6. stealing glances. ew

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Okay I am hyperventilating. I am loosing it. It's lunch now and I couldn't help but notice Scott stealing glances at me. I did a double take at him. Am I dreaming?

I am sitting at my usual spot with Mal right in between the soccer team guys and swim team. Trevor sits with us as usual and Blake is usually with the soccer team.

Is it hot in here? Gosh! I don't like the way he is looking at me. I was good with just the one sided crush. I was good till he didn't notice. And now I dint like that he is noticing me. This will lead to all the stupid touchy feely things I am not ready for. Ew.

"Is Scott looking at you?" Mal asked suspiciously glancing at me. And then Trevor narrated the incident to her and how Scott has been going on about me since then.

"Someone's got a cruuush." Mal teased in a sing song voice only for me to scowl.

"Ew. Gross" both Trev and me said together and burst out laughing .

"Honestly, maybe you guys would be cute. Give the guy a chance?" Trev asked reasoning the situation.



"Guys don't make me puke. You know I hate the emotions and stuff." I made gagging noises.

"But you cant help it now cuz your crush is staring right at you."

"He is no longer my crush. Ew. I am gravely grossed out. Thank you."

"Say that while looking at him." Mal challenged.

And true to her words I couldn't say the same looking at him. His electric blue orbs and caramel hair was very...VERY distracting.


I need to stop this. Period.

"Kay. I need to end this. Mal , the next time I do something stupid please play along." I said and she looked terrified.

"Jam, how much ever I might love you but I am not pretending to be your girlfriend. I am sorry." She said with a horrified expression making me frown.

"But how did you know i was gonna ask you that?" I asked still frowning.

"Why thank the experience to know you like the back if my hand." She said blowing her nails dramatically making me pout.

I turned around giving my best puppy dog look to Trevor only for him to say.

"I am not pretending to be your boyfriend either Jam. I am single and wouldn't want the girls to hold themselves back now do we?"

I huffed turning away. I had to come up with a rescue plan now. I then saw Scott making his way to our table and I immediately got up.

"What's wrong?" Trev asked frowning at my sudden action.

"I am gonna go and never come back to this table today. Bye!" I said and ran away again making both of them laugh. Traitors. Mal slowly got up shaking her head with laughter saying a small bye to Trev who now joined the swim team.

Mal followed me out of the cafeteria with her burger still in hand.

"Where are you going?" She asked popping an eyebrow.

"Well...I guess I will just go to the library?"

"Nerd." She rolled her eyes while I stuck my tongue out.

"Okay then. In that case, I will join Blake and Chase." She said shrugging making me scowl.

"Don't fraternise with the enemy Mal!"

"Hey! Chase is not an enemy. Well atleast not to me. And Blake is your brother." She deadpanned and left.


Cafeteria seemed a mess anyway. But it was better cuz Chelsea was absent today and I was grateful. I had no patience to see that bitch and her minions dancing around throwing mean comments especially with all the Scott thing going on.

That biotch hates me. Why? Simple. She is Chase's girlfriend. More like fuck buddy. Honestly, she is the only one in their relationship. Cuz Chase opely said her that he doesn't do relationships. So they are not even dating for that matter. Chase is a player. Another reason why I hate him. Cuz he doesn't value girls. Well except a few. Like his sister.

I went to the library and signed sitting by the window. It has been a long and tiring day. I already want to go home. I lost my appetite a while ago , with all the looks Scott was giving me. Ew.

The bell rang and I had to rush to the next class where I had all the pain in the panet at once. Chase, Scott were in my class. But I also had Trev, Mal and Blake. So I went to my next class to find Chase sitting behind me with a smug face which made me glare at him.

I muttered a few colorful words and avoided everyone (especially Scott.) The rest of the day passed surprisingly fast and we were soon home. Nat came with Mal and me and Chase accompanied Blake and Trev. Chase left his car and bike at their house cuz Nessi said he had to learn to live without his possessions for atleast a month.

The girls planned a movie marathon even though we had school tomorrow and I agreed. Doesn't take a genius to say that we would be zombies tomorrow again.

But I really need to prepare myself mentally to survive tomorrow though. Two reasons. More like three reasons.

1) Scott.

2) Chelsea. I heard she will be back tomorrow. Bitch.

3) I have a math test. Gaaah!

Now I dint have to mention Chase cuz he is the one constant. This never changes. And now since we are under same roof, I don't have to mention him at all.

We had dinner where Chase gave me his sly smirks all the time and Blake was busy teasing Mal and god knows what's up with Nat and Trev. Cuz I was too busy glaring at a particular someone. Mom wouldn't come home tonight for she went to Hendersonville to meet granma and dad. Both of them will be home in two days.

Till then it was just the kids. And well, also Martha. All I could do was pray everyone is in one piece these two days while mum's away.

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