3.guess who's coming?

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"No way!" I laughed with disbelief while Blake told us the tales of how he pranked Mr Benjamin (their camp care taker I guess.).

He said they put itching powder in his panties and he was dancing like he was on fire the entire time in the bus. The way he said it was SO hilarious. And also that he wears hearts undies.
Oh god!

"And then we..." Blake kept on boasting while the rest of us laughed our asses out. We were laughing so hard while we heard someone downstairs.

"Kids! Guess who's here?!" Came my mom's voice while we jumped in surprise. Mom was on a business trip with Vanessa( mom's best friend and business partner.) And was supposed to be back not before tomorrow.

"MOM!" Blake laughed going down. He's such a momma boy I swear. Dad's with grandma this week, she wanted to spend some time with her 'kids', so dad and uncle John left to Hendersonville.

We followed Blake laughing at his childishness.

"Hey aunt Jess! You were coming tomorrow right?" Mal asked hugging my mom.

"Waay to welcome me honey " mom said playfully glaring at her only for Mal to laugh and hug her tight.

"My baby. How are you?" Mom asked hugging me.

"MOM! We Skyped last night! I am fine." I said my cheeks turning red due to all the laughter around.

Trevor was leaning lazily on the table and eating cookies only for Mom to roll her eyes never the less smiling.

"Okay now listen to me. Guess what? I -have-a- surprise!"

"Don't tell me you're going to send me back home Mrs Summers." Trev said in a bored tone. That boy.

"Oh shush you. Guess who is gonna come?"

"Vanessa?"I asked. Cuz she is one of the people mom gets excited about.

"Chase?" Blake asked exited only for me to groan.

"Right!" My mom said making me groan louder. Why oh why?

"Don't sound so unhappy Jam. Nessi and Nate are going out of station for a while, so Chase and Natalie are going to stay with us."

"Yes!" Mal squeeled listening to Nat's name. I missed her too and immediately got happy to hear that. But everything has its negativities. Seeing Nat also meant seeing Chase-freaking- Williams.

We are enemies by birth and it's like he is Blake's best friend since then.But it's still worth it if I get to be with another best friend of mine- Natalie. It's not that we stay far away or anything. We go to the same school and she does the weekend routine with us, but she is a junior. And we are seniors. She is an year younger to us. And I haven't seen her in a month. She's been with her grandmother.

"They are going to come tonight. Chase can take the guestroom downstairs and girls you mind taking Nat in one of your rooms?" Mom asked popping an eye brow.

"Why do you even ask? Three of them are gonna be in the same room anyway. " Trev said in a bored tone again. Why am I friends with him again? Oh wait. I don't freaking know.

"Okay kids now shoo, clean your rooms and make space for the two. They will be arriving by tonight. And your dad's stuck with granma for two more days. Wish him luck if possible." Mom said chuckling.

We made our ways back to my room. The boys went to Trev's room. They probably must be making a video game schedule.
Cue for an eye roll

Mal was on phone with Nat I guess. She was squealing like a minion in banana factory.

"Oh.MY.Gosh! I am going to be with you guys for a whole month! Can you believe that?!" Nat squealed through the phone that's on speaker now.

"We can have SO much fun."

"But also your dickhead of a brother is going to come. " You can guess who said the second sentence grumpily.

Ding ding ding. You got it right. ME.

"Let's just hope he doesn't get Chelsea home while he stays here. Ew" Mal said making disgusted faces.

Chelsea is Chase's girlfriend. The head cheerleader biotch. The mean chopstick. More like a chopstick with two dangling balls on the upper part. Gross.

"Umm...guys? You know you're talking about my brother right? And well I do agree Chelsea grosses me out too. And cmon Jam! Chase ain't thaaaat big of a dick head though. " She said.

"But you never said he isn't a dickhead Nat." I said smiling smugly

"Okay. But only sometimes. And that too only to you. I don't even know why you guys hate each other." She said thoughtfully.

"GOD knows why!" Mal said.

"Kay babes. I gotta pack things up and get ready. See ya tonight! " Nat said squealing happily.

"I swear I am gonna go deaf with all the squealing but yea, go on pack stuff. Bye!"I said smiling and cut the phone.

"Jam. Try not killing him while he stays. We want both of you in one piece. And also this house." Mal said seriously.

"I will try." I said grumpily.

"Just stay away from him and don't prank him this time."

"Aw! But that ain't fun. Cmon! You know you like it too." I said smugly looking at her conflicting face.

"But you guys never stop once you start fighting. But yea, it is entertaining though." She said with an amused expression making me scowl.

And then we started making space for Nat to stay for a month. We dint have to do much though. There is always a lot of space left how much ever we occupy. Dad being claustrophobic,made the house HUGE for just four of us to stay. So we dint hesitate to take Trev and Mal in. And now two more I guess.

-keep reading-

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