44. its time

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Here it goes. Time. Mom already called Brad (company pilot) and arranged the flight. We were all set and waiting outside the airport for everyone to arrive. Irony. Waiting for everyone else when the people who are actually leaving arrived.

"My babies are growing up. Eat well. Stay in touch. Take care of yourself. Be with each other both of you. You can meet everyday. More like, make sure you meet everyday. We are always here for you. Just ping us whenever..." Mom and dad were rambling. Giving us advice and all the ish.

I swear they went through all this speech a million times already.

"Okay mom, okay dad. We will miss you." I said and hugged them.

Everyone came and I was hugged by Nate and Nessi next. Then all my friends. Nat and Mal were sobbing and I had tears too. We've never been apart. Especially Mal and I.

"I'm gonna miss you." Mal sobbed hugging me tight.

"I will miss you too. We'll keep in touch." I hugged her back with tears.

"We will meet every break people. Calm down. Summer vacation, Christmas and other times. We will meet. Okay?" Nat said rubbing both of our backs tsking. We just laughed through our tears.

I will miss them.

Trevor gave me a biig box of something he expects me to open after I reach there. And kissed my forehead and said." Guess I should start studying from now. Since my helper clearly is gone." And we laughed.

Finally, I nervously glanced at Chase who just hugged my brother and now turned to me. He immediately pulled me in for a hug.

He kissed me making everyone gasp and left me surprised. Nobody knew we liked each other except Blake and with this move, they will get to know.

He was smiling through the kiss maybe at my expression and I started giggling too. He pressed his lips to my forehead and hugged me. Our mothers started 'awwing' and I rolled my eyes.

"So, you're leaving." He stated.

"So, I'm leaving." I mocked him earning a smirk.

"Promise me one thing before you go."

"What?" I asked confused.

"Always, I repeat always wear the ring I gave you. That's a promise ring." He said seriously making my heart race.

"Why should I?" I asked with my cheeks warm, almost as a whisper.

"To let people know that you are taken and no matter how hard they try, you'll  always be mine."

Always mine.

My breath hitched in my throat and I know my cheeks must be the darkest known red.

"Really? What made you think I am yours?" I challenged even though he was totally right. I was in love with this idiot and I don't know how to tell it.

"Because I said so." He smirked.

"I am not an object Chase. You can't just claim me yours" I said frowning.

"I know. But you stole something from me. So till you give it back , I am calling you mine." He said seriously.

What did I steal? I am never giving back his jersey.

Maybe it's the baseball bats.

"I am not giving you your baseball bats mister. Sorry." I said tsking to which he chuckled amusedly.

"Well, I was talking about my heart, but yea, now that I think of them..." He smirked turning me red.

I was talking about my heart.


Can I just say I love you?

I love you.

He pulled out a box from his pocket and kneeled in front of me making me gasp.

My voice died in my throat.

Nat, Mal and moms were gushing.

"You are NOT marrying my sister! She is too young!" Blake yelled to which Chase rolled his eyes. I was looking at everything with wide eyes filled with terror.

Oh. My. God.

But NO.

"It's not what you think." Chase said and opened it.

There was locket in that box with a silver dove.

"Jamie Margaret Summers, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked making everyone gasp yet again.




"As in, your first ever girlfriend?"

"Yes." He said.

"It's okay if you don't want to, I under-" I cut him off my kissing the idiot.

"Yes!" I yelled and hugged him.

"Now you're mine." He laughed and twirled me around.

"Wear this all the time." He put the necklace around my neck and said " and also the promise ring, and remember, no funny business. " And I laughed.

"You too mister. No funny business." And then, I gave him the ring I took yesterday. I thought it was only fair I give him one promise ring when he gave me one.

"Wear this all the time. You are mine now." I said collided our lips and he smiled through it.

Brad called informing we are ready to leave.

"Bye Jimie poo, see you soon." He said kissing my forehead again.

"I will miss you." I hugged him.

Trev pulled me in another hug.

"You know you are my favourite right? I prefer you over Blake." He said smiling with mirth.

"Hey! I heard that!" Blake laughed.

"Bye Trev. I'll miss you." I said with a knot in my chest.

This is it. We are all going to different places. Different worlds. But I just wish our world of friendship remains the same.

And with one last look at our waving and tearing friends, Blakey and I took off to face our future.

"Ready to go sis?"

"I guess.What about you?"

"Me too." With that he squeezed my hand.

Though we all felt vulnerable leaving each others protective company, somewhere, we knew we were ready. We knew we had to face the world. And we also know things will be difficult and we still have each other's back.

Here you go guys, finally! It's over. I already miss them. *Sobs*

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