29. deep.

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This is what I thought looking at my bag. I gravely regret letting Mal and Nat pack it.

Do I even have this thing? Is this even mine? I don't remember having it ever!

As soon as I entered the room, the sight before me , forced me to become the twin of a holy tomato. Yes. I am using holy too much. I know.

Chase stood crossing his hands smirking in between my now scattered clothes. More like scattered pieces of cloth.

Yea. I know.

I am talking about thongs if you haven't realised yet. He took one in his hands and smirked.

"I never knew you wanted me this bad Jimie poo." He said making me scowl and turn red.


I immediately scurried while holding the not so subtly packed bag with those PIECES.

I knocked on Blake's door waiting quite patiently might I add. I might as well calm myself down before killing someone.

Blake opened with a confused frown only for me to glare and shove him roughly aside.

"Woah! What do you want Jam? You are interrupting something here." He said now scowling only for me to morph my face to disgust.

Then I remembered why I am here.

I was now glaring at Mal who set her hair properly and was looking at me like a kid seeing horror picture.

"I swear it was Nat's idea." She yelled before sprinting the other way through connected doors.

All I saw was RED.

Blake stood there confused while I went hunting for certain two Blondies.

Ha! Look who's talking...


I was close to blowing the roof in frustration when I found a timid Nat hiding behind Trev.

"You better come out. NOW!" I barked.

"Omg! I am SO sorry. It was Mal's idea." She screamed still behind him.

"LIAR! You made me do this!" Mal screamed from the other end.

"GOD! Jam you're too scary when mad. Someone care to explain what's going on?" Trev asked making me glare harder and the girls to burst out laughing.

My eyes twitched and the next thing I know is I am on my feet behind them, while they run away taking Trev and Blake's protection.

Ha! As if thats gonna save them.

"Blake, honestly, if I don't survive, you may as well know that I truely liked you SO much. " She said running behind the couch.

"Okay. Jam, guys, I think you need to stop this. We are all very tired and hope to sleep." Blake said with a bored expression looking at us.

"I would love to sleep. But someone PLEASE hold back the beast!" Mal screamed dramatically.

I was about to lunge at her jumping from the couches when two arms caught me by my waist pulling me back.

"Woah! Hold in there tiger. That's my girl friend you are attacking."

"I am your ONLY GOLDEN SISTER Blake!" I shouted in disbelief struggling to get out of his grip dramatically wiping my non existent tears hurt by the betrayal.

He rolled his eyes wincing while I pinched him hard. "GOD Jamie! Will you just stop?!"

I just pushed him and he fell down with me on top of him smirking smugly at my victory.

Wow. I am being too wild. I think it's the time of the month.

Blake was scowling at me and I was dancing in victory(on the inside of course.) But not for long since someone pulled me back successfully getting me off Blake while I struggled once again glaring at the hands.

I dint turn around to know who it was. My back hit his chest while I struggle. He smells like vanilla and cologne. Wow. Who puts cologne at night?

Everyone left smirking and Blake was glaring. I dint know at who. Either me or Chase or both. Nat and Mal high fived and left with smug expressions making me scowl harder and Trev shrugged it off amusedly and followed Nat inside.

"Why do you have to interrupt Chase?! I was freaking going to kill them!"

"That is why." He stated still not leaving me. His hold firm on my waist while the other hand held back my hands.

"Let go of me!"

With that he pressed his body to mine. I could feel every inch of his body against mine and my breath hitched at the proximity. He bent down to my level and the tip of his nose was now touching the nape of my neck making me shiver.

I could feel him smirk against my skin. He slowly went down till his lips were almost near my shoulder. He slowly brushed them against my bare shoulder making me aware of my skin now.

I was in my shorts and joker crop top that fell off my shoulders. I did not change into the night dress yet. My breath was now in shorts almost inaudible rasps and my heart rate quickened.

I dint, more like, couldn't say anything. My voice was stuck in my throat. He got my hands in front and held them on my waist with both his hands holding mine.

Now the third person seeing us would think he was hugging me from behind. That's what he is doing you doofus.

He then traced my arm with his finger while pressing his nose to the crook of my neck. He blew a strand of my untamed hair away making me quite aware of his minty breath. And I could no more think straight.

"You smell good." He breathed making me shiver yet again. He slowly pressed his lips to my neck, making me inhale sharply. My whole body was limp against his, and I very well knew I would fall if he left me.

If I haven't fallen yet. In deep shit.

This won't work Jamie. You are taking two different routes in life.

The wise voice reminded me, but I was too hypnotised by the beauty of certain cocky piece of junk to even listen to it.

"I think it's time for bed princess." He said and left me slowly allowing me to gain my balance and went to the room leaving me speechless yet again.

-keep reading-

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