37. having fun

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I never thought there would be these many things to shop. Gosh. I was struggling with the bags while mom payed the bill.

"You need to work out Jam. Seriously, you need some strength in those skinny hands of yours."

"I am NOT skinny mom!"

"But your hands are." She replied childishly. My mom is a kid. Its official.

She started driving while I looked outside the window.



"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" I raised a brow at her sudden interest in my 'not so amazing' love life.

"I don't know." I replied honestly. I really don't know.
"I am not ready for a relationship yet mom." I said and she scoffed making me frown.

"What are you? 10? I was in LOVE with your father by your age. Are you sure you are not ready?"

I don't know. Okay?

"I don't know mom. I have no idea."

"Don't you like anyone yet? You are beautiful , smart , and witty. I am sure there must be someone into you."

I have no clue where this is heading. But I was blushing like an oof I am.

"No mom. There is no one into me."

"As if." Mom scoffed once again.

What is with her an scoffing today ?

"So,do you like anyone?" She asked making me choke. She had that 'lets have some gurl talk' face on and I was scared shitless.

"No!" I said way to quickly.

"Umhmm. Okay. From when did you and Chase actually get close?"

"We are just friends mom."

"I never said you were not dear. What did you think I was insinuating?" She asked now smirking at me with 'the glint'.


"Nothing. " I said and kept fiddling my thumbs.

"You sure you don't like him?"

"Positive." I dint want to tell her anything . I don't know how she will take it.

"I want you to have a boyfriend honey. I am afraid you will die single." She said turning me red.


I just wanted to yell pulling my hair.

"Mom! Can we like, NOT talk about something that doesn't exist? Like my love life?"

"Jeez okay okay! I was just being the 'cool mom'" she smirked and went back to humming the song .

I glared at her and huffed turning away. We soon reached the cottage and I helped her with the bags.

Before entering the front door, mom turned around and said

"Next time while kissing Chase , make sure no one is actually around. " She winked and walked away leaving me gaping at her retreating figure.


Earth? Hello? If you are listening to this, PLEASE swallow me.

My face was masked with disbelief and I am pretty sure I was flushed. Your life is cliche Jamie. Just cliche.

Cool mom, amazing twin, hot best friends, alpha father, happy family, good grades. Wow. You are epitome of cliche.

Even with all these cliche goods, I have my bads. Like my useless insecurities, anxiety, hopeless love life (more like no love life) and clueless emotions.

I entered the cottage to see everyone talking and laughing ready to eat while Bart was making something amazing as always. My stomach eventually grumbled from the lack of love(food) after I came out of the shock my mom put me through.

Mom had a sly smirk on her face while watching me and I was busy between glaring and blushing. And by the look on Ness's face, they have their little secret now. KILL ME.

I decided to ignore them and slid by Nat to devour my food. The aroma itself got me in a trance.

Chase smells good too.

Shut up!

I shook my head and had breakfast eagerly gulping my food.

"Slow down, the breakfast isn't running away." Trev said making me glare.

I took my plate to the sink after completing where dad and Nate were doing dishes. Yes. You heard me right. Mom made them do the dishes.

While coming out of the kitchen Chase slightly brushed my hand by the door and pecked my cheek making me red yet again.

What is it?

Make Jamie a beetroot day?

I ignored Chase and went to join the rest. Everyone were cracking up at something Josh said and Scott came clutching his stomach to sit by me.

Our parents left to visit someone nearby and Trevor wanted to play never have I ever.

"But we don't have drinks." Scott piped in to which Blake, Chase and Trev gave sheepish smiles scratching their neck.

"What is that look for?"

Blake suddenly got out booze from his room to which I gaped at him.

"Hey! I dint see it in our room before." Mal complained to which he carelessly shrugged.

"I am not drinking alcohol in broad day light. Nuh-uh." I said persistently to which Trev kept a bored expression.

"This is the first time Blake is actually not stopping you from loosening up but you are letting it slip away?" Trev asked to which everyone agreed and Blake glared at him.

While I was contemplating Mal spoke up.

"Cmon Jam! Your parents are also gone. And BLAKE isn't saying anything. We can switch off all the lights and close the curtains to make it seem dark?"

"Okay. Let's do this.",I said giving up to which they grinned.

Here goes nothing. Well maybe except I will be drunk more than anyone else here. And maybe I will lose my left over bit of dignity after getting drunk. And maybe, just maybe I will actually have fun before leaving these chimpanzees for the next few years.

Aww! I hate it that they have to leave. It just breaks my heart. Miles apart. JASE is countries apart! But that is how life works.




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