5. Awkward

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I went to school that day with eyes like an owl with bags underneath. I looked like a zombie. That would be an understatement. Well this morning, after how mom lectured us about being civil to each other in the house,or anywhere for that matter (that's what she said) we ended up calling it off since mom was really pissed.

And everyone knows not to deal with a pissed lady in her late 30s. Okay I am not saying she is old or anything.

Now coming to the point. I am standing in front of my locker glaring at nothing in particular but think air and cursing someone special. Note. The. Sarcasm.

"Okay you really should let this go. It can't be thaaat bad. He must've been joking." Mal said trying to sound light and casual about it. But she knew I won't let this go.

"You know he never jokes with me." I said fiercly making her flinch.

"Okay! Calm down. You can just explain Scott when he meets you. If he meets you."

Mal took the books for her next class. I had a free period and promised Ms Debby to help with library work. She is sweet till you break rules. It's like the devil unleashes.

"Kay Jam. See ya! I don't want another detention anytime soon. Try not killing anyone. " Mal said while running away.

I sighed. The day started on the bad note. All thanks to the mighty menace. I felt hand around my shoulder only to face Trevor behind me.

"Hey, you okay? You look like someone stole your food."

"Jee. Thanks. That made my day." I said rolling my eyes. He just chuckled in response.

I was suddenly being lifted and he threw me over his shoulder.

"TREV!put me down!"

"Not till you smile!" He laughed .

"You can't see my face! How will you see me smile?" I asked finding all this ridiculous. I started punching him at the back and he finally gave up.

"Ow! You sure hit hard for a girl Jam." He whined.

"Want some cheese with the wine?"

He just rolled his eyes but smiled.

"What do you have now?"

"I am heading to the library."


I stuck out my tongue in reply. I know real mature.

"Hey Trevor!" Came a voice I dint wanna listen to.

Trevor turned around to a waving Scott making me groan.

"Kay Trev! I am going. I am getting late." I whispered in a hurry and attempted slipping away.

"Hey Jamie!" Scott said making me freeze. Wow! He actually knew my name. I was suddenly very flustered. And guess what?

"Look. You are cute and all but I don't like you that way."

Oh. Did I mention? I blurt things out when I am nervous.

Are those claps I listen to? Yea people. Applaud at my stupidity.

Now this is awkward.

"Ummm...Jam, you just made it awkward." Trev whispered not helping at all.

Scott looked constipated for a while but still managed to pull it off. How can a person be so handsome. Okay focus Jam!

"Umm..oookaaay. But I never said you liked me though." Scott said carefully turning me red.

"Dint Chase talk to you anything?"

"Chase? As in the soccer captain?"


"Oh! Chase Williams. No. I don't remember him talking anything about you."

Now this is AWKWARD.

"Okay. Just don't believe whatever he says okay?" I said still flustered.

"Okay. But you are cute when you blush though." He said smiling weirdly making my insides churn.

"Ohkay! Gotta go! See ya people!" Was all I said before vanishing. Okay running. But I wish I could apparate. Nevermind. I heard him laugh at me making me blush harder if possible.

Oh god! I just talked to my crush. I never knew he knows my name. Who doesn't know your name? You are the quarterback's twin remember?


But yea. That is the only reason people knew me for. Quarterback's twin, swim team cap Trev's homie and 'hot' Mallory's best friend. Sad. I know. But I don't really mind though. I get enough unnecessary attention already. And I hate attention anyway. Wouldn't want more.

I was still flustered while entering the library and was planning lethal ways for killing a certain brown haired, green eyed ugly muggle.

"I am sorry , I am late Ms Debby."

"Oh it's okay honey. Just help me with these books." She said giving me a stack of books. Which are very heavy might I add. I took them smiling and went to my assigned side of the library.

"Look who showed up." Came a voice making me smile.

"Hey! What are you doing here? " I asked Nat.

"Well. I may or may not have skipped math. But who cares? Just tell me how come you dint kill my brother already."

"He will soon see his grave. Don't you worry."

"Want some help?"

"Sure. And who was the guy you were talking to?" I asked referring to a tall blonde who just left.

"Oh! That's Travis. He skipped math class too. We were just hanging out." She waved her hand dismissively.

"Okay. Now serve me you peasant."

"Why it's my pleasure your highness " she bowed taking the books and we started arranging the books talking about our day so far and laughing at random jokes. I told her about the Scott incident making her laugh and now she is giving me tips to stay calm around him.

-keep reading-

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