41. jealous?

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We were swinging to the music. Dancing with Chase is whole another level of excitement. I was looking into his forest green eyes wondering how will I ever be able to get over him.

I am trying but it doesn't work with him being around. I dont want to confess my emotions and destroy our friendship when I already know he is off limits.

The thought of getting over him got a weird ache in my chest but I let it slide to enjoy the moment which I might not have again.

My cheeks were warm with the proximity and he was smirking down at me. I stepped on his foot a couple of times making him wince in pain.

"I'm so sorry. I just- I am a bad dancer. I think we should just stop dancing.. I rambled regretting my decision. It's like I am dancing to embarss myself. I swear I dint mean it. Lets just not dance?"

"Shsh, it's okay babe. You don't have to be worried about it." He said efficiently shutting me up.


I started glaring at him just to cover up the fact that I have a crush but I don't think it worked well with my flushed cheeks and his seemingly smug smirk.

He pulled me closer so that our lips were inches apart, his minty breath fanning my face and I involuntarily ran my hand through his soft curls.

"Jamie" he whispered making my stomach dip.


"Did I tell you how good you look tonight?" He said tucking a loose strand of my hair.


"Did I tell you that you are cute when you are mad." My eyes widened to the size of Saturn.


"Cat got your tongue?" He smirked. And guess swhat I did? The one and only...

"Umhm." Yes. I know. Sue me for being so dumb.

He grinned devilishly making my knees weak and I was never this grateful to have arms around my waist supporting me. My eyes kept flickering back to his lips no matter how hard I tried diverting them and he just kept making stupid comments making me blush harder.

"What would you do if I kiss you?" I asked him boldly shocked at my own guts.

He just smirked before his eyes landed on my lips.

"You never know." He said and I raised my toes standing on my tips and circled his neck.

I touched our nose for a second before pecking his cheek. I dint want to kiss him without knowing how he feels about me. He pouted at my action and I just forced a chuckle.

"That isn't even a kiss." He whined.

"Aww. Somebody wants a kiss." I teased to which he just frowned.

"Want to have a drink?" He asked to which I nodded. He left to get is drinks as I waited on the dance floor.

Scott came striding like a king making me roll my eyes.

"One dance m'lady?" He asked. I looked around and saw Chase talking to someone at the drinks knowing he won't be coming anytime soon.

"Sure. Why not." I smiled at him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer making my eyes go wide .He cracked some jokes on how Chelsea whined after he ditched her. I know. It's rude and I shouldn't laugh , but it is just so hilarious that she doesnt have a spine and I found myself laughing hard at his jokes.

He swirled me around while I laughed and then we went back to talking about a certain William.

"So, you and Chase ey?" I immediately blushed chuckling nervously.

"What about him?" I played dumb earning a smirk.

"You like him." He stated.

There is no point denying it now. So I just admitted.

"Yes, I do. So?" He seemed shocked at my bluntness but immediately recovered.

"Why don't you just tell him?"

"I don't want to be rejected."

"Why do you think he will reject you?"

"Well, why wouldn't he? For one, maybe he thinks me as his little sister, me being his best friend's sister and all. And two, he is not a person of commitment, he has never been in a relationship before. Three, he is into brunettes and platinum blondes and I am just plain me. Four, we are moving away. I don't think he would want anything long distance. I can keep on listing and the night won't be sufficient." I said grumpily.

"One, he doesn't think a
you're sister. You don't flirt and kiss your sister. Yes, before you ask, I've seen you guys kissing. Second, neither have you ever been in a relationship and he seems to like you very much. Trust me, a guy knows how another feels. Third, we don't really see the appearance and your not 'plain you'. You are smart, funny, witty ,sarcastic, individual and one thing most of the guys like, innocent.(I scowled here) And four, once a guy likes you, he will do anything even if he is oceans across you." He stated.

"Don't give me false hope Scott ." I hissed only for him to roll his eyes.

"Okay, what if I prove that he likes you? Will you make a move?" He asked and I did consider the option. But only if ..huh.

"Sure." I said not sure at all what he is going to do about it.

He pulled me even closer so that now I was smack stuck to his chest and my eyes were about to pop out.

"Scott, what are you doing?" I asked looking at him.

He only smirked and said." Trust me. You will be glad I did this." And the next thing I know, is he is leaning in making me uncomfortable.

I tried pushing him away but he just shook his head and said " play along. I won't kiss you."

I just closed my eyes hoping this would get over soon and the next thing I know, Scott is being pulled away from me and a hand punched him making his nose bleed.

Chase stood furiously with bleeding knuckles while Scott groaned kneeling on the ground and all I did was gasp at the sudden actions.

Chase was glaairng at Scott while he just smirked ticking him off even more. Before Chase pounced on him again, I held Chase back and started pulling him away. Scott smirked giving me a thumbs up even in his bloodied condition managing to make me smile.

SO, Chase Williams is jealous. I thought and held back by chuckles.




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