Ch. 49 I'm Fine

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*Olivia's P.O.V*

*5 months later*

It's been four more months, Adam has raped me three times theses past four months.  I stay curled up in a ball all day and I don't speak or eat.  I get beat by Adam every day.  The door opened and just as expected Adam walked in. 

He yanked me by my hair and threw me to the ground.  He started hitting and kicking me all over.  He kept on going this is the most that he's ever done.  I didn't thinkhe was going to stop.  Darkness sorounded me.

*Holly's P.O.V.*

Me and Josh walked up to Olivia's door and opened it, the sight in front of us shocked both of us.  Adam was beating Olivia and Olivia was unconsicious. 

Before I knew what was happening Josh threw Adam off of Olivia and started beating the shit out of him.

I picked Olivia up bridal style and started running. I ran into the tiwns and Matthew's room and they looked scared.  "Follow me" I said, they staretd following me, I put them in the car and I set Olivia in the car, I started driving.  

I drove to the hospital.   "Mia, Mya, Matthew walk in to that buildiing I'll be behind you" I said. They nodded I set them in the parking lot and picked Olivia up. I followed Mia and Mya into the hospital.

"Help her" I said.  A lady brought a gurney out and took Olivia from me and placed her on it.  "I'll need you to wait out here" the lady said and wheeled Olivia away.  I picked Mia and Mya up, they were both crying and I sat in a waiting room seat. Please be okay Liv.

I took out my phone and called Mckala.  "Hello" Mckala answered the phone.

"Mckala it's Holly" I said.

"Is Liv okay are you okay?" Mckala asked.

"I'm fine Liv not to much, come to the hospital" I said. 

"Okay we'll be right there" Mckala said.  I hung up and the twins looked at me "is mommy going to be okay?" Mya asked.

"Yea, mommy will be just fine" I said.

"Where is she?" Mia asked.

"Those nice ladies took her back in the back to check on some things" I said.  

The door to the waiting room opened and in walked Mckala, David, Sophia, Blake, Alley, and Harry.

"Daddy" the twins yelled juming off my lap and running up to Harry.  "Babe" I said and ran up to David.  "Daddy" Matthew yelled, I kissed David on the lips and then handed Matthew to him.

"Are you okay, did he touch you?" David asked.

"No Adam didn't lay a finger on me, Liv should be the one you worry about" I said.

David sat beside me and had Matthew in his lap.  "Why does this keep happening to her" Harry asked, he was sitting in a chair and Mia and Mya were in his lap.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

I woke up and was blinded by bright light. My eyes adjusted to the light.  Where am I?  I was certaintly not at Adam's.  

"Awh your awake" Someone said walking into the room.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"In a hospital" the lady said.

"How long have I been here?" I asked.

"A week" the lady said.

"I'll go get your friends" she said and walked out of the room.  Soon in walked, Holly, Harry, Mckala, Blake, David, Matthew, Sophia, Alley, Mia, and Mya.

"Mommy" I heard Mia and Mya yell, they ran up to the hospital bed and hugged me.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, I just stared at him.

"She stopped talking" Holly informed them.

"Liv, you know you can trust me" Harry said, I know I can trust Harry.

"What I miss while I was gone?" I asked, everyone laughed.

"Nothing much" Harry smiled.

"Mommy we missed you" Mia said, Harry picked them up and placed them on my hospital bed.

"Now our family is complete again" I said.

"Stop acting, I know you're hurting with all Adam did to you.  You don't have to act around us, stop putting that stupid fake smile on" Holly yelled, she stormed out of the room and David chased after her.

"Daddy we missed you" Mya said.

"I missed you both" Harry said.

"Liv, you don't have to act around us" Harry said.

"I know, I'm not acting" I said.

"Do you want me to cry all day,be scared of everyone, and not talk?" I asked, Harry stayed silent.

"Exactly I'm fine" I said, the door opened and in walked Holly and Mckala.

"Can we talk alone?" I asked, everyone nodded and left the room, Mia and Mya were still sitting on the hospital bed.

"Liv, you don't have to act around us" Holly said.

"Hol-bear, I'm acting for Mia and Mya.  Also I don't want Harry to feel bad for me again" I said.

"Please don't act anymore" Holly begged.

"I can't stop acting, it's for the best" I said.

*1 month later*

It's been another month and today I can leave this hospital. "Ready to leave?" Harry asked walking into the hospital room, he had Mia and Mya in his arm.  I nodded my head, I was already dressed. 

I stood up and walked over to Harry "the doctor said to take it easy so let me carry the twins" Harry said, I nodded.

We walked out of the hospital and I got in Harry's car.  We drove to the hotel and we walked inside. "We just have to pick everybody up, then we're going to the air port" Harry said, I nodded.

*One long plane ride and a drive to Olivia's house later*

We arrived at my house and I got out of the car.  Harry got Mia and Mya out,  We all walked inside and I heard peolpe yell "welcome home" I smiled.  

It was Emily, April, Lydia, Melissa, Chelsea, Kathrine, Jasmine, and Rebecca. Their kids were here too.  Harry set Mia and Mya down and all the kids, including Matthew ran out the back door with Harry. 

"Thanks guys'" I said hugging each of them. "Are you okay?" Emily asked.

"Yea, I'm fine" I said.

Adopted (One Direction fan fiction)(Completed w/sequel)Where stories live. Discover now