42. I like you

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Chase was still huffing with red eyes and he honestly seemed like a bull ready to attack.

"Chase." I stared but he cut me off.

"He was about to kiss you!" He yelled.

"No.."and he cut me off again.

"And you were about to let him kiss you!" He yelled glaring at me earning a scowl.

"NO! What is wrong with you?! He wasn't kissing me!" The last thing I want Chase to think is that I am some desperate hoe.

"Yes he was!"

"If that is the case, dint you see me pushing him away?!"

" Yea, but then you closed your eyes after a while. You were about to kiss him!"

"Are you jealous?" I raised my brow amused at his red face.

"No I'm not! Why would I be?"

"Then why did you punch Scott?"

"Really Jamie? I just saved you from being kissed forcefully!" He yelled glaring daggers at me.

Someone is getting possessive...

"Oh really? And how do you know if I dint want to kiss him back? I mean, him being my crush since forever and all." I taunted.

He gave me a flat look before huffing and turning away.

And they call him a player..

He is such a dork. Yea, adorable dork.

"Is Chase Williams jealous?" I sang earning a glare.

"Whatever." He dint try denying it leaving me baffled. I expected him to say no.

"And Scott was not going to forcefully kiss me. If you think that was an attempted forceful kiss, then you don't know what a forceful kiss is. " I ranted hoping he'd turn back and see me.

But instead he pulled me suddenly and crashed his lips to mine making me gasp. He slid his tongue taking the opportunity and roughly shoved me on the table beside, holding my sides firmly. I instictly tightened my grip on his shirt, my feet curled while I tried to breath. I was still in a shock as to what is going on. I could barely breath while his soft lips moved roughly against mine. He bit my lip at a point making me slightly hiss in pain and he smirked in the kiss making me glare.

This sort of looked like a punishment kiss but I don't mind as long as his lips are on mine. The pain was not much but the pleasure and tingles were too much to make my feet curl.

He slowly pulled back smirking and said." Now this is called forceful kiss" earning a glare from me. My face was flushed and I was panting breathlessly still gasping for air. He sucked the oxygen out of me.

"I hate you." I muttered punching him in the chest.

"No you don't. " He smirked still not leaving my waist.

I rolled my eyes and said." Scott wasn't going to kiss me. He knew you were looking at us and purposely leaned in to prove his point." I muttered.

He frowned adorably. "To prove what point?"

" To prove his point that you will be jealous and that you like me." I said confidently looking at him.

"I-um.." he stuttered making me smirk. Where is that confident Chase who 'forcefully' kissed me a few seconds ago?

"Do you?"

"Yea. I do." He admitted making my eyes go wide. Really?.

"What about you? Do you like me?" He asked smirking as his drew circles on my waist making me shiver . He dint seem nervous at all now. He seemed quite confident about my answer.

"Yea." I said turning red. I knew he knew it before. I must have been obvious!

"When were you planning on telling me?" He asked to which I frowned.

"Never." I admitted. " I dint think you'd like me back. I thought you would reject me. Because you dint react much,even after I started being obvious about liking you."I muttered nervously ,embarrassed.

He pulled me in a hug and pressed his lips to mine yet again. Our lips moved in sink but this felt different after knowing he likes me back. He held my waist keeping me in place and kissed me deeper making my toes curl. One of my arms slid around his neck while I used the other to hold his shirt firmly to prevent falling.

This kiss was intense and sweet at the same time. I was grinning like an idiot while kissing and he was holding back his chuckles. We were grinning like kids on Christmas morning after pulling away and he pecked me one more time briefly before hugging.

We stayed like that for a while before he started playing with my hair casually and said " I've liked you for a while now Jimie poo. I just dint want to overwhelm you with my emotions since I knew you weren't ready." He stated.

I frowned in confusion. Yes, I wasn't ready but now I am. I am so into this certain guy that I can do anything for him now and it still scares me.

"It's been a while I wanted to hug you like this, take you in my arms, kiss you, make you laugh. I always wanted this. For you to like me back. " He said.

"How long has it exactly been, I mean, from when do you feel this way?" I asked him curiously.

"A while." He answered vaguely before going back to playing with my hair.

" And how long is this ' a while'?" I asked him raising my brow.

"You really want to know?" He asked me softly almost not audible but I caught on.

"Yes." I stated firmly urging him to go on.

"Forever" he muttered making my heart race.

And I think I'm in love.

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