35. awkward Jamie

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I hate Blake. Yup. Definitely. He HAD to say something like that. I played it cool like it dint effect me at all.

The rest of the day just passed by and Blake kept giving warning glances to Chase while glaring at me.

What is his problem?

He messed with MY best friend before dating her. What is wrong when I do it?

Oh. So you're saying you could date Chase later?



My cheeks turned warm with the inner conversation I just had. I am going bananas. It's official.

"Why are you blushing and smiling creepily?" Scott asked out of nowhere alarming me.
"Pft. Me? What? No."

"Oooookaay...." he drawled looking at me for me to raise a brow.

"What do you want?"

"Ouch! I was just wondering why my friend was smiling creepily ,all to herself. " He feigned hurt pouting.

"I was not!"

"Yea, yea, whatever sails your boat honey." He said ruffling my hair making me glare.

I think Scott is loosing his charms. I call him less hot now. He is just being annoying.

I stomped away like a kid leaving him amused. Huh.

It was dinner time now and Bart as always cooked something very amazing. I give it to Nate for picking up the best around(except the glass balcony). I just shuddered thinking of it.

Everyone were already taking their seat around the table. I plopped near Blake glaring him.

"How long are you gonna glare at me Jam? It's really making no difference."

"Respect my privacy. Why do you go around making things awkward for us huh?"

"I just state the facts. " I hate it when he is right. I pursed my lips in annoyance.

"You can't stop me from liking him."

"Oh. So you finally agree?" He quirked his brow making me blush.

"Isn't that obvious?" I asked him seriously.

"So, you would date him, if he asked you out?"

"No." I said honestly looking at my hands. He smiled trimuphly saying

"That's what I thought."

"Hey! Its not like he is serious. He doesn't even like me that way."

Blake saw me like I grew four more heads.

"Jam, don't mess around with people unless you really want to be somewhere with them. Got it? You might do something you'll regret later, if you keep doing what you are doing. " He said seriously and all I could say was he is just looking out for his best friend and sister.

I guess I kinda understand him. Disasters happen to these kind of relationships with time. I nodded curtly and turned to look at my food.

The point is, do I like him? Yes. But do I like him enough to date him? From across the seas? No. So, this will go away with time. A few more days and you are out of this Jamie.

Everyone were talking around me but I kept zoning out of the conversation.

"Right Jam?" Mal asked with a glint.

"Huh?" What are they talking about?

"Don't you think I am right?" She questioned again and everyone were looking at me eagerly. Oookaaay.

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