34. we are just friends

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I hate how life isn't fair. You need to loose something in order to gain another. We just cannot get both.


Why is it always me? Okay. Don't blame me okay? Both of them are just SO attractive. Both smell good. And one look at them gets my mouth watering.

It's not my fault I'm attracted to both at a time. Anyone would be. If they aren't, then they are not even human.

Why do I have to choose again? Why can't I have them both?

Because people are judgemental and will think I am a pig?

Since when do you care what people think Jam?

I don't. But I am not the only one having them. I need to make a choice since Mal seems to be wanting either one.

Caramel and cheese.


I had to choose between these flavours. Life is so complicated I swear.

Gaah! Fish it!

"Just take a bowl Jam! I am missing the darn movie.." she whined making me glare at the bowls.

"Yow know what? I will just take some caramel. I think i want to have sweet right now." I grumbled taking the caramel bowl and she bounced away with the cheese popcorn.

I instantly missed it.

I know. I am greedy. And life isn't fair. I can always steel some popcorn from her bowl though.

But she is cuddling with your twin. Gross.

I rolled my eyes at the 'inner' voice and went back to see Chase occupying even my place on the couch.



I slid next to Scott who moved the other side absently making space for me. He took some popcorn from my bowl earning a glare which I don't think he noticed, for he being too busy checking black widow out.


He slung an arm around me making me slightly uncomfortable. But I know he is just being friendly so I shrugged it off.

I would steal glances(not purposely) from a certain green eyed dipshit only to find him smirking at me already. I swear I saw him glaring at Scott.

Is he jealous?

But I honestly din't think he needs to worry about Scott. And I also think that he knows that. It is kind of obvious that I like him. And also that Scott and I are totally platonic.

That still doesn't change the fact that Scott is a freaking Armani model who smells good and is charming and hot.

Cmon! I may not like him that way, but I am definitely not blind.

Not as hot as Chase though.

I mentally cursed myself for comparing Scott to Chase. The movie was done and we were back to bickering about what to do. We eventually got tired and decided to have lunch instead.

Mom called saying they are coming tomorrow taking a leave from work. And 'they' as in mom, dad and Nessi and Nate.

After devouring the food , the girls caught up to me and asked where we went in between the movie and I kind of hand to tell them about our 'encounter'.

They squealed shipping us but Mal thought it will only be fair if I told it myself.

"So, how are your feelings for Chase going? Deep? Do you like him VERY much?" She asked making me sign.

I pushed my fingers through my hair slowly rubbing my forehead and said

"I just like him. It's really nothing serious. I am not ready for anything deep yet or I guess ever. And I think he feels the same. We are just messing around." I told her honestly.

Mal signed but looked grately disappointed. I was not gonna lie to my best friends. I know it's nothing serious. Intimacy still freaks me out and I still cannot imagine myself getting intimate with anyone seriously.

I am just being playful and bouncy with Chase since I know this isn't serious. And also cuz he is conceited egoistic narcistic donkey headed monkey faced douche bag.

"Okay. But just don't hurt each other." Nat said seriously to which I just laughed.

"Have you even seen your brother getting hurt over a girl? Cmon Nat! You know him well." I said scoffing at the idea of him being hurt over me.

She curtly nodded knowing very well I am right.

"But I never took you to be 'messing around' type Jam. You sure about this? If it is hurting you, you could always back off or even better confess? We will help you get it through." Nat said with hopeful eyes.

Wow. They really ship us bad. Sorry folks, ain't gonna happen.

"I find him attractive. And yes, I am honestly not serious. I like him. Definitely. But nothing more. And you know we will be off to different routes in no time." I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Okay" they agreed.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see a smirking Chase. Mal and Nat now left to join the others in some stupid baseball conflict.

I raised my brow at his smirk.
"Missed me?" He asked slinging his hand around my shoulder.

"More than anything else." I said sarcastically scoffing.

Blake gave us a dirty look from afar, making it quite clear that he dint like it. Pft. Whatever. It's not like we are doing something. Chase just raised his hands in surrender while I rolled my eyes.

"Get your hands off my sister! And NO flirting both of you. Get it?" Blake barked for both of us to roll our eyes at his 'Blakey-ness'.

"I mean it man. You hurt her, you might as well forget your future " he threatened Chase dangerously.

"Wouldn't dream of it man." He said but still earned a glare from Blake. He then looked at me and said " you are NOT messing around with him Jamie! He is my best friend and totally off limits." To which I scoffed.

Before either of us uttered anything he said.

"I just don't want anything to get awkward between us, got it? None of you is serious and if something happens, it's not only you guys, but ALL of us will get uncomfortable." He said bluntly ignoring my embarrassed glare and Chase's annoyed face.

But we are just friends!

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