15. weird feel

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I freshen up and was finally satisfied with my look. I wore my grey crop top with 'ice queen' printed in top with black cardigan and denims. I slightly curled my strawberry blonde flocks and was satisfied with my look.

Saying bye to mom and dad we drove to Nat's house few blocks away. Mal wore similar clothes but dint wear a cardigan instead put a beanie. It's unusually cold outside today. Don't blame our outfits.

Within five minutes we were in front of a huge house similar to mine. I opened the door with spare key and sneaked in not caring to great anyone cuz guess what? There's no one home.

And as expected Nat was drooling over her bed half of her body almost on the floor. I immediately took a picture and Mal woke her up chuckling.

"Rise and shine sunshine."

She woke up immediately hearing our voices making me chuckle. She is such a kid.

"Hey!" She exclaimed happily bouncing already. How is she not hungry yet?

We got her frappe from Starbucks on the way so she immediately freshened up and had her frappe happily.

"What are the plans?"

"Shopping?" I suggested.

"Okay. But I don't need anything though. "Mal said. True , we already shopped enough for the prom and also my birthday.

"Then where?"

"Let's go watch the boys play?" Nat suggested. Doent sound bad. The boys have been practising hard lately cuz of the coming interschool championship where you get scholarships and shit.

I just want to be the valedictorian but have tough competition with Cathy. A sweet girl who turns horrendous when you are her competition for something.

"Kay" we agreed and drove to the common play ground.

Mal and Nat got down and went inside while I park my car. The stupid lot has no places left. I had to search for a while before finding a place to leave my car. I bought candy on the way from a small shop outside the ground and started devouring while searching for two of my best friends around.

I saw Mal waving frantically at me and made a run towards them. The whole team was in the ground. They prefer this one to our school cuz this don't need permission letters and slips and ish.

The boys took a break and Blake jogged towards us wiping his sweat. Yuck.

"You stink." I stated.

He rolled his eyes and said a hi to Mal and Nat.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked me.

"We were bored." I stated the obvious.

I felt eyes on me and turned to find the whole team looking in our direction.

"Hey Blake? Why is everyone looking here?"

"Cuz your attracting attention?"

I scowled and punched his arm.

"What did I even do?"

"You came. Out of blue."

"Sorry for wanting to see my baby brother practise."

"You just want to see all the hot guys sweat." He said turning towards Nat making her scowl.

"Hey Chase!" He called out.

"Your sister wants to see hot guys sweat." he smirked for which Chase scowled and surprisingly Trevor seemed displeased. He sat down beside us while Blake was done being douche bag and went back to play.

A girl suddenly appeared and started waving frantically at Chase causing him to do the unexpected.

He paused the game and ran towards her. Well, this is new.

Who is she anyway? I couldn't see her properly from this end.

"Cathy?" Mal asked.

"Huh?" I looked properly to find Cathy talking to Chase, more like blushing at something Chase said. Biyatch. She looked different though. I almost dint recognise her. She straightened her dark hair and put on some make up. Okay LOT of it.

I thought this is just a park? And who the hell puts on so much make up for a casual Saturday outing?

"Why are you scowling?" Mal asked while Nat had a knowing look on her face that aggravated me more.

I am scowling cuz he showed her atmost attention. He freaking paused the game just to talk to her and she is blushing.

Okay now I am being plain mean. I don't even like Chase. In fact, it is the opposite. So I guess I take my words back.

"I am not." I said blankly and opened tumblr in my phone.

Chase turned around and said something to Blake and left the place along with Cathy.

Fish it.

I am not taking my words back.


"Well that's new." Nat said frowning. Both Mal and Nat frowned at the same time and it's comical.

"Why are you guys frowning?" I asked now finding it hilarious. They look like oompa lompa twins when they frown.

"Nothing." They said way too quickly.

But one thing bothered me the most. He dint even give this much attention to Chelsea, his fuck buddy. Okay well, ex-fuck buddy. Then why Cathy? Does he like her?

I know I shouldn't give a damn but I have an unsettled feeling in my belly.

Well, who cares. Screw him.

You care

I don't

"Okay, I am done. Let's go? We'll grab something to eat outside?"

"Kay. We'll go to the rock later."

"Yup. It's been a while anyway."

-keep reading-

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