36. beautiful love

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Hey guys! How is the new book cover? I like this better than the previous one though.

Before you get into the story, I wanted to know, Elsa or Anna?( Frozen). Comment and let me know.😃

Mom, dad were staying at grandpa's abandoned cottage just a few yards away since there is no enough space here and they also wanted to give us our privacy.


I woke up the next day as usual like a bouncing ball of sunshine. Sarcasm. The bed to my left was cold when I least expected a certain hotness to keep it warm.

Disappointed, I made my way out after looking decent enough and brushing my teeth. Wouldn't want to scare people with my 'beauty'.

I stretched in content scanning the place which is very silent and I only assume no one is really awake yet. It must be early. Or too late. God knows what. I lost the track of time a while ago now.

Chase was sitting on the couch reading a magazine. I blushed remembering the incident from last night and made my way towards him.

I smiled looking at him focus on something keenly. He was reading some business mag. I rolled my eyes and slid an arm around his neck from behind standing by the couch.

He turned smiling and pulled me onto his lap to which I gave a small giggle. His bed hair makes him look sexier than I've ever expected him to be.

The sexiest I've ever seen.(secret)

He gave me a dimpled smile looking at my lips for a brief second before sliding his hand around my waist to help me sit properly. He was now looking into my eyes and I had nothing better to do.

His green eyes are so deep, mysterious, with a glint that flips my stomach and unleashed my demons. The smirk that breaks the walls of my zoo. He was looking at me like I was a piece of art. The most beautiful thing ever. Like he genuinely admired me. Adored me.

I really wonder what he sees in my plain self. My eyes might be a bit large making me look innocent and my best friends always said that my bluish grey eyes made me look very attractive. I never believed them. Cuz that is what best friends do. They make you feel the best.

I have faint freckles on my nose and pale skin. I don't go out much to get myself tanned. I don't party much, I am boring. I have headache glasses and I am short tempered. And I am least experienced in the matters like relations and love.

And a boy like Chase can get anyone. Maybe that is one of the reasons I hated him. I was jealous. Jealous that he always got lucky with the person he liked. I was mad that he never noticed me.

Even when I made the best efforts to look good, he would make fun of me in childhood. And now, the way he looks at me, makes my world flip. It does weird things inside me, gets these type of reactions that I've never felt before.

His cheeks were tinges pink and I immediately bent down and pecked his cheek grinning. His dimpled smile dissappeared into a smirk and he slowly connected our lips yet again.

I like this.

No questions, no doubts, no barriers. Just live the moment. I could get used to this.

We heard the footsteps and I immediately got off Chase with wide eyes and sat on the couch beside. Chase went back to flipping the pages if his mag but not before winking at me.

I tried my best to calm the erratic heart beat and rubbed my warm cheeks. It was mom. I guess she came this morning to check on us.I just hope I don't look flushed right now.

"Good morning mom!" I chirped.

"Oh! Good morning Sweety, morning Chase." She said looking at us briefly and went into the kitchen.

She came out after a while and said "we need to go grocery shopping. Mind coming with me sugar?" She smiled.

It's been a while I've been with mom.
"Sure mommy." I said and got up to get ready. Chase smirked at me probably thinking I am such a kid.

I averted my eyes before my cheeks gain the heat and rushed into the room not wanting mum to notice my flushed face.

I put on a jumper and beanie before rushing out. Mom was ready and waiting for me in the car. I said a small 'bye' to Blakey who woke up now and hurried outside while the rest were coming out of their rooms lazily.

"Do we have any stores around mom?" I asked confused. It's nearly the outskirts. I dint really think we'd have any Walmarts or other stores here.

"There's one recently opened Sweety." Mom replied quickly and started driving.

"So how are you sweatpea?" She asked smiling.

"I am good mom. How'd your meeting go?" I asked referring to the one she was fretting about two days ago.

"Oh, good. Nothing to worry about. Let's talk about me some other time. Let's talk about you now." She said smirking.


"What about me mum? "

"Nothing. What did you guys do these couples of days? Had fun?"

"Yup. A lot! We were chitchating and the usual kid games." I said smiling.

"Are you and Chase still fighting?" She asked making me kind of nervous.

"What's new in that mom? We always fight." I said trying to sound nonchalant and careless to which she gave me an amused look.

"True." She agreed and started humming to the song on radio.

"Mom, how did you and dad work things out? I mean...how did you guys find out if you loved each other?" I asked curiously wanting to know the answer to which mom chuckled.

"It's a long story honey. And trust me when I say, Ness has a great hand in patching us up. It was her who made him realise he liked me." She said in a dazed manner as if reliving the days making me smile.

Love is one beautiful thing. I wish I had that beauty one day. But it scares me. Love can scar you, I cannot carry the scars everywhere I go.

It's better to avoid than having them prominent on your heart.

-keep reading-

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