Trevor's gift

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Hey guys! So this is after Jamie gets into her room after leaving her hometown.

My roommate Geselle seems nice. We had a nice chat as soon as I came. I was unpacking all my boxes and settling them down when a certain box caught my eye.

I moved closer and opened it to find Trevor's gift. I opened it with a smile and there was an album which made me frown.


I opened it. The first page read.

I see everything.

Wow. That's not creepy at all.

The next page had

Try not to smile too much.

I raised my brow as if he could see me. I flipped the page to find a photo of me with a grumpy look on my face wearing a black frock while Mal was animately talking almost jumping in excitement.

And that is when it clicked me.

Our routine night. I grimaced remembering the redhead who wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Look at your face. You're so ugly.😂💩" Was written to the bottom of the page.

I had a wide grin on my face by now.

Damn I missed him already.

The next page had a photo of me unconscious while Chase was carrying me with an amused expression on his handsome face.

The day I got high.

I laughed lightly remembering how I called him a pig that day.

You insulted swans that day.

Was written at the bottom making me roll my eyes.

The next page had Chase and me playing pebble fight where he was sneakyly pushing my pebbles into lake.

Sneaky lil bastard.

He cheated his way.  Was written and I could totally agree to it.

The next photo was of Blake pulling me out of the lake while Chase was laughing his arse out pointing at me. I had a scowl etched to my face.

I tripped

You're such a clutz. Was written as if I dint know that already.

The next one was me blushing tomato red while Chase sat shirtless with a grumpy look squeezing his shirt. Nat had the 'glint' in her eyes while smiling wickedly where I just scowled blushing.

She was wiggling her brows then!

My girl knew it too. He wrote. 'my girl' made me smile at his cuteness.

The next page had me all dolled up in pink prom dress, my hand entwined with Scott's, but the only thing that caught my eye was how Chase was looking at me from behind while Cathy clung to him.

He did notice!

My heart fluttered at the look on his face.

I always knew it! Was written making me smile.

The next page had me jumping on my heels in my pink prom dress to reach the phone in Chase's hand while he was laughing like a pig.

The prom night!

You are so short! Was written and this time I laughed lightly.

The next one had me sleeping with my head on Chase's chest while he lay on the sofa.

My birthday.

I blushed remembering that day when that piece of poop kissed me on my cheek for the first time.

I always shipped you. Was written making me go red.

The next one had me hugging the daylights out of Chase in the airport while he had a shocked expression.

When I came back!

His face is gold. Was written and I agree with it.

The next one had me blushing while Chase was smirking from across the room and Mal and Nat were talking something on the sofa with Blake .

The cottage....

We could use you instead of a tomato. It read and I blushed remembering how cheeky Chase was being then.

The next one had me crying, I was in my casuals and everyone around were hugging me while Nat lay unconscious on the floor beside us.

Shots time!
I laughed at how Nat dint wake up with all the drama around.

My girl sleeps through everything. It said and I chuckled.

The next one had me again all dolled up and getting down the car while Chase put his hand out for me to hold. I was blushing yet again while he was smiling cheekily.

I got butterflies remembering how he got jealous because of Scott that day.

I knew something was cooking. It read in the end.

The next page had

I know we are going to different places and will be apart for a while. But what is a few years in history of friendship? Will meet you soon and you can stop blushing now.

Miss you already

-your most amazing hot funny best friend, Trevor.

I was smiling like crazy and mentally 'awwwing' at the album.

"Why are you smiling creepily?" Came a voice startling me and I closed the album.

*Grins* I just love Trevor. Don't smile alone, vote and comment and make me smile too.

Xoxo. Love you guys.

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