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Okay, I know I've been evil. And I'm not even hiding the fact that I love Scott. But I had to do it. It broke my heart but yes.

I miss him like hell.

I've been crying, Scott Dauglas CANT be DEAD!

*Warning* mild content related to suicide. It's just there in a part.

Nat's P.O.V

(Archer is Natalie's and Chase's cousin. Melody is Nat's daughter. And Sophie​ is Blake and Mal's daughter. Alex is close family friend of everyone. Brandon , Aqua, Anna, Sam , Clarrise,Archer and Alex are characters from first book of the series. In case you dint read that before. )

"Hey honey. I'm on my way."

"Natieee! Keep mom away for a while more. Please!"

"You know I'm your aunt right?"

"You are more of my bestfriend. Pretty please?"

"You're being manipulative again. You know the bestfriend card won't work for long right?"

"Long enough to keep mom out for sometime more."

"I can feel you being cheeky. Ask your father to do whatever shit he's doing a bit faster. Your mom is pain in the back sometimes."

"Agreed." He chuckled.

"Hey! It's your mom your talking about. Kids these days. Tsk tsk."

"Okay okay, aunty. I'm sowey. Alright, we need thirty more minutes that's all!"

"Okay, we'll hit the spa then."

"Take your tiiiime." He sand from the other side and cut the call.

"You do know that I'm not dumb right?" Came Jam's voice making me turn and sigh.

"I know. But we have to do this anyway."

"He does this every year though. It's my birthday and I'd obviously know that something's up when you're​ keeping me away from home." Jam said rolling her eyes never the less smiling.

"Yet, since the past six years, you've been acting surprised." Mal added chuckling.

"Well, he does plan great parties, and there is always some element of surprise. And his eyes light up very quick at my reactions. So it's worth it." She says smiling thinking about our now fourteen year old Max.

"Girls! We're getting late. It's spa time!" Alex yelled dragging us across the road and we followed chuckling.

It's been twelve years Raine passed away. She was found lifeless in her room with blade cuts all over her arm. It was horrible and we were even more devastated.

I was broken. Jamie dint dare see Raine's body. She dint even enter the scene. That night, she locked herself in her room and I was pretty sure cried like there is no tomorrow.

But we're all okay now. That is all that matters. We went to enjoy our spa day.


We entered the house to find everything normal. No balloons, no element of surprise. Max was sitting on the sofa with Soph , Melody and Archer(my cousin).

"What's going on?" I asked suspiciously while they all looked up startled and then started grinning.


And we looked up startled at the voices. There stood out family. Every single member of our family. Gathered after ages. Jake, Jesse, mom, dad, Aunt Clarisse, uncle Sam , Brandon, Anna, Aqueela, Del, Josh, granma!

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Jam squeeled and went to hug people while I did the same.

Jam was jumping around. Wow. This kid outdid himself this time.

"Oy!" I said and pulled max aside into the kitchen.

"Well done bud." I patted and he just did a dramatic bow.

"How'd you manage to drag everyone into this though?"

"No one can resist my charm mlady. A bit of emotiona blackmail did it."he said smirking.

"You satan's spawn." I muttered and smacked his head.

"He is my grandson afterall. He had to learn a few things." Came mom's voice and they did a weird hi-fi.

We then made Jam cut the cake and Chase and Jam soon got into a food fight dragging everyone in.

This was the best surprise ever. It is all so overwhelming.

"What are you doing here alone babe?" Came Trev's voice making me smile.

"Just looking at everyone laughing together makes me weirdly happy."

"There's nothing weird about it Hun." He says and stands beside me for a while.

"GOD! Melody! Get off Max this instant young lady!" Trev went yelling at our daughter who was on top of Max who was trying to get her down but she won't budge.

So he instead started pretending he's dead while Sophie stood with Alex tsking at the scene. Archer was taking pictures while everyone around were laughing.

Max looked more and more like Scott with time. Except his deep brown eyes, everything was a striking feature of Scott. It was hard for Jamie and we knew it. Jam was very close to Scott and till date grieves his loss.

Chase is always there to support her. But they were okay. We were all. And everything max does, remind us of Scott. The way he pulls faces. He is a carbon copy of fourteen year old Scott Dauglas.

I laughed at the was Mel won't leave Max while Alex tries to seperate them and turn around with a happy sigh. My eyes land on the trees outside the window. The weather is so peaceful.

A beautiful day with my beautiful family. I was about to turn around but my eyes caught something among the woods. And my breath hitched. I forgot how to breath.

"Oh god! Stop all of you!" Jam came inside laughing so hard and stood beside me cleaning herself. Removing all the cream from her body.

"What's wrong Nat?" She asked.

"I just. Saw something there." I said.

More like "someone".

"Wha?no." She said still out of breath with all the laughter. "There's nothing babe. Maybe you just saw a dog." She said to which I nodded still in a trance.

"Okay, come out soon. We'll have lunch." She said and left yelling at all the kids.

I stood there for a couple more minutes rewinding what I saw. More like who I saw.

I was pretty sure the face looked very much familiar.

Scott Dauglas.

Spooked? Anyone up for a bonus?

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