Ch. 1 Getting Adopted

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Hello my name is Olivia and I am in Agatha's Home for Boys and Girls. Agatha is the meanest person ever.  I spend most of the time at the mall with my two best friends, Nathan and Skylar.  I'm 14 and so are Nathan and Skylar.   We basically have no chance of getting adopted; I've been in this house since I was three.  Nathan came about a week after I did and we instantly became the best of friends.  Skylar came when she was five and all of us became best friends.


"Hey Liv are we going to the mall today?" Skylar asked walking into my room, yes since me, Skylar, and Nathan are the oldest here we get our own rooms.

"Yea, one sec let me get ready and tell Nathan that we're going" I said, Skylar nodded and walked out of my room,.  Today is the first day of summer and we get three months off from school.

I quickly did my hair and makeup then put on pink bootie shorts, a white crop top, and pink toms, when I was ready I walked downstairs.  Nathan and Skylar were sitting on the couch.

"Agatha, me, Nathan, and Skylar are going to the mall" I told Agatha.

"Okay be back by Supper slut" Agatha said, I nodded and walked back into the living room.

"Let's rock and roll" I said.  We all walk outside and its super hot.  "I love living in California" Skylar says.

"Me too" I say.

"Me three" Nathan joins in and me and Skylar laugh.

"Do you have any money?" Skylar asks.

"No" I laugh.

"Then why'd we come" Nathan whines.

"Let's go to the beach, I packed the swimsuits" Skylar says, I nod my head and quickly text Agatha telling here we're going to the beach, she replied saying I don't give a fuck just be back by supper time slut.


"Alright off to the beach" I said, we walked to the beach and surprisingly no one was in sight.

"Where is everyone?" Nathan asks.

"Remember, we go to a private school we get out a month earlier than everyone" Skylar says.

"Oh yea" I say.

"Well I need to tan" I say, I wrapped a towel around my body and changed.  Then I laid the towel on the sand and laid down on it, Skylar and Nathan also changed and then they ran off into the water.   I plugged my headphones into my Iphone and turned on some music, I closed my eyes and thought, what if my parents never died where would I be right now?

I hugged the locket around my neck, close to my heart.  Inside was a picture of my parents when they were younger and on the other side there was a picture of me with them about a week before the accident.

I let a few tears slip out of my eyes but I quickly wiped them away, but that didn't work to well because more tears kept coming.  I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest still crying.

"Liv?" I heard Nathan ask.  I looked up and saw Nathan and Skylar standing in front of me. 

"Are you okay" Skylar asked, I shook my head, no I wasn't okay I was dyeing inside.

"Thinking about them?" Nathan asks knowingly, I nod and he wraps his arms around me, I turn around and cry into his chest.

"I m-miss t-them s-so m-much" I choke out.

"I know you do" Nathan said rubbing my back.  About 20 minutes of crying I lifted my head up and wiped off my tear stained cheeks.

"Thanks, for always being there for me" I said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now