23. kicking ass under water

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It's been days I came out of my room. Same with Mal. We would study together sometimes, but end up talking shit. So we decided not to study together.

Trevor has been attending his swim tournaments and today is the last one. His parents showed up saying they couldn't miss his achievements. So now everyone is with him while he kicks some butt in water.

I stayed back at home cuz I wasn't even in the position to sit. After days of sleepless nights( ya get it? Ya get it?) I looked like a descendant of zombie clan so they forced me to sleep and miss my best friend's kick ass win.

Oh. I am sure he got the prize since Mal texted me. And yes, I talked to Scott and explained my situation of not being ready for ish. He was very understanding and said he will wait only for me to feel more bad.

I immediately told him not to wait and that I dint see him that way. He got the hint and left with a sad smile. I felt bad for turning him down. But this aint a story book for a boy to crib over a girl. Especially when he is a hot teenager.

I found him smooching Chelsea the very next day making me scoff. So much for liking me. So any traces of guilt and feeling bad vanished. But we are still friends.

Chase would talk to me sometimes. Yes. You heard me right. Talk. Not bark or irritate. He is being civil. High school changes a lot of things. Hmm.

God knows what Nat is doing. We still don't know whom she likes. We just want her to tell it herself,so dint really talk about it.

Tomorrow is our(Blake and I ) birthday and we honestly told all our friends and family that we do not want anything grand this time as we are really busy with the preparations. They all understood the situation but mom was very unhappy about it.

So we promised to celebrate after the exams. I got up lazily from my bed and went to my second favourite place in this house(first being my bed room.) The kitchen.

Tv- on.

Pretzels-in hand.


Soft pillow-check

Comfy position-set.

I was watching TV eating pretzels and snuggling into the pillow when everyone came in opening the door with their keys.

"Congratulations Trev!" I yelled not caring to get up from my comfy seat.

Nat came in literally bouncing. She seemed way too happy. Who wouldn't? Our best friend just kicked some fine ass under water. Okay I should stop saying that. It's gross.

Trevor was way too exited but at the same time tired. I greated Trev's parents and went back to lazing around. Mal made herself comfy in the bean bag beside mine and Blake cuddled with her making me gag.

Chase the pig, fell on me suddenly accidentally thinking I was a pillow which resulted in me getting very very angry and ripping his head apart

And that is how you kill Chase freaking Williams.

I was too tired to even kill him so we finally ended up sharing the blanket while watching TV. Why is he even here?

Mom Dad were too busy talking on phones and God knows doing what. Chase was snuggling into me making me roll my eyes.

"Get a girlfriend Chase. Stop annoying me."

"Kay then. Be my girlfriend."he said. Even though he was kidding my stomach did summersaults inside and heart thought it was okay to speed up to level infinity.

But I just rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Go to Chelsea or even better Cathy" I said.

"Someone is jeeaaalouus..." he sang making me scowl.

"You wish Williams." I barked.

"Will you guys shut up?! We are watching the movie here " Blake barked for Chase to roll his eyes and say "get a room mate. You are making us sick." To which I instantly agreed.

Maybe today should be marked in the history that Jamie Summers agreed immediately to something Chase Williams said. Wow.

Nat was too busy staring at the tv to even care what we were doing. She got up in between and went to Trev's room to talk to him. They always talk about shit we don't understand so we leave them alone.

And as far as I know, Nat and Chase are staying here tonight to wish us at midnight. Typical.

Mom left to meet Nessi saying it's an important deal or something , I don't know. Dad accompanied her cuz it got dark outside and being a good husband , he dint wanna send mom alone.


He went to meet Nate and they are gonna fight over which Hockey team is the best while mom and Ness are busy. Men.

Martha left early today and we were all to ourselves. We expect the house to break down with wild teenagers left alone. But nuh-uh. Reality sucks folks. We do nothing but bicker and watch TV.

Everyone was busy watching TV. I am getting bored now. I was supposed to study anyway. I was getting up when Chase caught my wrist making me frown.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"To study?" I asked yawning. Damn I need to sleep.

"Later. And as far as I know you, you must have completed everything. Nerd. Just sit here and watch." He pulled me and I fell back in the couch right beside him.

I just rolled my eyes and stayed put. My brain isn't working now anyway. There's no point trying to study. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the head rest behind. Blake and Mal already slept cuddling.

What about dinner?I am not hungry anyway. I was eating the whole day. And if anyone else is hungry, they will serve themselves. So I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep peacefully in the couch cuddling into the pillow.

Sooo..Trevor is out of picture. Scott has moved on and Chase doesn't seem interested. So whom to ship Jimie poo with? And don't forget, she isn't interested either. But we just can't ignore the fact that she DOES notice Chase and Scott.

Let's just see what happens.




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