39. make over

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We never know how the time flys. Especially when you are having the best time of your life. We were just a few days away from leaving. My heart already breaks into a million pieces thinking about the departure.

So before actually departing we decided to go to a party one last time. The drive into the city was nearly an hour but we were hell bound to party tonight.

Nat and Mal dragged me into the room to get ready.

"You are gonna look sexy tonight." Mal said singing to which I scoffed.

"Whatever made you say that. I don't care."

"You should, you are the only one single among us. " Nat said to which I glared at her not sure where this is heading.

"And...?" I drawled.

"You are impossible!"

"So was I told."

"You are looking sexy tonight cuz, we are getting you dolled up."

What now?

"Okay back to business."

They pushed me on the chair disregarding my pleas of freedom. They held me hostage and experimented probably forgetting it is illegal to experiment on animals.

Mal turned me around examining my appearance frowning at me with disappointed to which I glared at her.

I am not THAT bad!

"How long has it been that you plucked your eye brows?" She asked frowning to which I looked at myself in the mirror.

They looked just fine!

"And when was the last time you cut your hair?" Nat scrutinised.

I shuffled uncomfortably under their stupid piercing gaze.

They rolled their eyes (rather creepily might I add) at my lack of verbal reply. The look on their face threatened my survival. They had the 'lets play dress up' look and I mentally shuddered.

The room was soon filled with my groans as Nat plucked my brows while Mal put some kind of foam in my hair. I really wonder how they know so much about makeup while I don't.

*Scoff* you know nothing. You boring piece of..

Okay...no swearing Jamie. Be a good girl. My face was covered with a fruit mask and cucumber danced on my eyes. So basically, to put it bluntly, they were torturing me.(to death).

Mal washed off the foam and did some weird stuff I dint even care to notice since I was too busy glaring at them(with my eyes closed due to the cucumber pieces). She was now cutting my hair to the corners probably giving me a neat trim.

And by the exasperated sign it doesn't take a genius to say that it is very hard to tame my wild hair. I look like a blonde nest walking around early in the morning. Well, not totally blonde, but strawberry blonde, which is also blonde. Okay. I need to shut up.

Hands were all over my face now and I guess someone is taking the mask off. I groaned as something rough rubbed on my skin.

What are they even doing?

"I swear I'm going to kill both of you if you peal my skin off!"



"What is she gonna wear tonight?!" Mal panicked.

"She can wear red? Or navy blue? Chase like those colors." Nat said smirking.

"Hello? That 'she' is sitting right here, and can listen to your stupid conversations and is about to rip your throats apart and is NOT interested in impressing Chase!" I snapped agitated now.

The ignored my outburst and Mal rammaged through my bag.

Who gets a sexy party wear to a cottage outing? I know the girls packed my bag, but it's not hard to guess they dint think about this coming.

"Why are you wasting time Mal? Just go through my stuff. I'm sure you can find a dress for both of you. I have many dresses in my wardrobe."

"How about this?" Mal asked Nat holding the dresses while I tried to see her but all in vain. I was not allowed to turn around and I couldn't see through the mirror either. I just pouted at them.

"Perfect! It suits her eyes too! I am on the make up now."

She started caking my face while Mal did my hair. And all I did was pout like an idiot I was.

I am NOT planning to impress Chase. Okay?! Maybe I am. But I don't know! It doesn't work! I realised i liked him but I also know he isn't a relationship kind of a guy. He is the 'use and move on' kind.

And even thought I have no clue about relationships and I am not yet ready, I still could see me with him and that thought scared me. It's not that I had a chance with him anyway.

Such a hypocrite Jamie.

I pushed those stupid thoughts away and started collecting my nerves before I blast both my dear amazing lovely (not!) Best friends. I was fuming by the time they were done with me.

There were a lot of "don't move", "shut up", " calm down!", and snapping around.

They dint let me see myself in the mirror and urged me to wear my dress, that too without seeing it. I had to close my eyes just for the sake of their amusement and that infuriated me.

After slipping into the dress, they were gushing and they slowly took me in front of the mirror and ordered me to open my eyes.

I definitely dint gasp at the mirror like in the movies but I surely starred speechless at my reflection.

My strawberry blonde hair was blown dry and left open with my natural soft curls.The difference is that they now seem tamed. You know what I mean? Like, soft, silky and easily falling of my shoulder.

I wore a dark navy blue dress that came to my mid thigh and deep enough to show a slight line of my cleavage. It had a laced back. It looked classy revealing the right amount of skin.

Coming to my eyes, Nat did an amazing work of popping them out. I had a dark bluish grey eye shadow that was matching my eyes color. And my cheeks shone with a bronze blush making them shine.

The make up was nothing bulky and gag worthy like those caked fake bimbos. It gave me a natural look at the same time making me look un-naturally flawless.

Wow. Make up can do wonders. Maybe my pain was worth the change. My best friends grinned in victory while I stood there stunned speechlessly.

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