume now.

Chase-one, Jamie -one. Tit for tat.

I left him frozen as per the rules and went jumping in victory to the balcony. It is SO freaking wide I swear is almost as big as a room. I was half way through when I suddenly looked down.

And then I remembered.


I froze in my spot unable to move. Unable to breathe. Chase and Nat were bickering and I couldn't find my voice to ask for help. It just caught up in my throat.

It's okay Jam, a few more steps and you are fine.

I was trembling in fear looking at the ground beneath and closed my eyes. The memories of the dreadful day flashing by.

Why? Why should it always be me?

I acknowledged I was having a panic attack. I heard Blake coming up whining about how Trev cheated and a whining Mal along with Scott.

Chase was facing the opposite side of me, where I have left him frozen and Nat could not see me.

I don't think anyone saw me yet.

Oh god. I start shaking uncontrollably and suddenly start gasping for breath. My chest hurts too much and my vision starts getting clouded with tears.

My knees loose their balance and I fall to the glass floor, my heart hammering and my legs immovable.

God Jamie! Get over yourself. It's been ages. Nothing is going to happen .

I just close my eyes pleading someone to help me and then I hear.


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