12. I want to stay

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I woke up with a smile to chirping birds and sprouting rainbows. It was all daisies and sunshine.

Sarcasm folks. Use of sarcasm.

Migraine. My head is throbbing. Feels like someone hit the crap out of me. Wow. Great Jamie, just a great way to start your day. I groaned as the light suddenly hit my eyes and immediately closed them.

I vaguely remember dancing away last night. Everything is a blank after I danced with Nat. Rubbing my head I looked around to find Tylenol and water. Grateful to whoever is the breathing brain I took in the pills immediately.

Seems like everyone is already up. I could hear light giggles and murmurs coming form the kitchen and dining room. Seems like mom dad are home. Mom was laughing and talking to Martha while she cooks and the girls were sitting on the chairs around. Chase was lazily leaning against the counter while Trevor and Blake were sitting on the table.


You heard me right.

ON the dining table. What happened to manners? They were all laughing at something Chase said. And finally my eyes found some particular person lightening up immediately.

"Daddy!" I squealed like a five year old. Yes. Thats me. Daddy's chipmunk.

"How are you sweetie?" Dad asked while laughing and hugging me.

"Bad right now daddy." I said pointing out my head which was still aching by the way. And all the noises sounded louder than usual but I was clever enough to know it's just the hangover.


Now go on. Spread the word. Jamie, the smartest of all.

"How was loosening up muffin?" Mom asked ruffling my hair.

"I don't really remember mom " I said honestly only for the rest to burst out laughing while I frowned confused.

"Let me fill in for you swan." Chase said making me frown yet again. Swan?

"Swan?, Have you lost it Chase? I thought we'd be able to save your sanity for a while longer."

He rolled his eyes and said. "I don't know if Mr pig has brains to think about sanity."

Did he just call himself a pig? And brainless? Wow. I must be dead.

"Are you alright?" I aksed with all the seriousness on this planet.

"Okay enough of it. Last night you were soo drunk that you thought you were a swan, and Chase was pig and Blake was donkey." Nat said wheezing with laughter.

"Well atleast the drunk me is honest." I said smirking for Blakey boy to scowl.

We had breakfast while dad narrated his great tales of survival at Hendersonville. Everyone were laughing and I just couldn't help but stare at them.

No. Before you ask me, I am NOT a creep.

I am just saying that I was content and happy with what I have. Don't jump to conclusions that easily people. Lesson learnt the hard way.

Unintentionally I made eye contact with Chase who held something weird in his eyes. So much emotion. He looked at me with an intensity I couldn't understand. I quickly got uncomfortable and turned away. My cheeks warm.

Why was he looking at me like that? I saw Blake looking at Chase and then me with an expression that showed joy? Wait, what? Is he happy we are not fighting anymore? Cuz I could totally change that. *Evil laugh*

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked Blake. Yes. I couldn't ask Chase the same.

" Admiring how beautiful my sister is." He said sarcasm lacing his voice making me scowl.

"Just tell me Blakey."

It's his turn to scowl now.

"Don't. Call. Me. That. Nothing. I was just wondering how you guys survived without having a fight for 24 hours." He said gesturing between Chase and me.

"Well, we've grown up I guess. We now hopefully know it leads us no where. Well, atleast I do. But I can't promise this stage of maturity for long though." I said winking at Chase.

He seems blank. Totally blank. What's wrong with him? I least expected him to wink back at me and say something to make me uncomfortable.

But nah! Nothing?

Before I could ask him he got up muttering an "excuse me" and went to his room. I gave a questioning look to Nat hoping she will know what's wrong only for her to mirror my expression.

If Blake knew something, he dint show. And Trevor is the same. Indifferent. That guys seriously has issues. He needs to express more.

Mom got a call and she came back to the dining room with a frown after some time.

"Nat and Chase are leaving tonight. Nate and Nessi are cutting their tour short more like cancelling the whole thing due to some deal with the Williams company." I immediately frowned.

"Aww...but I want to stay for a while more." Nat whined making mom chuckle.

"It's okay Natalie honey, you can meet your friends at school everyday."

Yes. But it's not the same.

Mal hugged Nat dramatically making me roll my eyes. Seriously? We will meet tomorrow anyway.

"Stay with us this Saturday after routine." Mal commanded and Nat immediately agreed happily.

Chase was informed and they started packing their stuff. I really wanted to know what's up with him but again, when did he ever tell me anything about his freaking life?

I just shrugged it off and focused on spending the best of time left with Nat.

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