10. great observation skills

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I don't know about the others but I was very very VERY tired. It's been a long day, especially with the detention and Scott drama. Nat and Mal were giggling in my room talking in a hushed manner.

"What's going on? What did I miss?" I asked surprising them with my sudden entry.

"Oh. Nothing babe. Just casual stuff." Mal said with a glint making me narrow my eyes. Nat was smiling a lot today. Okay now something's up.

I told them about the Scott incident and Mal suddenly tensed. Nat was scowling.

"What's wrong guys?"

"I don't like Scott anymore." Nat stated leaving me surprised.

"What? Why? You don't even know him."

"Oh well, I know him enough. He might seem like a good guy but stay away from him. He is rumoured to be one of the biggest players among sophomores. Someone has seen him forcing girls and he also took Macanzie's virginity. I found out recently cuz he made a move and I don't want some creep around my best friend." Nat said shocking me. Wow. This is new.

"And which world do you live in Jam? The guys had a huge fight after lunch and Blake seemed tense around Scott. Don't you notice stuff?" Mal said raising a brow.

Umm...okay. I knew my observation skills suck. But I dint know they suck this bad.

"Any idea why they fought?" I asked.

"Nah! It was something stupid I guess. I don't know." Mal said shrugging.

Chase came strolling in lazily and fell on the bed beside me making me scowl. He just smirked and closed his eyes pretending to sleep.

"Seriously Chase? Get out!" Nat barked at her brother only for him to pout saying.

"I feel loved sisi."

I rolled my eyes while Mal pushed him. And then the other two came strolling in like they owned the place.

Umm...excuse me? The last time I checked....this is MY room.

Blake plopped onto the bed beside Nat and Trevor sat beside Mal. Wow! I never knew my bed was this big.

"We're bored." Blake stated as if it's the most obvious thing on this planet .

Trevor was as usual texting or doing some ish with his phone. Chase kept snuggling into me only for me to scowl.

"Chase get up! I know you love me but you don't have to show it this often."

He smirked and said." You wish babe. I want to love you all the time." And i made gagging noises.

"Back off man. And stop flirting with my sister. Its gross."

"Your sister also happens to be a hot human being whom you cannot send into a convent to be a nun." Chase said smiling slyly at Blake.

"Did you just call her hot?"

"Chase Williams just happens to compliment Jamie Summers."

"The world has come to an end."

Blake, Nat and Trev said at the same time and Mal was laughing. And as usual I turned red. And Chase was smirking. He just loves making me uncomfortable. Barnacle.

"Why not? My enemy can be hot."he shrugged casually.

Blake punched Chase playfully on his shoulder. Wow. I thought he is gonna go in the overprotective brother mode. I just scowled at everyone.

Chase's phone pinged and he started smirking at the text.

"Why are you so happy right now?" Trevor asked raising a brow.

"Happy that Chelsea finally left me alone. " And then he showed the message to Blake making him groan while we sat there confused.

Mal pulled the phone from his hand and showed us the message.

Chelsea: hey Chase babe. I know it hurt you when I said I've moved on. But its okay. You will find someone better soon. Now. I know you are with Blake. Please ask him to lift his phone? Xoxo

I pinched the bridge of my nose in disgust. Ew. I dint have to see that.

"So, making out with her?" Trev asked making me glare at Blake.

Blake just shrugged and said " I've better things to do." Much to my relief and also Mal's relief. She immediately relaxed.

And then we decided to play hide and seek. I know. Real mature. But it's fun. It's my idea though. The guys were reluctant at first. Well, except Trev. He is such a kid. But they FINALLY gave in. And now Blake is counting while we hide.

Eveyone disappeared except for me. Where the hell should I hide?



I went to the kitchen to find Martha cooking. So I just slipped into the backyard. Even if this isn't the best hiding place, he will find someone else before coming here. This is the last place he would come.

I slowly crept behind a tree waiting for the demon to come .

"Why do you find ways to come to me Jimie poo?" Ugh. KILL ME.

"Shut up. Or he will listen."

Chase was right behind me and I could feel his breathe on my neck that made me tensed. I had to get out of here.


He totally seemed unaware of my discomfort.

"What? Shsh. Don't talk." He whispered looking around. His breath tickling my neck. Okay. Now this is totally disgusting.

I pushed him making him stumble out of the hiding place. Before he could yell at me...

"Got ya!" Came Blake's voice.

Chase only turned around and scowled at the bark making Blake suspicious.

And guess what?

I was out too.

Barnacle. Couldn't he just NOT glare or scowl for a while?

We were too tired and finally called it a day. Martha made amazing food as always and we went to our beds like good children we are ,just on time.

HA! What a joke. I am the only one who went to bed on time. The boys played video games. God knows what Mal and Nat did. I was too tired.

Chase kept bugging me the whole time saying how I was jealous of his hiding skills and so pushed him. That cockroach. But right now I am too busy wandering the food island. So good night!

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