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After my oh-so marvellous encounter with Chase Williams, I was certainly very happy...NOT!

I was frustrated and fuming. It's a freaking game to him. Huh. Asshole. I dint like him anyway(okay not anymore atleast) you wish!

I slept grudgyly on my bed last night fighting the urge to break a certain shirtless greekgod's bones muttering colorful profanities under my breath.

We were all surprised in my morning when Scott showed up along with Josh .Yes. Scott. Scott Dauglas. Mr eye candy. Ohkay well...ex eye candy. But hey! Don't blame me. It is too much testosterone around.

I CAN have two eye candies now. Can't I? It's nothing serious anyway. Just natural reactions of a female hormones filled body to the male ones.

So yea, as much as the differences these guys have between them, they are all pretty close and Trev dint wanna miss any of his best mates these last few days. And yes, if you haven't guessed, Scott is Trev's swim team best mate. And we all DO know Josh hangs around with Chase and Blakey.

Damn guys and their weird friendships.

Girls are way better.

I woke up like a ball of sunshine I am at 6 freaking am. Yes, you heard me right. Cuz a freaking golden twin of mine decided we need to go all 'adventure mode 'today.

I woke up like a mess and immediately pounced on Blake for disturbing my beauty sleep. Chase woke up with all the noise.

Just imagine my face when I am on my brother dear ,strangling him to death in my batman PJs and drool stricken morning pleasant face(not!) and an untamed bird nest on top AND Scott walks in with Trevor looking like a freaking Adonis giving me a million watt smile.


This is where I die of humiliation. I immediately got up muttering an embarrassing 'hey' to Adonis and rushed into the room to be greated by a shirtless Armani model. Great. Just a great way to start my morning.

I slip into the washroom before anyone sees the red patch colouring my cheeks. Thank you body for slipping into a tomato mode. Not!

I finally made myself presentable and came out to face Scott again. We've been playful and friendly even after I told him off.

I might reconsider that now. Okay. That's just bitchy Jamie. God help the hormones!

Blake decided we need an outdoor day earning a death glare from me. Damn my jock brodah. These are a few situations where I am reminded again and again of my non existent outdoor life.

He made a list of things to do. And the very first one was a territorial war between teams that go like me, Blake, Scott, Nat and Chase ,Mal,Trev and Josh.

A territorial war is a game where a team has to territorize another teams area as much as possible and at the same time protect its own in an hour. It all depends on your agility. When a person sticks his symbol paper tag to you, that means you cannot stop him from territorising your space. And the spaces will be divided to each member of the team.

So if I am guarding the lawn, and a person from other team manages to stick his symbol on me, I kind of freeze letting them plant their flag in my area. Got a hold of it?

Yes, I know it's twisted.

Blake and I came up with this long ago. We often used to play at the fam get togethers. Ah..those days.

Blake and Scott are doing the guarding works and Nat and me set off to do some stealing. We gotta steal two spaces. The roof, and the first floor balcony.

I glared at Chase's choice of places. Of course that ass knew my case of acrophobia! I can go to neither. The roof...no way! And the first floor balcony, no way AT ALL!

Balcony is made up of glass, if you were wondering why I am freaking out. Roof sounds better. Honestly. It atleast doesn't give me the view of ground below. And trust me when I say you have no idea of how bad my acrophobia is. I and heights go WAY back.

I shudder at the memory. Blake glared at Chase only for him to say 'its just a game man'. Blake offered I guard the territory but, my fight skills are more terrifying. I better go stealth and steal the territory than guard it.

And guarding is just boring. Ohh..irony. Jamie is actually talking bout boring ey?

"Okay, Jam, you take the roof, that's better and I will go to the balcony." Nat whispered as we hide behind the wall knowing very well of my fear for dear darling heights.

I nodded gratefully at her and headed towards the roof. She took a turn towards the balcony only to be blocked by Chase. Damn. I hope she survives. They started dueling. What is it? A freaking war? Yes. It's not less than one. This is the war of pride.

I went up through the steps and hid behide the curtains calmly observing a very allert Josh. Josh is that cheeky boy with cute freckles here and there and big brown doe warm eyes with dancing mischief and curly brown hair.

He is just so cute in his own way. I clutched to my symbol tightly.

Ohkay jamie, put this damn sympol on his face before he stops you and replace the freaking flag. Just a few moves. Get into ninja mode. You can do this!

I slowly crept behind him and he turned abruptly smirking. I was kinda caught off guard at his expression. Like he knew I was gonna come. But gave him a smirk of my own. He slowly started coming towards me like a predator and all I could see is the blue flag behind him ready to be replaced.

"Well well, you actually think you can reach that?" He asked pointing at the flag which is dangling at the edge of the roof by the way. Damn heights.

"Of course!" I smirked and lunged at him. He dodged me with ease making me scowl.

I attempted to trip him,'attempted' being the word in which I failed might I add.(miserably) I tried punching him in the gut but he blocked me easily and smirked with a triumph expression.

Not for long idiot! Wait till I get you!

I tried slipping past him but he caught both my hands so I couldn't stick the symbol on him. Well, I am not a valedictorian just like that. I smirked at my plan B.

I let him hold my hands firmly and smirked making him frown in confusion. And before he could comprehend, I pressed myself to him so that our chests were touching.

Don't go dirty minded biotches!

I had stickers stuck to my upper pockets with glue on both the sides. Hence, sticking to me, and also can stuck to the things around me.

So like this, i stuck our team's symbol to him making him gasp in shock and horror while I smirked triuphedly, carefully replacing the flag.


I am a freaking NINJA.

Hey guys! How's Jam's stealth ninja mode? And yes, we got Scott back into the picture. Couldn't just let that one slip away. He is just too gorgeous to let him go. And I thought let Jamie have some fun before going to the uni. After all, these are the memories she is gonna carry for rest of her life.

I am TOTALLY shipping Scott and Jamie though. What bout you?

COMMENT and lemme know. XD

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