38. few things never change

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Our 'never have I ever' is different. It is rather the opposite. The one that didNOT do the deed needs to empty the glass.

This is their way of 'loosening me up'


"Never have I ever gone to jail."

Gulp. Gulp.

I honestly don't get the deal here. EVERYONE knows it's me and Nat in the end who are gonna get wasted. Well Mal is better than us.

"Never have I ever had sex under the bed."


Gulp. Gulp.

"Never have I ever hit on a teacher."


"Never have I ever gone to a gay strip club."


"Never have I ever done oral."

Oh GOD. This is so gross. I dint even bother looking at who was gulping now. As far as I am concerned Chase dint do it. And I don't care if the rest did that.


"Never have I ever kissed Jamie." Scott said to which my eyes were the size of saucers and Blake and Chase glared at him.

Everyone gulped their drinks except Chase, and I turned red. Blake was looking at him with disbelief while everyone started asking the questions.

He looked at me and I just averted my eyes.



"You kissed my sister?!"


"You guys hate each other!" This was Scott earning another glare from both of us this time.

"Umm..." he started.

"It was an accident!" I piped in to which Chase raised his brow amusedly and everyone looked suspicious. Blakey was nevertheless scowling.

It was my turn now.

"Never have I ever fallen in love." I said looking at Chase.

He slowly lifted his glass and I was slightly disappointed. Mal and Blakey dint drink only for me to smirk. Blake was looking at Mal and she was looking at him with adoration and I just wanted to coo.

These guys are so cute.

"Who is it?" Blake asked to which she turned pink and punched him in the arm muttering "you." Almost inaudibly earning a sequence of 'awwww' from Nat, me and Josh.

Blake was bright red. He immediately pulled her for a kiss muttering 'i love you too', and then set her back on the ground to resume the game.

I am happy for my brother. Well, and also my best friend but I was secretly jealous. Nat and Trev gulped their drinks so I guess they aren't in love yet. But I caught them exchanging glances.

Scott and Josh gulped surprising us but refused to tell who. We shrugged it off for now and resumed.

"Never have I ever punched Scott in the face." Chase said glaring at Scott who raised his hands in surrender laughing it off.

Well, after so many gulps, everything HAD to be funny. Nat passed out half on me and half on Trev while I was tipsy. Wow. I think I can hold it well.

Pat on the back. Well done Jamie.

You are such a good girl.

Eye roll.

Mal was fine, and the guys were very much sober. Douche bags.

"Honestly, I think you guys should start a 'douchebag school'" I slurred giggling at my own joke.

Douchebag school. Haha.

"It's not nice to call names to people Jamie." Blakey said making me pout.

"Why Blakey boy?" I reached to pinch his cheeks. I still remember how I would pinch his cheeks and ruflle his hair making him pout and he would go to mom whining that I messed up his hair.

I ruffled his hair smiling at the memory.

"Scott, get the lemon shots man. She needs them bad." He said holding me to keep me from falling.

"Damn, she can't even take a few shots properly man. She'll face trouble in the future." Josh mumbled.

I am not THAT drunk. I am still in my senses. I just feel overly happy and emotional right now. I can just say maybe I am tipsy.

"Aww Blakey. You've grown up SO much!" I turned to Chase, Trev and said "see! Our Blakey boy has grown up so much! He has fallen in love, he will soon have kids! I will be their God mother. Right Mal?" I asked her to which she chuckled blushing.

"I will play with them, I will teach them manners, then I will grow old watching them grow. And then they will have children. My brother rwill be the grandfather!"

"Jam...I think you should just stop." He groaned making me pout.

"But, but, I am talking about your children Blakey! You should be happy!" I said to which he turned red and groaned again.

I pouted unhappily at his behaviour and my bottom lip quivered as I tried holding back my tears.

"We will soon be going to different places. I will miss the fun, the fights, the laugh and cry. There won't be a Mallory to wake me up yelling how I sleep like a pig. There won't be a Trevor to remind me of my weirdness. There won't be a Natalie to gush about my non existent sweetness and to listen to my complaints on Chase. And Ch-chase (sniff) won't be there to fight with me, make me crazy, make me want to kill him, hug me when I am stressed, tease me for everything I do. And I will miss everyone! Scott, Josh and the whole school! Maybe even Cathy. Who knows?right Blake?"I said looking at everyone with teary eyes and soon everyone were hugging me.

"It's just a matter of years Jamie. Time cannot separate us, we will still make new memories, meet every year and stay close. " Mal mumbled rubbing my back while sniffing.

Everyone got pretty emotional, thanks to the shots I took but one thing dint change..AT ALL.

Nat still slept all through this, the koala-heavy sleeper.

She was lieing unconscious slightly snoring drooling like a pig curled up on the ground.

Few things never change.

And I hope our friendship is one of them.

BALLORY? Or MLAKE? Any better ship names? I am BAD at ship names. Sowey...

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