Random talk.

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So okay. I learnt a few lessons in life a quite hard way. And want to share with you guys.

1) people with delicate bodies and less resistance to caffiene should NOT have coffee after 6 pm. You will be caffeine high for the rest of the night.

Doesn't matter even if you are coffee lovers.

2) Do NOT. I repeat. DO NOT go on a hp watching spree at night. Cuz once you start the series, you have to complete it.

3) Don't forget to tie your shoe lace properly unless you want to kiss the ground. And trust me when I say, you won't have a Scott or Chase around all the time to protect you.

4) watching a horror movie?
-first off, don't watch it alone.
-secondly, keep all the dolls away.

No matter how adorable they look in day light, you might not quite like their view while watching horror.

-third, keep your windows and doors closed.

-fourth, even a mobile ping can scare the crows out of you. So say hello to silent mode.

-fifth, be careful while eating popcorn. You might choke to death when you see something horrible.

-and lastly, I have no clue why I am writing this. Oh well....I already did, so there's no going back.

5) Jamie's punches ARE horrible. Don't ever mess with her. Lesson learnt perfectly by Chase.

6) do vote and comment your emotions immediately before you loose the spark. It's a destined second to comment. Just go for it. Don't think about anything else.

It is freaking SACRED and not to forget, makes my day.

And thank you for coping up with my nonsense so far. You guys are awesome possum. Love you guys xoxo😘😘




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