Ch. 37 Hospital

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Soon everyone was in the waiting room, Mckala took the twins to Emily's and then she came.  

I don't know how long we sat here until a nurse came up "friends and family of Olivia Young" I litterally jmped out of my seat.

"She's fine, but she's not awake yet and there's something that we have to tell you" we all looked at her with a questioning face.

"Actually I can't tell anyone but her" the nurse said, we all nodded understandably..

"She should be awake any minute now" the nurse said.

"Follow me to her room" she said, we all followed her into this hospital room. And laying on the bed was Olivia, but this Olivia had wires hooked up to her, was as pale as a ghost and as skinny as a twig.  She started to move and then her eyes opened.

"Awh nice to see you're awake" the nurse said.

"I need to talk to you, everyone out" the nurse comanded,we all exited the room.

*Olivia's P.O.V.*

Everyone exited the room and the nurse looked at me with sad eyes.  "You have signs of rape, you were forced into it one too many times, I'm sorry but you can't have kids anymore" the nurse said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry" she said.

"It's okay, can you send everyone in?" I asked, she nodded and soon everybody was in my hospital room.

Harry walked up to me and took my hand in his "what did she say?" he asked.

"I can't have babies anymore" I said, I thinkit shocked everybody that I actually talked.

"Liv, I'm so sorry' Sophia said.

"It's okay" I said.

"I'm fine" I fake smiled.

"Is there anything we can do for you?" Blake asked.

"Bring me my babies" I said.

"Already done" Mckala walked in holding hands with my babies, they ran up to me, I let go of Harry's hand and picked Mia up, I sat her on the bed beside me and then I picked Mya up and sat her beside Mia.

"I love you both" I said.

"I wuv you" they both said hugging me.

 "Awh" I heard everyone say.

"There's my little patient" I saw Emily walk in.

"Hey Em" I said.

"How are you doing?" she asked.

"I've been better" I sighed.

"Where's Noah?" I asked.

"At April's" Emily said.

"So how has these past 5 months been?" I asked her.

"Can everyone leave, I need to talk to Liv alone" Emily said.  "Bye Liv, I'll be back later" Harry said, everyone left the room and Mckala took Mia and Mya with her.

"LIv, you might be fooling them, but you're not fooling me I can tell that you're far from okay" Emily said.

"You're right, I'm not okay" I sighed.

"I just can't beleive that I'm never going to have kids again" I said.

"I know how you feel" Emily said.

"How?" I asked her.

"I got raped, that's how I had Noah. Well when Noah was 6 months old I got raped again.  I went to the doctors and they said I couldn't have kids anymore" Emily said.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't know" I felt bad for Emily.

"It's okay, but I still haven't gotten over it and I know that you haven't gotten over any of this shit that you've been through" Emily said.

I sighed "you're right"

"When will it get better" I asked.

"I wish I could say soon but honestly I don't know" Emily said.

"I'm glad that I have someone who I can go to for help now" I said.

"Me too" Emily said.

"Hey Em?" I asked.

"Yea Liv?" she asked.

"Are you going to stay in the neighborhood?" I asked.

"Of course everyone is, we already promised each other" Emily smiled.

"Awesome, I really want Mia and Mya to be raised in a good neighborhood and they'll be friends with the boys for a long time I know it" I said.

"I know they will too, Mia and Mya look just like you" Emily smiled.

"That's what I've been told" I said.

"If anything happens to me you need to promise me that you will take care of them" I said.

"I promise" Emily said.

"I'm glad we became friends" I said.

"Me too" Emily said.

*1 week later*

It's been a week and today I get to leave and go home, Mckala's picking me up.  "Ready?" Mckala asked walking into my room, she had the twins in her arms.

"Mommy" they smiled when they saw me, I stood up and took them from Mckala.

"Let's go" I said.

We got back to the house and luckily no one was here.  I don't need a lot of people around right now.  I got out and got the twins out, we all walked inside.

I set the twins down and they ran off.  I went into my room and laid on my bed.

"Are you hungry?" Mckala asked poking her head in.

"No" I said.

"Don't start this again" she begged.

"I said no now drop it:" I groweld.  I closed my eyes and felt myself drift off to sleep. 

I was awoken by the sound of my door opening, I sat up and saw Harry walk in.

"Liv, we need to talk" he said.

"About what?" I asked.

"We're sending you to an inpatient treatment center for anorexia, it's called Center for Change" Harry said.

"You're sending me away, I thought you loved me" I said.

"It's for your own health" Harry said.

"No, you just don't want me here anymore, I'm just another problem" I said.

"No, I love you that's why I'm doing this" Harry said.

"When do I leave?" I asked.

"Tomorrow" Harry said.

"Will you please leave so I can pack?" I asked him.

I'm really sorry" he said.

"Just leave" I said, Harry got up and walked out of the room.  I got out a suitcase and started throwing everything in it. 

I zipped it back up and walked into the twins room "Mia Mya" I said.  I sat down on their floor and they sat in my lap.

"Tomorrow mommy is leaving for a little while, but I'll be back I promise" I said and ment it.

They hugged me and I hugged them back, we let go and I stood up, I walked back into my room.

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