24. I turn 18

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I was being shook vigorously so I opened my eyes only to stare into forest green orbs and then I realised a few things that made me highly uncomfortable.

1) my head was on Chase's chest.

2) I realised he dint seem to mind.

3) I started liking this position. It's very comfy.

4) Chase's eyes are very dreamy and his hair is very silky.

5) I could feel his abs. Damn boy, why should you be hot?

6) everyone surrounded me making me blush in embarrassment of this weird position.

So I immediately moved away.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! They wished both of us. (Blake and me)

I hugged Blake and said "happy birthday Blakey boy."

"Same to you Margaret." He said knowing very well I dislike it.

We cut the cake and took many pictures. But the only problem is that I was in my strawberry shortcake PJs and my hair is a bird nest.

AND everyone else is dressed properly including BLAKE. Then I realised I've been FRAMED.

Well shit.

I don't care. Much to their disappointment I just shrugged and smirked at their disappointed faces.

"It's not fair! You're spoiling this for us Jamie. When will you realise that you're the only one looking like shit?" Trev whined.

"I am a Greek goddess you peasants. No matter what ,I look fine " I smirked and Chase scoffed.

"You must not tell lies Jimie poo."

Did he just?

"Did you just use harry potter on me?"

"Pft. Umbridge used MY line."

"You watch Harry Potter?!"

"Nat made me watch it." He grumbled and I smirked. He hates hp. I know, sue him. But I have a feeling he says that only to piss me off.

Eveyone started grumbling like old people that I am a buzz kill much to my sense of victory.

"Okay kidos! GIFTS TIME" dad yelled excited. What is he? Five?

We opened our gifts and I really loved how my friends knew me. Nat and Mal gave me roller skates and boxing kit to which I started jumping. They said it wasn't the only thing , there are still more, but I was too busy jumping around.

I said I will open them later. Trev gave me and Blakey boy the tickets to the upcoming carnival which are VERY VERY difficult to get by the way.

I was jumping around so much today, I might have also lost weight. Jk. My pig ass ain't that easy to reduce.

"How man? How did you even get them?" Blake asked in disbelief only for that douche bag to shrug indifferently and say "knew someone inside the crew."

These tickets were of the carnival tour before opening. They will show us how the carnival is set up and give us free rides. Why? Cuz we were patient enough to stand in lines for hours waiting for our names to come out of lucky draw.

But lucky for us, we are gifted with this as a birthday present. GOD, this is the best. I can get to know the haunted mansion secrets.

And guess what Chase got me? That barnacle. Nothing. He just smirked and said," wishful thinking ain't bad princess. "

For which Ness hit him upside down and apologised for his behaviour. It was 1 am and I really wanted to sleep. Or else I might just pass out. I NEED to hug my bed. So I wished a small good night and left to my room.

Before I could close the room's door, Chase entered smirking.

"Honestly, just GET OUT." I barked. He came closer and stood right in front of me.

"Don't want your birthday gift Jimie poo? He feign hurt and pouted ador....like an ugly goblin. Okay, I need to improve my vocabulary of swear words. Gah!

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

He gave me a neatly packed box that got me suspicious. Really? CHASE would go through the effort for ME?


Something's fishy....

"But...don't open it now." He said making me frown.


"Open it after the exams." What?


"Just do it or I will take it back." He said loosing his patience.

"Finee.." I whined pouting. He leaned in and whispered," that's not the only thing. "

But before I could question, he slowly moved his lips from my ear to the cheek and gave a small peck leaving me baffled.

"Good night Jimie poo." He said slowly and made a run leaving me shocked.

Did he just...

Kiss me...

Like on the cheek?

I was blushing like crazy and my stomach is soon gonna ache with all the activity inside. The gates of zoo all opened and now, the animals are running loose in my belly making it ache.

My cheeks hurt with all the blushing. I just shook my head and tried sleeping but all in vain.


He destroyed my precious peace of mind. That's not how you wish a person! Gah...! I will KILL him.

And kill myself.


Cuz I liked what he just did. And I feel like jumping into a well and drown, for feeling this way.

I closed my eyes only to dream of a certain green eyed jerk with soft hair might I add and pink plushed kissable lips.

What are you doing to me Chase?

Have anybody thought of Natalie yet? Whom do you think she likes?

-keep reading-

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