Natalie and Trevor

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Hey guys! Before we get into this, I wanted to tell you that 'my last everything' IS OUT!


"Hello?" Came a voice we very well recognised.

"Is anyone there?" It sounded shaken now. We felt bad for doing this, but something had to be done.

"This isn't funny anymore. Come out now!" but we stayed still.

The person frantically opened their phone and started calling someone only to sigh in disappointment.

My phone started ringing but I ignored whoever was calling me. It was left to vibrate in my pocket.

I know this is sadistic and not very nice, but we've all had enough. They need to be put in place.

"She must be freaking out." Mal whispered slowly and I nodded in agreement.

"She deserves it." I said coldly.

"You are talking about my sister you know?" Chase whispered but has mirth in his tone. His hand caressed mine.

"And also my sister in law and best friend. So, yes. I know what I'm doing. " I replied sassyly.

"It's not very nice you know?" Blake added and I just flipped him off.

Trevor and Nat were madly in love with each other but Natalie Williams was too blind to see that. Even Chase agreed on this plan. She needs a push to understand herself.

They've been dating and he said he loved her a while ago now. But she isn't ready to say it back. Instead, she broke it off with him saying she isn't 'ready'.

I'm done listening to her stuff. She's hurting herself and Trevor more. I've never seen him sad like this. The person who shows nothing but indifference, shows nothing but love in front of her.

The person who always wears a poker face, even though we know he's a kid at heart, started showing more of his playful side for her.

They bring out the best in each other. And I can't let Nat's stupid insecurity get in the way.

So we planned this out. Chase was reluctant at first but then decided this is the best way to crack her.

We were in Trev's house right now and it is absolutely dark. Trev went to visit his swim coach and doesn't even know what's going on. I successfully stole his phone and switched it off.

Nat now thinks he's had an accident. I know. It's very sadistic. But I just hope the outcome is worth it.

Nat started shaking now. She was frantically running up an down the house. Calling continuously.

"Damn it!" She yelled. I was feeling very bad now. Maybe this was a bit too much?

" Should we go out now?" I whispered and was about to go when Mal and Chase held me back.

"Not so soon!" Chase said to which I frowned.

"She's hurting Chase. This is very cruel on our part."

"Just wait. Only a while, and it'll be fine."

Now she was dialing someone else, and they lifted the phone.

"Hello? Mom?"


"No, I mean, do you know where Chase is?"

"No, no. Nothing's wrong mom. Okay, have you heard from Trevor?"

"Yesterday? Yea. I know. I met him yesterday."

"No, everything's alright. Yea." She then cut the call and now seemed very much distraught.

She walked to the photo of Trev and her placed on the wall and stared at it for sometime.

"Please be okay." She said now tearing up.

She sat doen the wall and put her head down. And from the way her shoulders were shaking, the only thing I could make out was that she was crying.

"That's it! I'm going to her." I said but before I could step out of my place, we heard the juggling of keys from outside.

Nat looked up carefully and stood up immediately looking at Trevor carrying the groceries in his hands. I don't think he saw her yet.

She literally jumped past the sofas and hugged him so tight, we could see him getting suffocated. He was tsartled at first but then hugged her back. She was sobbing now and he started cooing.

"Nat?! What's wrong?! Why are you crying?!" He asked voice laced with concern.

"I love you! I love you! I know I don't say it, buy I can't live without you! I was so worried." She sobbedore and we switched on the lights and came out of the dark.

"Finally!" Mal yelled to which both of them looked at us startled.

"What's going on?" They asked in a unison and came to a realisation.

Nat gave us a stink eye and Trev still stood very confused. She then turned to him and kissed while Chase made gagging noises.

We decided to give them their privacy and came inside the kitchen.

"What about us now?" Chase asked holding my hand.

"What about us?" I asked confused.

"Will you tell them or should I?"

"Oh." I said nervously.

Nat and Trev came inside and Nat was still upset, we dint blame her. We apologised but also said that we dint really regret what we did. She was bad for a bit but then came to a truce.

"We need to tell you something." Chase said catching everyone's attention. We wanted to tell them this for a while now. But I'm still nervous to what they'll say.

"What is it?" Trev asked talking after millinia of being in shock.

"We're adopting Max." And there was dead silence.

-keep reading-

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